View Full Version : Back to work!!

09-04-21, 21:55
My success story.

In November 2014, I started working in a busy chip shop. It was very hard to deal with the physical effect. Sweating and being quite manic. I persevered, not letting it get the better of me. My head was focused but my body reacted. I was there for 6years, so things became easier over time. Then covid happened, the beginning of the first lockdown I lost my job. I was devastated.
I spoke to my boss about this but he couldn't do anything. Then at Xmas, he turned up at my door with gifts and tip money. He told me I was the best employee he had ever had. This was nice to hear but I took it with a pinch of salt. As it still didn't mean I had a job. I was angry and upset about it as I'd given him so much of me.
Then out of the blue 3 days ago, I get a phone call from him. Telling me again how good I was, that he wanted me to come back. I umm'd and ahh'd about it for a while, then got off my high horse and said okay. We negotiated over pay and hours. Surprisingly I got a very good deal. However I had been out of work for a year. Sat on my sofa doing nothing, so I now had to go through all the physical effects again. This time they were worse, because I wasn't sure how people would take to me going back. So today was my first day back. I was so anxious and panicky. But I got up, had a shower and did my make up. I wanted to look good. Anything to make it easier. I had to catch two buses to get there. Which was so stressful. I did it though. I got there nice and early allowing myself time to compose myself.
The doors opened and the mania started, sweating and feeling physically sick. I pushed through it, survived and now am so proud of myself. Big confidence boost. My customers were so happy to see me back. All had nice things to say. It was a brilliant night. I am so made up. proud of myself.
Well done Enola. xx

10-04-21, 03:46
Ahh well done you! So glad you got your job back, and your boss treated you well and with respect.
So many achievements there, you deserve all the praise [emoji846]

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10-04-21, 04:32
Thank you so much, I am so proud of myself. Which is hard to say or believe.
He is a good man really, just nothing he could do at the time.
I'm so happy to feel like I did today. Hopefully I can keep hold of these feeling for a while.
Thank you again for replying to me. xx

10-04-21, 05:20
Enola, you did brilliantly! You should be proud of yourself. It's always hard for us anxious people to go back into work - well done for holding your nerve!

10-04-21, 07:52
Aww, Thanks so much BlueIris.
I have to go back in today, Not as anxious as yesterday but It will subside in time, I know this from before.
Thank you again. xx

11-04-21, 20:10
HUge congratulations ! Returning to a previous place of work would be hard anyway, but after a year not working, even harder I should think. Pushing through it, accepting them (the anxiety effects) are a massive deal, you fronted-up to the situation and you won. :)

11-04-21, 23:13
Re: Back to work!!

Aww, Thank you so much, Your very right. Going back was a big deal on it's own, after sitting on my sofa for a year doing nothing, I didn't realize how hard it would be. But I'm very lucky with my boss and work college, they are both lovely people. They made me very welcome again. Plus my customers who had been asking about me, made a big fuss over me. It made me feel very pleased with myself, might I say Proud. Not used to that one.
I was sure when I got there it would be I never left, the buses were the hardest bit.
I really did win, didn't I?? I'm trying so hard to keep hold of these positive feelings, I won this battle. Me Enola. Wow!!
Thank you again. xx

20-04-21, 12:19
That's a very rare opportunity that you have been absorbed again in your work after a year. It only means they value your performance and perseverance. Cheers to you and continue to be a good example in your workplace. Just curious, why buses are hard? What about leaving the house early?