View Full Version : Allergies and anxiety

06-04-21, 15:12
Hey folks,
It’s been a challenging year to say the least with all that’s been going on in the world. For us health worriers I’m sure the pandemic has not been helpful to our mental health. I’m sending positive vibes out to everyone to stay strong!

So one thing that I’ve been having trouble with lately is my seasonal allergies. They don’t tend to hit me every year but this year is a doozy. I’ve been trying every over the counter antihistamine possible but nothing seems to be working. For me it’s mostly nasal swelling, fatigue, itchy eyes and ears and this year I’ve had shortness of breath and some tingling on my tongue.

Unfortunately I consulted doctor google and saw all the nasty stuff I should have avoided. But now my anxiety is up and it’s difficult to tell what is anxiety symptoms and what is allergy symptoms. Like last night I was feeling short of breath and then all of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my right breast area and I could breath fine again. I immediately knew this was my muscles tensing up because I’ve had this happen before.

Another thing that’s bothering me right now is I can feel this pressure behind my nose and in the corners of my eyes, has anyone had this from anxiety or is it an allergy symptom.

My anxiety is mostly geared around my allergies turning into an anaphylactic attack or that I have new allergies to dogs because we have a dog and I couldn’t imagine living like this moving forward. But my dog is my best friend so I refuse to give him up. I’m trying to tell myself that the symptoms didn’t start until the snow started to melt and I’ve had my dog for 3 years with no issues but anxiety is a jerk and doesn’t let you think rationally.

Anyway, I guess I’m just struggling a bit.

Hope everyone is well!

06-04-21, 15:23
Thank you for the positive vibes in this negative world we find ourselves in these days.

I also have seasonal allergies, and during heavy pollen, when I go out (which isn't often) I carry Benadryl quick dissolve that goes under the tongue in case, or in case I get stung by a bee. If you can't find the quick dissolve (hard to find), keep the tablets and a piece of candy in your pocket if you don't have water.

Hope you feel better soon :)

06-04-21, 18:37
Are you taking any medication for your allergies?

06-04-21, 18:53
It's pretty obvious your spiraling a bit here. Seasonal allergies are something that most of us deal with to one degree or another. And now, with Spring, the pollen counts are high (especially tree pollen) and I'm already seeing the tree pollen on my car in the mornings. I have allergies and have dealt with them since childhood (shots and all). I take an OTC allergy med, have a spray I can use when they break through and keep a box of tissues handy. You definitely have some allergy symptoms but don't confuse them with the physical reactions to your anxiety (shortness of breath and tense muscles).

Here's hoping the pollen counts stay reasonable ;)

Positive thoughts