View Full Version : Feel like I知 fainting or blacking out while trying to sleep

01-04-21, 21:04
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced a sudden blackout feeling while trying to fall asleep? I am very overtired since my anxiety is preventing me sleeping.

My eyes were closed and my vision went very black as if a computer shutting off and I felt like I was fainting. I wasn’t asleep though as I was conscious of it happening and felt like I couldn’t open my eyes for a couple seconds. It was different to the slow process of falling asleep as it was very sudden and I felt as if I fainted then jolted awake

im just wondering if this is a type of hypnic jerk

lately I’ve been seeing bright flashes of light or strange scripts while falling asleep that suddenly jolt me awake, but never really a blackout like that. It was like although my vision is black when I close my eyes everything went super black but I was awake and conscious of it and it scared me

02-04-21, 11:05
Yeah it's common, especially in times of high anxiety.

As hard as it is, you just have to ignore it and let your body sleep. One or two better nights sleep should resolve it.

I remember being stuck in the cycle for days where I was so tired I could barely stay conscious, but the second I fell asleep I would jerk awake again in a weird halfway state between dream and reality.