View Full Version : Awful feeling while eating

fed up with it
08-11-07, 20:09
I have been getting a horrible down feeling when i sit to eat, it has been worse since having really bad panic attacks lately. It is as if my body cant cope with it, it is so bad i have to tuck the food after a mouthful. Does anyone know what this is? i am under weight cos of the anxiety. I went through a stage where if i sat to eat i would feel faint has it changed? and now it is giving me this feeling? HELP!

08-11-07, 21:40
Hi fed up with it

I know how you are feeling. When you're anxious it's harder to eat because of that, but because when we are anxious we breath differently and seem to swallow 'air' along with the food which makes us feel bloated and full after just one mouth full, which makes the panic even worse.

Try and sit up straight because being bent over restricts the diaphram and makes it worse, eat small meals 5-6 times a day. If you can try and concentrate on something else while eating that will help too, because the more you think about it, the worse it will be. You WON'T faint but I understand that you feel that you will.

I have the same trouble, I have lost weight, but I watch TV or come on the internet when I'm eating to take my mind off it.

I'm sorry if I haven't been much help, but I wish you the best and take care of yourself.


10-11-07, 05:52
im not sure if i will be any help here, but i just wanted to say eating makes me feel sick also.

after a few mouthfuls i feel just plain sick, and i keep eating, most of the time, but slowely....
plus im overweight, so im obviously successfully ignoring the ill feeling,,hahah...but too successfully if you ask me. im not sure why we feel like this with food. im guessing its either psychological or, in my case, i figure its the ibs hating on me....

good luck with it, and i can only recommend, eat slow, and perhaps at home, where you might feel safer with it?