View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms without being anxious

10-04-21, 17:14
Bit of a strange one and am just curious.

I am getting your textbook anxiety symptoms without actually feeling anxious in my mind. I usually feel anxious in my mind if that makes sense but I'm perfectly calm in my head.

Does this make sense? Has anyone experienced this or can explain? This is new to me.

bin tenn
10-04-21, 17:22
It makes plenty of sense. Anxiety is not something that is either present or not, at least not when you have an anxiety *disorder*. With a disorder, it's not so much that the mind is anxious, but instead the body is inappropriately activating the fight-or-flight response (e.g. when no genuine threat is present). That means the body reacts accordingly with changes in breathing, heart rate, etc, even if the mind seems to be in a rather peaceful state. I've found that what tends to happen, for me, is that my mind is calm, but my body starts "freaking out" - and THAT is what ultimately leads to my mind becoming actively anxious.

I hope that makes sense. Yes, I think what you're experiencing is very normal for someone with anxiety.

10-04-21, 17:36
Thanks, this makes sense. I have only ever known both mind and body being anxious so this is completely new experience for me.

Nothing a good cuppa wont sort 😀

10-04-21, 17:58
Binn Tenn is spot on.

Anxiety is always caused by a stress, in any form.

I think you're mistaking anxiety with panic. You're not in full blown panic mode, but you can still feel nervous, jittery, sweaty, heart rate etc.

11-04-21, 09:50
Cheers guys, makes sense.