View Full Version : Lump on Side of neck? Lymphoma?

02-04-21, 18:17
Hey all,

I just want to preface this by saying I have suffered with Health Anxiety before and convinced myself I had Heart attacks, Colon Cancer and Melanoma. However, I thought I had moved past "Health Anxiety" but I'm now back to googling and posting on forums!

I'm 29 male, from the UK. Ex smoker and weighing at 14st 7 so slightly overweight. My issues arrived about 2 weeks ago now. I seem to have a bout of Eczema (might not even be Eczema) flaring up. I have a rash on inner elbows and neck which is fairly itchy. The itching on my neck led me to find a lump.. a small lump.. but a lump none the less on the right outer side of my neck about halfway between my ear and collarbone. Its probably about 0.5cm-1cm hasn't changed as far as I'm aware in the span of 2 weeks. Its definitely still there and easily felt. Cant be seen, but literally lightly touching my neck you can feel it on that side.

Obviously Google has led me to believe its a form of cancer, whether that be Lymphoma, Thyroid or Throat cancer. Great. I do, however not have any other symptoms and feel fit and well bar this lump and this rash..

I'm absolutely shitting myself ngl. I have spoken with my GP on the phone, who based off of my symptoms etc is not worried but is having me in to get an exam on Tuesday.

I'm just very concerned im going to go Tuesday and be rushed off for further testing and in turn be carrying cancer around inside me.

Its driving me up the wall.

02-04-21, 20:34
I too also discovered a small lymph node on the right side of my neck after hearing about lymphoma... otherwise,I wouldn't have found it. It feels like a kidney bean and my doctors have assured me it's nothing to worry about. Is it possible that you always had it and just noticed it now?

02-04-21, 20:42
I too also discovered a small lymph node on the right side of my neck after hearing about lymphoma... otherwise,I wouldn't have found it. It feels like a kidney bean and my doctors have assured me it's nothing to worry about. Is it possible that you always had it and just noticed it now?

Nice to offer a little reassurance but I thought you were taking a break? :huh:


03-04-21, 04:19
My friend described her son's lymphoma as looking like a fist sticking out of his neck.

When you can describe your lump that way, I'd say you have something to worry about.

03-04-21, 08:13

Where abouts on your neck is it? I literally wouldn't v noticed mine if I didn't have the rash/itch then upon finding it I Googled it.. now I'm sure I have Lymphoma or some time of neck cancer.. is very small but feeling neck I can feel it point out of my neck. Its not painful at all and seems to be in a weird place. I don't know whether always been there too due to never really exploring my neck like that. GP visit on Tuesday so she can examine it.

How have you dealt with yours?

03-04-21, 08:16
Hi NancyW

Mine is nothing like a fist sticking out of my neck, hell.. you can't see it visibly. Its by touch and its easy to feel it though. No mistaking that.

No other symptoms of anything, bar this rash. I've seen on Google, that the lump is the main symptom so has me worried alot..

03-04-21, 11:53
I've seen on Google

Do yourself a favor and stop that.

Lumps and bumps are horrid for HA, I get that, googling will set you off on a spiral you'll struggle to get out of.

03-04-21, 12:33
Do yourself a favor and stop that.

Lumps and bumps are horrid for HA, I get that, googling will set you off on a spiral you'll struggle to get out of.

Yeah I do need to refrain from Googling. 100% agree with that, that was my main issue a few years back when I convinced myself I had heart issues, colon cancer, melanoma etc.

Unfortunately with it being so accessible and used in day to day, I simply typed it into Google and was met with instant lymphoma and or neck cancer. So that led me into the spiral im currently on.

03-04-21, 15:13
I simply typed it into Google and was met with instant lymphoma and or neck cancer. So that led me into the spiral im currently on.

So what are you going to do to help yourself?

03-04-21, 17:22
Hi there,
I have had the same node pop up on the back of my neck twice due to an eczema rash. I also have two nodes I can always feel. They just never returned back to normal size. Both were painless. My roommate has one in his neck. He never even noticed it until I mentioned it when I saw it sticking out from his neck . He doesn't care about it at all, never has had it checked out, but he also doesn't have health anxiety. Please don't fall down the lymph node anxiety hole, and stop touching and examining ! Touching the nodes can make them swell, and stay permanently palpable.

06-04-21, 12:44
Just a quick update, been to GP this morning.. and she thoroughly felt my neck. The lump is not even a lymphnode.. said it seems to be fatty tissue or skin swelling. Felt all my nodes in neck and said all completely fine. None to worry about.. said I looked really healthy and there's no worries at all from her end. Said if it grew massive then to go back! Feeling super relieved