View Full Version : Brain cancer fears, waking up with numb left arm and foot

06-04-21, 11:13
Hello everyone!

I'm very scared, because I woke up to a numb left arm and foot. Now, waking up with a numb arm is common for me, but it has never happened to my feet yet, and it certainly never happened to both my left arm and leg at the same time. It scared me sh*tless, and while it quickly went away, I can still feel some residual pins-and-needles sensation, especially if I focus on it.

I've recently had some headaches and dizziness, and my left eye has a weird spot in my peripheral vision that the doctor couldn't identify (I went to an ophthalmologist two times, and neither doctor found anything bad vith my eyes).

So naturally, now I'm afraid I have a brain tumor or something going on. ☹️

I'm also scared I have blood cloots or something, because my legs frequently hurt in spots, if I press on them they feel like bruises, but nothing is visible on my skin, no redness, no warm feeling, and nothing is swollen as far as I can tell.

I need someone's objective advice whether or not I should go to a doctor, unfortunately we have a pretty big covid wave here, and I risk contracting it if I do.

08-04-21, 21:10
Hey :)

I saw your post and wanted to reply because I've been in a similar position with one sided symptoms. I've had them on and off for the past 5 years! I'm still here. Unfortunately, nobody can advise you on seeing your doctor or not. If you are concerned, its a good idea to make an appointment. Maybe a phone consultation to talk through your worries? It might give you peace of mind.

I get "episodes" of having weakness in one entire side of my body - left side of face, arm and leg. Sometimes it's tingling, sometimes numb patches, other times it's kind of painful. I had a full workup from a neurologist, along with an MRI and CT scan and my brain was completely fine.

I too was terrified of a brain tumour.

Not a bad idea to get referred to a neurologist who can run all the normal tests on you, but I just wanted to offer some small reassurance that I've had similar symptoms and not had anything wrong.

I still have no concrete answers as to what causes it, but my GP guessed it was a knock on effect of muscle tension in one part of the body which the rest of the muscles try to compensate for, which causes lots of symptoms on one side.

The fact yours faded really quickly probably means you just slept on it weird and squished something. Mine could actually last for days, and they STILL didn't find anything bad.

Let me know how you get on, and I hope you feel better soon.

09-04-21, 09:40
Me too, occasionally I'll wake up with slight numbness in my arm and leg on one side, sometimes even my tongue!

10-04-21, 23:39
Thank you guys, your posts made me feel so much better! <3 It fortunately hasn't happened again, so fingers crossed it was just a weird coincidence! :D