View Full Version : Jury Service

03-04-21, 19:39
So, I have jury service starting Tuesday. I found out about this maybe six weeks ago, and I was quite excited because it was something new and different.

Now, obviously, with 3 days to go I'm getting anxious as heck because it's something new and different. I'm not actually panicky (yet) but over the past few days I've been finding it increasingly hard to function.

Anybody got any advice or words of encouragement? I'm mostly scared because I like a regular schedule and I can't predict how long this will last or how long the days will be.

03-04-21, 19:46
Take a book to read.

You'll probably be bored out of your skull, if the experience of most of my friends has been anything to go by. Only one had an interesting case, involving an MP and that was back in the early 90s.

03-04-21, 19:48
Got a couple of books set aside for this very task.

03-04-21, 20:48
I hope you find it interesting, even if you don't get chosen as I assume you're going through selection process. Good luck :)

03-04-21, 20:48
Well, I have no advice at all because I've never done it, but I'm quite jealous as would love to be called.

03-04-21, 20:54
I’ve had jury duty here 3-4 times in my life. I’ve never been selected for the jury though, which is annoying. Would love to sit in on one someday. Is your process the same as ours, where they call a large “pool” of potential jurors and then ask a bunch of questions and narrow down the choices from there? Or is it that you get called for duty and are automatically on the jury?

The waiting time is super boring. Agree with the book idea, or download a couple games on your phone or something to pass the time. I don’t like feeling “stuck” places. Usually a trigger for my anxiety. Surprisingly, I’ve never been anxious at jury duty. It’s kind of interesting hearing all the questions and answers. And you inevitably get at least one potential juror that absolutely doesn’t want to be there, so answers all the questions as outrageously as possible. Pretty entertaining lol.

03-04-21, 21:10
I'm not even sure how it works. Do you have to go stay in a hotel while they figure out if you're worthy?! :yesyes:

03-04-21, 21:23
I've done jury service Blue.
Definitely take a book because there is a lot of waiting time with the picking of the jury.
Also. When you are picked and shown to the room. You are dependent on them feeding you and giving you drinks. So maybe take a bottle of water and a choc bar with you.
Wear comfortable shoes because you could be there all day.
The good news is that it is definitely interesting and you play an important role in serving the country. I think you will enjoy it.
But make sure you are never late and don't discuss the case with anyone outside of the jury itself.
Hope this helps. x

03-04-21, 22:16
I was called for it in the 90s but true to form I bottled it. I was working then too.

04-04-21, 01:55
I hope you enjoy it Blue.
Sounds like there’s lots of waiting around. Maybe get a puzzle book too for when you can’t be bothered to read anymore. Or even just something to scribble on & doodle.

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04-04-21, 04:38
Tons of useful advice here, thanks! Going to bring a water bottle, snacks, a power bank for my phone and a couple of paperbacks, I think.

04-04-21, 06:59
I was called for it in the 90s but true to form I bottled it. I was working then too.

I got called not long after my relapse so had to go that route. But these days the forms ask if you are under care for mental health reasons and they just exempt you.

Blue, my mum went through it and never got called. It is a lot of waiting around and as Carnation says there are strict rules to follow but you like organisation so that won't bother you.

A book, doodling, etc is a good idea. You might lose your work structure but isn't work in your head too? What I mean is just because you aren't in the office doesn't mean you can't spend time working through areas of projects with pen & paper if that helps restore some normality?

Just remember, no booing when they lead Boris Johnson into the box :biggrin:

04-04-21, 07:35
Just remember, no booing when they lead Boris Johnson into the box :biggrin:

Spoilsport! Next thing you know you'll be telling me I can't throw eggs!

The work thing is a really good idea, actually, I have a bunch of Office software on my phone so I can use OneNote to work on my next teaching assignment.

Honestly, I'm mostly just sulking because it's the Easter holidays and I was looking forward to my fortnight off ;)

04-04-21, 08:00
I've never been called for Jury Service but you've had some really good advice here, Blue and if you're selected I'm sure you'd be an excellent asset to the team.

My dad was a legal eagle at the Old Bailey and once got a family friend removed from the jury because he knew him..The friend was totally oblivious to this and thought that he'd committed a crime as he'd been disqualified! He was relieved when all was explained afterwards!

04-04-21, 13:21
I got called up for that and was gutted that I couldn't do it. Would of been really interesting for me I think.

