View Full Version : Another random rash on hands and forearms

12-04-21, 02:40
The same thing happened in early november where I broke out in full body hives, and a little bit in february, I'm getting the hives again now, on the underside of both forearms and on the top of one of my hands. I have no idea what's causing this, I think it could be chemicals I used at my job, but if I was allergic to those I'd break out every day as opposed to every few couple of months....

My mind keeps thinking back to that fateful day in September when my urine was hot pink and had on and off UTI symptoms...could this be linked with these random breakouts on my arms? Can histamine responses like hives be a sign of any kind of cancer? I'm so teriffied of going to the doctor and them finding something seriously wrong with me....I still think I have cancer somewhere :(

12-04-21, 18:04
I had a random outbreak of hives a few years ago. Went to the doctor and they had no idea why. Decided it was probably viral hives from a very bad stomach virus I was just getting over. They gave me prednisone and I was better in a few days. The sad thing is most of the time they won't know what causes them and they go away on their own. Try not to worry but maybe check with your doctor if they last more than a few days. You can take antihistamines in the meantime to help.