View Full Version : Is it possible to damage your heart (via the esophagus) by eating hot food/drinks?

08-04-21, 02:31
This might sound like a mad question but I was wondering if it’s possible to damage the heart by eating hot food or drinking hot drinks that pass through the esophagus.

This evening I rather quickly drank two very hot cups of tea (hotter than I usually take them) and then I started feeling palpitations and wondering if I had damaged my heart somehow by letting such hot liquids touch my esophagus. I have no idea of the exact proximity of the heart and esophagus are to each other but I know they are pretty close to each other.

Plus I have burnt my esophagus before a couple years ago on a hot pie and it was very painful. But now I wonder if the heat could pass through the esophagus and hurt the heart somehow?

I have a lot of irrational fears and phobias so please excuse me if this sounds mental!

08-04-21, 11:54
Its likely that what happened was the you felt the hot food, instantly panicked/were fearful and tensed your stomach, diaphragm and affected your vagus nerve, possibly adding in a bit of adrenaline into the equation. That would be the cause of the palps and not heart damage from hot food. I'm no expert, by any stretch, but you drank the tea, two cups and clearly it wasnt agonisingly painful to swallow therefore you did no damage to your oesophagus anyway, let alone any other internal organ - and affecting your heart even if you did drink near boiling water - just no.

08-04-21, 12:53
Hi, your heart is well protected , I really doubt you would have caused damage. The palpitations are caused by adrenalin rush . I am sure you are fine x

I wake up daily with palpitations , it's part of anxiety .
How do you feel now ?

08-04-21, 20:32
Is it possible to damage your heart (via the esophagus) by eating hot food/drinks?



09-04-21, 18:05
Two days ago I stupidly drank a very hot coffee too fast and ended up burning my esophagus and throat a bit.

just wondering if anyone else has done this with hot food or drink?

Then last night after eating a slightly spicy meal my chest really hurt and I started freaking out thinking it was a HA. even though I know logically the pain was because of eating food on a burnt esophagus. The other thing is I had a troponin test and ECG which came back normal, literally one day before burning my esophagus so no idea why I’m worrying about a HA.

I spoke to NHS 24 and the doctor basically said to take paracetamol and my proton pump inhibitors to prevent acid and let it heal. Even if i went to hospital for it, all they would do is give me proton pump inhibitors and let it heal. I’m not having any breathing difficulties or anything.

I can’t stop worrying and shaking though because the pain is in my chest area, though it goes away with paracetamol.
please help :(

09-04-21, 18:19
Just listen to what you were told, eat bland and non-hot/spicy foods and give it a week or so to heal and use the OTC pain relievers. Yeah, it sucks and is uncomfortable but it's only temporary.

Positive thoughts

09-04-21, 18:44

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10-04-21, 16:39
Two days ago I stupidly drank a very hot coffee too fast and ended up burning my esophagus and throat a bit.

just wondering if anyone else has done this with hot food or drink?

Of course they have.