04-04-21, 13:39
I found it quite exhausting, probably because of the hanging around and then if you are picked you remain super alert to listen to the evidence
I was at the Old Bailey so I suppose it was going to be more intense.

04-04-21, 19:04
Here in the states, they love to assign teachers to trials :/ I've manage to escape getting on a jury, but lots of my co-workers have been on them. They like teachers because we're educated, usually civic minded, but we're used to being trampled by bureaucracy and our districts give us time off for jury duty (even though the students suffer by having a sub). If you don't want to be on a trial, don't volunteer the info that you are a teacher unless directly asked...that's my advice!

04-04-21, 20:55
Given how people have described it, I'd probably try and find some kind of online course to do and take a laptop to do it on.

04-04-21, 20:58
I'm way ahead of you, Joe, will be working on my current assignment for my teacher training course.

04-04-21, 21:03
I'm way ahead of you, Joe, will be working on my current assignment for my teacher training course.

Nice one, ideal.

05-04-21, 01:28
Spoilsport! Next thing you know you'll be telling me I can't throw eggs!

The work thing is a really good idea, actually, I have a bunch of Office software on my phone so I can use OneNote to work on my next teaching assignment.

Honestly, I'm mostly just sulking because it's the Easter holidays and I was looking forward to my fortnight off ;)

Nah, if it's Boris you're allowed to throw the egg...whilst it's still in the chicken! Keir told me so :yesyes:

05-04-21, 09:07
I got called up for jury duty 2years ago,but wasn’t picked because I worked at Grafton where the crim was held.
Plus I reckon the way they looked at my piercings and tatts I was judged by the Barrister.

06-04-21, 07:28
Okay, I'm a wuss, I'm having a raging panic now.

06-04-21, 07:43
I have to say I’m a little jealous! I’m a solicitor and I’ve always wanted to be called for Jury Service just for the pure curiosity as I used to work in a courtroom.

The unpredictability of it can be anxiety inducing so I do get that, but at the same time, it could be a one day trial and you’ll be done and dusted by 5pm, or it could be a week or two. Just try and relax and enjoy the process. Hopefully it’s something interesting so you’ll not be bored stiff because it can get really boring with the barristers banging on and on [emoji23] A colleague of mine got called up for jury in a six week long trial but it got thrown out after a day for various reasons and she was back at work the next day!

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06-04-21, 07:45
Thanks, Fizzymoon! I'm definitely looking forward to it, it's just the bloody anxiety kicking in and making me think it's more frightening than it is.

You're right, though, the main thing is the unpredictability and the fact I won't be able to escape if I need to.

06-04-21, 08:18
I think anyone would be apprehensive about the first day, Blue and it's much harder for people like us but I do hope that you'll feel a lot better once you know what's expected of you and what is likely to happen after today. It's all the unknown at this stage but soon you'll be underway and probably feeling more comfortable once you know what's what?

06-04-21, 08:21
Anticipatory anxiety, Blue. Maybe some excitement. Fear of unknown, lack of control, all the usual stuff it thrives on.

But you want to do this. So that positive mindset can overcome this.

Use some of your tools for dealing with heading the symptoms off and sitting with the buzzing feelings.

I bet once you are in there and able to take action you will take over finding the natural distraction of focussing on doing something. And you might meet some people to chat with.

Good luck.

06-04-21, 08:22
I think that's right, Pulisa, yes. It's just a question of getting there and getting my bearings.

Hopefully the gastric symptoms will fade off, too, they've been a bit of a nuisance this morning.

06-04-21, 08:24
I have to say I’m a little jealous! I’m a solicitor and I’ve always wanted to be called for Jury Service just for the pure curiosity as I used to work in a courtroom.

The unpredictability of it can be anxiety inducing so I do get that, but at the same time, it could be a one day trial and you’ll be done and dusted by 5pm, or it could be a week or two. Just try and relax and enjoy the process. Hopefully it’s something interesting so you’ll not be bored stiff because it can get really boring with the barristers banging on and on [emoji23] A colleague of mine got called up for jury in a six week long trial but it got thrown out after a day for various reasons and she was back at work the next day!

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Damn, so it's really not like on the telly? And the barristers aren't all good looking suave types? :biggrin:

06-04-21, 08:28
I think that's right, Pulisa, yes. It's just a question of getting there and getting my bearings.

Hopefully the gastric symptoms will fade off, too, they've been a bit of a nuisance this morning.

I think that once you get there you will be find that it's not as daunting as you fear and the gastric stuff will fade away. Let's face it..you're an intelligent woman and you're probably going to be one of the most competent and conscientious people there.

06-04-21, 09:24
Damn, so it's really not like on the telly? And the barristers aren't all good looking suave types? :biggrin:

I’m afraid not! It’s really quite boring most of the time unless it’s a murder trial of course, they can be very interesting!! The barristers tend to be stuffy boring types [emoji23]

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06-04-21, 10:19
Blue, you have nothing to worry about, it's just the building up to going and not knowing what to expect.
You are doing the right thing by preparing for any boredom and the upside to this is you might only be there for a short case and if its a longer one it will be more intense and it will challenge your brain.
The staff I found incredibly friendly. They provide good and plentiful food.
I'd wear layers of clothing incase you get hot. T. Shirt, cardi/jumper, jacket /coat.
You'll find it so achievable once you are there. x

06-04-21, 13:41
Okay, did not foresee falling down a step in the courtroom, then narrowly avoiding going backwards through a door.

Not sure whether I'm about to die of social anxiety now or whether I'm immune to it.

06-04-21, 14:36
Bless you Blue. You must have been nervous and overwhelmed with what you have to face inside. The worst bit is past now. You are doing brilliantly, even if you don't feel like you are.

06-04-21, 16:44
Thanks, Carnation, I really appreciate it.

06-04-21, 17:31
How’s it going?

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06-04-21, 17:51
Got back about an hour and a half ago. It's grim, but I'm not afraid any more.

06-04-21, 18:10
Okay, did not foresee falling down a step in the courtroom, then narrowly avoiding going backwards through a door.

Not sure whether I'm about to die of social anxiety now or whether I'm immune to it.

I blame Norman Wisdom :winks:

They know it's stressful and it will be forgotten a minute later. Don't worry about it.

06-04-21, 18:15
Got back about an hour and a half ago. It's grim, but I'm not afraid any more.

That's fantastic and very well done! First day done and dusted and time now for some relaxation and peace and quiet!

06-04-21, 18:48
Blue, it's quite a tiring experience, so just relax throughout the evening. You did brilliantly. Well done!

06-04-21, 18:55
Got back about an hour and a half ago. It's grim, but I'm not afraid any more.

Well done you x

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07-04-21, 04:53
So did they put you on a trial?

07-04-21, 04:58
They did. Avoiding specifics, it's pretty grim, and being sat in perspex cubicles all day listening to the details is really doing me no good at all.

Feeling properly sick this morning at the thought of going back. I need to find some coping strategies as I'm back to skin picking again and I think people may have noticed.

07-04-21, 08:19
I think you need to distance yourself mentally from the details of the trial. Think of the details as neutral facts which will help you gain more information. Try to take out the emotional response to what you are hearing? You don't know the people involved..They are just parts of a puzzle which you need to try to understand and solve.

If it does all get too much then there's absolutely no shame in speaking out and saying how much it's affecting you mentally..It must happen all the time. It's gruelling, I'm sure and not worth jeopardising your own mental health over.

07-04-21, 08:26
Apparently it's going to be finished by Friday at the latest. If it was going to take weeks then I'd probably speak up, though; quite badly nauseated this morning.

It's kind of a combination of the nature of the trial and the Covid precautions - we're essentially sat individually with perspex screens on three sides of us and a wall behind us. In order to get in and out we have to manoeuvre the screens and our chairs in a very tight space, none of which is good if you're naturally a bit panicky. Not sure about other people, but the more stressed I get the more I need to move around.

Going to try and find a nice chunky bracelet to wear today so that I can fiddle with it rather than ripping at my nails and hands.

07-04-21, 08:34
That's a good idea.

I'd need to move around too so it must be a pretty challenging set up for you, Blue. I hope today is a bit less daunting.

07-04-21, 08:46
There, got a nicely woven beaded bracelet on each wrist. I don't *think* it looks too silly, and it's certainly a better look than trying to discreetly clear up shards of nail or blood spots.

Thanks for the encouragement. Normally I'd bribe myself with a takeaway tea (we have a wonderful Korean place near us) but I've really lost my love for food this week, which kind of worries me in and of itself as that hasn't happened in a good few years.

07-04-21, 08:49
You're dealing with a completely new daily routine here-albeit temporary.

Maybe plan a takeaway treat for the weekend when you'll have done your bit for British Justice?!

07-04-21, 08:52
The bracelets will help. My son uses rubber bands round his wrist to curb his oral self injuring. Sounds strange but an ASD psychologist advised this

07-04-21, 09:08
Thank you, you're really helping.

I'm quite lucky in that my beadwoven stuff is very tactile; it'll be something I can fiddle with discreetly when the claustrophobia kicks in.

07-04-21, 09:43
I hope the bracelets help. The situation does sound claustrophobic but you are doing brilliantly in finding ways around it.

Can you also try the mindfulness 5 things too maybe? It’ll get a bit repetitive but you could mix it up.

So 5 things you can see
4 things you can hear
3 things you can touch
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste

You could change it to things about the people in the room - 5 people wearing earrings, 4 people wearing black, 3 people with brown hair, 2 people who are fidgeting, 1 person who you would like to be friends with. Etc etc etc. Make up some games to distract yourself.

Don’t worry about the appetite, it will come back. X

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07-04-21, 09:44
The whole perspex box thing, tight space and chair sounds - challenging - urgh. Have you tried those fiddle items you can get on a huge global online site - there used to just be the fiddle cubes, but there are now lovely varied assorted 3D shapes with a multitude of different things to fiddle with in the palm of your hand, and those magnetic rings that you play around with. If interested let me know and I can PM links, they work for our household (those what need them).

07-04-21, 10:13
Oh I’ve got one of the fiddle cubes, love it! Also those little fiddle rings, do you mean the ones that are a bit scratchy too?

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07-04-21, 10:28

07-04-21, 10:37
Hi Blue, sounds like a combination of the nature of the case and the perspex cubicle which are the main factors for your anxiety and feeling generally uncomfortable.
I see you've had some good advice from members.
I use the rubber bands on the wrist too. A necklace also helps to twiddle with. It's all about keeping your hands busy. Rings on fingers are also a distraction.
With the perspex cubicle which I wouldn't like either, maybe you could do some meditation in the evening and imagine you are a Celebrity on a panel as you imagine going to your seat ready to judge. It might help physiologically. You've got through one day and on your second so you're half way through. Try to look it like that. Friday is not normally a long day and most of that will be in the jurors room as a norm.
Think of it as a challenge and think of rewards you can give yourself when it is over. x

07-04-21, 11:37
Today is a bit better, thanks, we're bonding as a jury and it really helps to know that many people are having trouble.

Doing a really fancy online beading class on Saturday, and in the meantime I may be able to manage that Korean takeaway tonight. It's quite good because if you want, you can just get soups or grilled meats with rice and salad.

07-04-21, 12:16
That's good to hear Blue :yesyes:
I'm presuming it's the lunch hour at the Court.
I was about to mention that as time passes you will be speaking more with your fellow jurors and the fact they may be feeling the same as you will give you the comfort you need. x

07-04-21, 12:46
Today is a bit better, thanks, we're bonding as a jury and it really helps to know that many people are having trouble.

Doing a really fancy online beading class on Saturday, and in the meantime I may be able to manage that Korean takeaway tonight. It's quite good because if you want, you can just get soups or grilled meats with rice and salad.

Korean takeaway sounds perfect.
And yes, you’re never the only one feeling that way x

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07-04-21, 18:15
They did. Avoiding specifics, it's pretty grim, and being sat in perspex cubicles all day listening to the details is really doing me no good at all.

Feeling properly sick this morning at the thought of going back. I need to find some coping strategies as I'm back to skin picking again and I think people may have noticed.

Ask the judge or baliff if you're allowed to take notes. You can doodle on a notepad (or take the notes if you want to be a good student ;).

07-04-21, 18:46
I hope the bracelets help. The situation does sound claustrophobic but you are doing brilliantly in finding ways around it.

Can you also try the mindfulness 5 things too maybe? It’ll get a bit repetitive but you could mix it up.

So 5 things you can see
4 things you can hear
3 things you can touch
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste

You could change it to things about the people in the room - 5 people wearing earrings, 4 people wearing black, 3 people with brown hair, 2 people who are fidgeting, 1 person who you would like to be friends with. Etc etc etc. Make up some games to distract yourself.

Don’t worry about the appetite, it will come back. X

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There are also specific Mindfulness example exercises relating to touch that are learnt early on in practice. Is it rough or smooth, does the texture change, where does the shape change, how do you feel when you touch It, etc.

It's far from ideal being enclosed in a box for many of us. You are doing really well, Blue. Wanted to move is just a natural response to the chemicals in you that there to encourage you to move, fight or flight. You can't do some gentle exercise to help so it's going to be down to more mental work with this.

If you feel it building you could try intently focussing on an object for a few minutes. It's a bit of a distraction technique. It worked for me when I had a tooth removed at one of the worst stages of my anxiety.

07-04-21, 18:55
Terry, that's really handy, I'll give those a shot tomorrow. Honestly, I can't thank everyone enough for their support right now.

07-04-21, 19:14
Oh I’ve got one of the fiddle cubes, love it! Also those little fiddle rings, do you mean the ones that are a bit scratchy too?

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07-04-21, 21:25
You should try one of those Terry, they really are great.:yesyes:

08-04-21, 08:08
Good luck for today, Blue..Hope you're getting your appetite back? Nearly Friday now.

08-04-21, 09:08
I am, Pulisa, thanks, it's much easier now I know we're all in the same position. The sun's shining, and I'll be in plenty of time so I'll be taking a pocketful of almonds for the squirrels up on the Cathedral grounds.

Of course, I've got a permanently dry mouth right now so I'm in a diabetes panic, but I think that's probably either a hormone or anxiety thing.

08-04-21, 10:54
I get the dry mouth with anxiety Blue and it normally passes. Can't believe its Thursday and you now on the home run. You should be very proud! x

08-04-21, 22:12
You should try one of those Terry, they really are great.:yesyes:

They do look cool. I had never heard of them. Bit worried about walking around with a suspect bulge in that area though...and me fiddling with it :ohmy::blush:

Right at the start of my breakdown my mum bought me a stress stone which I took to carrying with my keys and coins every time I went out. It did help.

08-04-21, 22:21
I get the dry mouth with anxiety Blue and it normally passes. Can't believe its Thursday and you now on the home run. You should be very proud! x

Definitely. Dehydration for us is common too considering our bodies aren't exactly relaxing a lot of the time.

Last day tomorrow, Blue, nearly there.

09-04-21, 05:32
I don't think the judge would look kindly on fidget cubes, unfortunately. Will definitely look into one for after this, though, it seems like the perfect thing for waiting rooms of various sorts, which tend to be a major source of anxiety for me.

Last day today (might get called in next week but will cross that bridge when I come to it) and I've decided to celebrate by buying myself a bottle of bubbly. I've always reacted badly to wine, but this has been diminishing over the years (possibly because of my ability to ignore it if it's supplied free at a function!) This is going to be my very first time buying wine for myself.

Other fun fact: I've started carrying pecans with me because the squirrels on the Cathedral grounds are tame enough to hand-feed.

09-04-21, 08:09
You've done so well to cope with all the challenges of the past few days..Enjoy your well deserved wine and celebrate overcoming your anxiety and completing your jury service!

Watch your fingers with the squirrels though! Their teeth are lethal! You really wouldn't want a squirrel bite to round off the week!

09-04-21, 08:13
This is why I'm taking pecans ;) Been nibbled before and it was okay, but not something I'd want to repeat.

09-04-21, 08:22
I always remember a vet telling me about squirrels' teeth being the worst for depth of puncture wounds!

09-04-21, 08:27
Well done for getting through it!
Love feeding squirrels, especially when they bring their little hands up to grab.

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09-04-21, 15:20
All over, and a really vile sex criminal has got what he richly deserved.

On the bus home with a bottle of the good stuff in my bag. It was awful, but I'm really proud of myself for getting through it.

09-04-21, 17:26
Update: getting the shakes and palpitations. Have cuddled up under a pile of blankets and am really looking forward to this passing.

09-04-21, 17:57
It will do..Cause and effect. Just take it easy and wind down slowly..Don't overthink the physical symptoms? It's over now and well done:hugs:

09-04-21, 18:00
Thank you. I know this is all just a reaction to the stress (and to having needed to conceal it), I'm just going to wait it out and let my body come down.

09-04-21, 18:16
Good for you, Blue! That's exactly what's going on. I'm glad you helped put that nasty guy away.

09-04-21, 19:43
I sometimes get that feeling Blue when I've faced my fear.
It's just the body coming down from a stressful situation. x

09-04-21, 21:48
You did really well on so many counts.
Hope you get a good nights sleep.

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