View Full Version : Spiraled out of control last night, just venting

10-04-21, 17:25
I completely spiraled out of control last night. I had just got back home from a funeral for a friend of nearly 20 years. She was a coworker and I was very close to her. I just had all these emotions in me when I got home. I started scanning my body. I found what I thought was oral melanoma. I was pacing the house, checking and checking over and over. Bothering online Drs. All while also concerned that I have bronchitis because of some minor wheezing.
Turns out the spot in my mouth was a tiny blood blister which I popped. Also my occasional wheezing is allergy related.
Health anxiety is awful and it's taken away my ability to enjoy some family outings today. Maybe writing this post will give me some mental relief.
Anyway, this is just a rant of mine.

10-04-21, 17:41
Sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like the stress of the loss of your friend has hit you hard.

Try not to start checking for health symptoms as this will not help you.

16-04-21, 14:31
Totally understand.

The mind will go immediately to the extreme. The very worst thing.

You have a mental disease of the mind and it's very difficult to cure / control.

That's your only illness.

I'm struggling at moment even though I know I'm irrational.

All I can suggest is calmness. However you manage to achieve that. Ie reading , TV , meditation , music , hot drinks , baths .