View Full Version : jaw/chin pain

02-04-21, 09:30
its not constant but a dull pain last a few minutes, been happening for around a month etc, saw dentist yesterday and no tooth issues as such, ecg last march normal, but i have been stressed as working throughout on frontline, and bff just had stents fitted (had previous heart issues) and im worried as can only get a over the phone dr app on 19 april

04-04-21, 08:44
Hi. I've had anxiety for many years and found it produces many different symptoms. One of them has been jaw pain which has lasted around 6 weeks each time. The more I stressed the longer it lasted!
Look up TMJ.

04-04-21, 21:08
Yeah, jaw clenching does this. You won't even realise you're doing it.

05-04-21, 14:59
thanks guys, thats what my dentist said this am at emergency app, no issues with teeth except back teeth bad from grinding

05-04-21, 23:56
Yep, jaw clenching. There's videos on the Internet to show how you can relax those tense muscles. You basically work your fingertips up and down from jawline to ears and it helps me.
Very impressed with your scoring in the arcade by the way. :winks: