View Full Version : Feel like can’t get a full breath when bending or leaning over

06-04-21, 14:21
I was leaning over to wash my legs in the shower today and noticed I felt like my lungs couldn’t expand properly, like I couldn’t get a full breath. I wasn’t gasping for air or anything, just felt a bit short and like my rib cage wasn’t expanding fully. Ive never really felt this sensation before but I have been hyper vigilant lately so I notice everything more.

Anyway I googled and it said shortness of breath when bending over can be a symptom of heart failure due to fluid build up :wacko: now I’m terrified because I’ve been worrying about my heart non stop over the past few weeks (despite getting a normal ECG from my doctor only a week ago)

For the record I have a hiatal hernia and have gained weight during lockdown so I’m not sure if it’s just my stomach putting pressure on my lungs and diaphragm.

just wondering if you guys experience this when leaning over too or if I should be worried?

06-04-21, 18:00
For the record I have a hiatal hernia and have gained weight during lockdown so I’m not sure if it’s just my stomach putting pressure on my lungs and diaphragm.

This could indeed be the cause. I've known someone diagnosed with a HH a few weeks ago, being breathless was one of their symptoms, its a known listed one when bending especially if your stomach is full.

06-04-21, 18:05
Hello there..

Honestly, I think your ECG would've show something wrong electrically with your heart. If your still concerned you can follow up with a cardiologist.

It could be the hiatal hernia bulging and interfering with taking a deep breath while in the bent over position. The weight gain could also be a factor. Keep in mind, when you're bent over, you are essentially collapsed and scrunched up so your lungs will have to expand where there is room.

If you're still worried, you could always mention it to your physician.

Take good care :)

EDIT: Lol, I posted the same time.

06-04-21, 18:38
'I googled and now I'm afraid' :doh:

'I've put on weight' :okay: