View Full Version : Can't seem to accept that my lack of eating is potentially why I am losing weight

10-04-21, 12:36
I'm currently waiting for results to come back in regards to the symptoms I am having, ie IBS type symptoms, possible bacteria or parasite in my intestines, inflammation in the body.

Its been a month now where I have dropped 2 dress sizes. I absolutely cannot stomach food at all. I've been told to write a food diary by my GP when I told him I'm having x symptoms and losing weight. At work I burn approximately 500 calories, maybe more if I am doing very strenuous work. I am eating under 1000 calories a day :(maybe a little more I am filling myself up with cups of teas, can only eat toast, a banana, and for dinner I will have a bit of curry in a bowl. I ordered a takeaway last night and I coulsnt even eat half of it.

I'm still terrified that there's something sinister going on though because I'm having bowel issues like diarrhoea and feeling nausea, abdominal cramping.

Has anyone else been through this? How much weight did you end up losing in a short space of time?

10-04-21, 14:58
It seems ridiculous that eating less than 1000 cals per day you wouldn't lose weight, right? Completely ridiculous.

I have lost anything from 20-40 lbs in the space of 4-6 weeks more than once in my life when highly stressed or anxious. It's completely normal, widely reported and documented.

You keep posting the same responses to the same symptoms and problems and keep being told the same thing. At some point you just need to pull yourself together and stop the self drama.

Also maybe start eating proper food instead of toast and takeaways. At least you'll be getting some nutrition while your appetite is low.

Best options would be fruits, nuts, seeds, avocado, good quality meats and as much veg as you possibly can.

11-04-21, 00:18
Joe is right.

I am 6' tall, and up until 6 months ago, my weight had dropped from 13st to 10st. I looked really ill from it (it's not the first time this has happened).

I literally had to force food down me, day after day, almost heaving and feeling sick with every bite, but after a few weeks of this, my appetite started to come back.

I'm currently back up to nearly 12st, and am eating at every opportunity to try and gain some weight and strength back, as I'm fed up of feeling tired and weak.

It's difficult to start with, but it gets easier quite quickly when you almost get in the habit of eating again, it feels normal again. I got a bit emotional a few weeks in, when I noticed myself feeling hungry again, it was such a relief.

Stick at it, and just eat.

Good luck.

11-04-21, 09:28
Joe is right.

I am 6' tall, and up until 6 months ago, my weight had dropped from 13st to 10st. I looked really ill from it (it's not the first time this has happened).

I literally had to force food down me, day after day, almost heaving and feeling sick with every bite, but after a few weeks of this, my appetite started to come back.

I'm currently back up to nearly 12st, and am eating at every opportunity to try and gain some weight and strength back, as I'm fed up of feeling tired and weak.

It's difficult to start with, but it gets easier quite quickly when you almost get in the habit of eating again, it feels normal again. I got a bit emotional a few weeks in, when I noticed myself feeling hungry again, it was such a relief.

Stick at it, and just eat.

Good luck.
That's what I am trying to do. I can't seem to eat enough though before feeling full up? Would you still force yourself to eat loads if you're feeling full up? I have had enough of it. I just want to eat a load of junk all week and just watch my weight creep back on! At least I will know then that I am OK. I'm just so thankful I don't have any scales at home because I would drive myself loopy standing on them 24 7. It's at work I check my weight daily! Not good at all. I am in a right pickle.

11-04-21, 09:30
You keep posting the same responses to the same symptoms and problems and keep being told the same thing. At some point you just need to pull yourself together and stop the self drama.

I know I am being utterly ridiculous now. Even my husband said you're moaning you've lost weight but that is all you're eating? He is right. You are all right. I know it must be like talking to a brick wall! Ggrrrr get yourself together woman!

11-04-21, 10:30
I know I am being utterly ridiculous now. Even my husband said you're moaning you've lost weight but that is all you're eating? He is right. You are all right. I know it must be like talking to a brick wall! Ggrrrr get yourself together woman!

That's exactly it, pull yourself together.

There are legitimate times for self care, and feeling sorry for yourself, but this is not one of those times.

You are banging your own head against a wall, and then complaining about a headache.

And no, I wouldn't force food down, I would just focus on eating as much high nutrition food as you can until your appetite comes back, calorie dense too. Until your appetite does come back, focus on not worrying about the bleedin' obvious reason you're losing weight. Your appetite will come back, and it doesn't matter when. You can survive weeks on end with zero food and you'll be just fine. Our bodies are more than capable of being ok in times of calorie deficit, you just need to make sure you get enough nutrients in.

11-04-21, 10:49
You are banging your own head against a wall, and then complaining about a headache.

Yes !!!!

I've had times in my life where appetite is gone for weeks and weeks, I've lost stones - yes stones, in that period of time.

11-04-21, 12:02
Yes !!!!

I've had times in my life where appetite is gone for weeks and weeks, I've lost stones - yes stones, in that period of time.

Same here. When I moved house in 2019 I lost 22lbs in a month.

11-04-21, 13:51
Thank goodness you don't have scales at home! Your guts have taken a pounding..You'll get your appetite back but you have to eat regularly to get your stomach used to decent food again. Yes you will feel full quickly but you have to increase your intake gradually and have calorie rich nutritious food as Joe says.

