View Full Version : No motivation to do anything anymore

11-04-21, 19:02
I don’t know if this is in the right spot or not but, I’ve come to a point in my life where I have literally no motivation anymore and I don’t know why. Everyday is a struggle for me. I left a toxic job recently to start a new one a few weeks ago hoping it would make my life easier to say the least. But I have no motivation to start learning a new job again, and I feel like I’m in a brain fog every single day and the things I take in at this new job just go in one ear and out the other. That scares me because if I don’t learn the job properly, I obviously won’t do well and therefore I won’t be able to work. And there’s so much that I have to learn, and it’s making me incredibly anxious, and I already want to leave. And on top of that, I have no motivation to even finish college because I’ve had to work full time and I don’t have the time to do any of my schoolwork, and that compounds me not wanting to do anything anymore either.

I could literally go on and on with a ton of other issues compounding my problem, but I wouldn’t even know where to start. I’ve tried to better my life so many times, and each time I think it’s going somewhat marginally better, it just gets taken away. I can’t think of anything else to try and make it better anymore. I thought life would get better as I got older but it has just gotten worse.

11-04-21, 21:24
Frankly, it sounds like depression. I felt that way after my illnesses and sought professional help. With therapy, meds and hard work I was able to overcome it. You can do the same if you apply yourself.

Positive thoughts

11-04-21, 21:57
I can relate, dealing with brain fog and a total lack of motivation toward by job right now. Sad and hopeless about eveything also. Therapy is helping me now...my current therapist isn’t pushy or judgemental in any way and just lets me vent. Looking into trying meds again as well.

13-04-21, 07:07
Maybe you need first to find yourself again and the reason why are you doing things. Indulge also in recreational activities like walking, exercising or yoga. It would help you to have clearer mind and attain inner peace.

13-04-21, 10:00
It is very hard when the old black dog comes through your door.
I don’t have any motivation on bad days,I don’t even get out of bed or eat,it is bloody awful,even my meds don’t help.
Done the yoga thing but wasn’t my cup of tea I do exercise :winks:when I am well I jump on my motorbike and go for a ride in the country.

Wishing you better days ahead :flowers:

13-04-21, 16:48
Lolalee1, have you seen the people that tour Europe, India and the US on their bikes. It looks like absolute bliss.

On the other hand I did 12 miles on a scooter in winter and when I got back home I was so froze stiff that the misses had to put the bike away from me. Took me about 3 hours to get home because I got lost and my phone battery died :roflmao:

@OP yes I can relate very much to this. Agree with Fishmanpa it sounds like classic depression.

13-04-21, 21:30
@OP yes I can relate very much to this. Agree with Fishmanpa it sounds like classic depression.



17-04-21, 00:32
I am feeling rightly the same way. I dont have that drive unlike before. I dont know who to turn to, to speak up to...I just feel so discouraged.