View Full Version : Breast Bruises

09-04-21, 18:09
Hi all.

I’ve proudly been off this forum for over a year.

This is a post regarding my wife and not me.

She has two bruises on her breast. They’re not painful, they’re not from trauma, and they don’t seem to be going.

She googled, and it brought up Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Her sister has suffered with breast cancer at her exact age so it’s a big worry in the household right now. IBC is very aggressive and unexplained bruises are a symptom.

Her bruises are brown in colour and she is also 20 weeks pregnant. We called the doctor and they booked her in for Tuesday. Tuesday seems so far from now and if it is IBC that’s a long time to leave an aggressive cancer. Or, is it nothing?

We’re after a bit of reassurance, I’m struggling to reassure her but inside I’m not reassured myself.

Thanks everyone.

09-04-21, 18:28
Her bruises are brown in colour and she is also 20 weeks pregnant. We called the doctor and they booked her in for Tuesday. Tuesday seems so far from now and if it is IBC that’s a long time to leave an aggressive cancer. Or, is it nothing?

I've noticed you've been absent. That's a good thing and I can understand your worry for your wife. Becoming parents is a huge step in life and her well being is of the utmost importance, especially carrying your child (CONGRATS!). As you know, a woman's body undergoes an enormous amount of changes with pregnancy and it affects each woman differently. This more than likely is one of those things or it could be as simple as bumping into something and not realizing or remembering. How many times have you read about unexplained bruises on here ;)

As far as the appointment being a few days off, no, that's not an issue whatsoever and I wouldn't allow that to concern you in the least. Let us know how she gets on!

Positive thoughts

09-04-21, 18:57
Thanks for the congrats Fishmanpa.

I guess the worry is the bruise hasn’t changed, lessened, changed colour etc. It’s completely painless and this is our second child and there’s no recollection of this issue with our first.

09-04-21, 19:51
I have had this and never even thought about breast cancer. I guessed I just laid funny in the night or knocked it on something.

10-04-21, 02:21
Breast bruises are alarming to me too. I've had them randomly and had no idea why. Didnt recall any trauma in the slightest. They do take time to go away but eventually they do. Im sure she's ok but you will feel better when they are gone I know 🙂