11-04-21, 19:21
That's what I am trying to do. I can't seem to eat enough though before feeling full up? Would you still force yourself to eat loads if you're feeling full up? I have had enough of it. I just want to eat a load of junk all week and just watch my weight creep back on! At least I will know then that I am OK. I'm just so thankful I don't have any scales at home because I would drive myself loopy standing on them 24 7. It's at work I check my weight daily! Not good at all. I am in a right pickle.
You will feel full easily, because you haven't been eating, I had exactly the same, but that stops in time too.

Try not to make a big deal of it, and just eat. If you can't finish a meal, then so what? Try again a bit later.

11-04-21, 19:47
I agree, Phil. That's great advice and you have done so well to regain the weight.

Weight loss also adds to anxiety. It makes you jittery and panicky because your brain isn't getting enough nourishment to think straight.

11-04-21, 20:39
You will feel full easily, because you haven't been eating, I had exactly the same, but that stops in time too.

Try not to make a big deal of it, and just eat. If you can't finish a meal, then so what? Try again a bit later.


11-04-21, 20:41
I agree, Phil. That's great advice and you have done so well to regain the weight.

Weight loss also adds to anxiety. It makes you jittery and panicky because your brain isn't getting enough nourishment to think straight.
Cheers Pulisa,

It's actually something I'm very pleased to of overcome. I have a goal weight of 12st 10lbs I set myself ages ago (as a minimum), and am up to 11st 6lbs now I think. Maybe a bit more after the huge Chinese I've just had! Ha.

As soon as I started, it became easier rather quickly too actually.

11-04-21, 20:45
Just to clarify the reaction to low calories.

Your brain has more than enough nourishment to think straight, but in times of restricted food your CNS produces a lot more cortisol to then create adrenaline. Most people actually think MORE clearly when they eat less or fast, but the anxious mind reacts badly to increased cortisol. The effects of a blood sugar crash are short lived. The body compensates quickly.

11-04-21, 21:07
Just wanted to say that fasting is NOT recommended for anyone reading this thread with an eating disorder.

11-04-21, 21:14
Just wanted to say that fasting is NOT recommended for anyone reading this thread with an eating disorder.

100% for sure.

15-04-21, 18:02
My physician and therapist would prefer me to eat 3 square meals a day, but there just is no way I could possibly do that. I try to eat 1 good meal and pick the rest of the day ... I try to avoid eating complete junk all the time ... sometimes its hard though. For most of my life my overall weigh was 170 pounds (5'7") and I was more muscular. Now, I can't get over 155 pounds and I'm weak ta boot and I'm told I lost muscle weight.

Enough about me.

I say eat when you're hungry and try to eat nutritious food choices.

15-04-21, 19:30
My physician and therapist would prefer me to eat 3 square meals a day, but there just is no way I could possibly do that. I try to eat 1 good meal and pick the rest of the day ... I try to avoid eating complete junk all the time ... sometimes its hard though. For most of my life my overall weigh was 170 pounds (5'7") and I was more muscular. Now, I can't get over 155 pounds and I'm weak ta boot and I'm told I lost muscle weight.

Enough about me.

I say eat when you're hungry and try to eat nutritious food choices.

Assuming you get enough food in on a daily basis (overall) this is absolutely spot on. The 3 meal a day thing is a myth, but I can see why it has merit if you have any kind of eating disorder. There is no way that anybody regularly ate 3 meals a day historically, it's a very recent phenomenon. Your metabolism actually works a lot better if you're flexible with your eating. For example some days you might only 'feel' like 1000 calories, especially if you're ill. Others you might eat 5000 calories. That's how our ancestors DID eat. Also based on what was actually available too.

16-04-21, 10:38
It's also difficult to say only 'eat when you're hungry', when you are struggling with loss of appetite from anxiety. If I had adopted that, I would never of eaten anything because I was never hungry... very rarely am now if I'm honest. I eat because I should. I do find however that when I start eating, I get hungry, and sometimes manage to eat more than I intended to, which is fine for me at the minute.

There is unfortunately a bit of a spell where you have to just try and get some sort of pattern back. Not necessarily 3 square meals, but noticing when you haven't eaten enough, and just get something down, regardless of if you feel like it or not.

17-04-21, 21:06
Unfortunately despite upping my calories to almost 3000 a day, I am still losing weight. I have ordered a full thyroid panel to be done to see whether that is overactive as I am also experiencing palpitations as well. My GP will not refer me for a colonoscopy for some reason so that is making me worry. My bowel habits still keep changing and I am getting really uncomfortable about it. At the moment I am quite calm, because I can't change whatever the outcome is. I'm sure I will be breaking down soon though because this is the longest I've relapsed with health anxiety. I am an absolute mess. I'm absolutely exhausted as well but cannot sleep which is not helping.

17-04-21, 22:39
Hang on, how have you gone from barely being able to stomach 1000 cals per day to eating nearly 3000?

Do you know what your TDEE is? How big are you now, male/female, activity levels etc?

What exactly are you eating, and when? How long have you been eating nearly 3000 cals per day, and what does 'nearly 3000' actually mean? 2950, 2650...? All of this makes a difference.