View Full Version : Burning/pain sensation when urinating

12-04-21, 02:04
Hello everyone,

30 M here. Today I noticed that I feel a slight burning pain when urinating. My urine looks ok and no other symptoms exist. I get this every now and then but it usually goes away. The pain only exists before the urine comes out but no pain during (sorry TMI) My mind jumps to UTI but that is so rare for guys I am thinking it’s unlikely. Of course my anxiety is probably making it worse by hyper focusing on it.

I will wait a few days before going to my doctor but has anyone ever had this before?

12-04-21, 02:38
It could be something or nothing. It can happen the first time urinating after sexual activity too, so that might be something to consider. Good idea to see a doctor if it's still bothering you after a few days to set your mind at ease. I've had it before but never for longer than a few days. It can be nerve-wracking at first but that soon disappears once the pain stops happening. Is it lasting longer now than you're used to?

12-04-21, 02:51
It could be something or nothing. It can happen the first time urinating after sexual activity too, so that might be something to consider. Good idea to see a doctor if it's still bothering you after a few days to set your mind at ease. I've had it before but never for longer than a few days. It can be nerve-wracking at first but that soon disappears once the pain stops happening. Is it lasting longer now than you're used to?

So I just went to the bathroom and the pain was gone so idk what it was. It wasn’t intensely painful but unpleasant nonetheless.

12-04-21, 02:51
I've been there, mate. It's not nice. If it continues to bother you or you get concerned then go to the doctor and see what the professional has to say. Otherwise, enjoy your easy-going loo breaks. :)

12-04-21, 11:51
I've been there, mate. It's not nice. If it continues to bother you or you get concerned then go to the doctor and see what the professional has to say. Otherwise, enjoy your easy-going loo breaks. :)

Yeah it came back. Ughh

I’m not noticing any other symptoms other than this so idk what it could be.

Hope it goes away soon or I will have to go in for some tests!

13-04-21, 01:49
Went for a urine test today to see if there is an infection. Haven’t heard anything back yet but I am concerned it is an UTI or a bladder infection. I thought it was rare for guys to get those.

Anyways hopefully I find out as I don’t know what could be causing these symptoms.

15-04-21, 02:39
Results came back clear for bacteria and other stuff. I am still having pain when urinating but not much. If if persists I will go back to the doctor.

I’m wondering if maybe this is just irrigation of inflammation in that are. Or anxiety. I’m at a loss at what it could be. I have no other symptoms. Ughh this is so frustrating.

They also found trace amounts of blood in the urine sample and I am waiting for the Dr to call me back to see why that would be in there. I hope it’s nothing serious

16-04-21, 07:58
Sounds like the results have come back good so far. :) Well done for hanging in there, I know it's not a pleasant or comfortable position to be in especially when you don't know what's causing it. Let's see what the doctor says about that last test. x

16-04-21, 14:21
Sounds like the results have come back good so far. :) Well done for hanging in there, I know it's not a pleasant or comfortable position to be in especially when you don't know what's causing it. Let's see what the doctor says about that last test. x

So they found nothing in the blood but I wonder why trace amounts of blood would have shown up to begin with.

They told me to keep pushing fluids and that if it continues to bother me, to come in and see the nurse.

17-04-21, 09:00
I would've thought trace amounts would be quite normal, since it's only trace. I don't know for certain though of course. At least they haven't given you anything to worry about. Do you reckon you'll see the nurse?

17-04-21, 14:04
I would've thought trace amounts would be quite normal, since it's only trace. I don't know for certain though of course. At least they haven't given you anything to worry about. Do you reckon you'll see the nurse?

The pain is still there but not as bad. I might see the nurse next week depending on things go?

19-04-21, 08:20
Sounds good. :) Let us know how you are in a week or so.

20-04-21, 16:35
Sounds good. :) Let us know how you are in a week or so.

So far I have no pain when urinating. It has sort of gone away. But I will monitor and see if it comes back.

I guess it was just some irritation.