View Full Version : Worried about lymphoma please read

01-04-21, 23:47
I noticed just yesterday that above collarbone on left side is what feels like a fat hump nothing but fat in it no hardness or anything. The thing is my other side does anything like it I know sometimes one side could have not fat than other but I’m also not feeling good for a week I’ve had sinus infection and I’ve been waking up swearing behind neck and everything this makes me worry it’s lymphoma. I also don’t feel anything when I lay down it’s noticeable when I’m up though. You think this could just be fat or is a tumor or something I’m very worried

02-04-21, 07:39
I looked I stuff I’m worried it’s swollen lymph node and those in that spot and that side is bad and means mestasis somewhere and I’m worried. I still feel like logically that don’t make sense I had a full blood test everything I. End of July and I was fine and feel like this is just thing of fat above collarbone. Anyone that could talk me down from worrying I could use advice

02-04-21, 08:35
Sounds like a swollen lymph node. I had huge ones when I had strep throat. One thing you must not do though is keep prodding and poking it as that will make it worse and in fact, make it even bigger. If you're that worried your doctor can always feel it and put your mind at ease. I know it isn't easy to think rational x

02-04-21, 08:45
I’ve read having swollen lymph node there on that side is bad most associated with tumors and mestasis I’m very worried

02-04-21, 08:52
Could it be a muscle? Specifically Omohyoid muscle. Ive been down this route before thinking a long, smallish hump felt like a lymph node but in fact it was just a ligament / muscle. At first I thought it felt like a really pronounced LN!

02-04-21, 09:09
Bobby- you agree if it was a swollen lymph node I would feel it when laying down cause I don’t I only feel like when I’m in a sitting or standing position

02-04-21, 12:46
I noticed just yesterday

Hmmmm.... How did that happen? :whistles:

I looked I stuff.

Why? :huh:

I could use advice

Pretty simple really... Stop self-examining yourself and don't Google :shades:


02-04-21, 20:49
Thanks yea thing thing d I only feel it I don’t see no bump which is why I think it’s just fat and I don’t feel it when laying down I fee like it probably not a lymph node but still worry