View Full Version : Arm and hand non movement issues

13-04-21, 19:50
Hey all, I’m back again. No one is sorrier about that than me. I’m working with a new therapist and trying a different approach to get over my traumas. I hope it will be good in the end, but for the time being, my health anxiety is flaring.

My current issue has to do with my left shoulder and hands. I plan on seeing a doctor about these things. I just can only take so many doctor visits at a time.

Here’s a little background. My left shoulder hurts. It isn’t bad pain, but it has hurt for a long time. I have knee arthritis and it is most problematic and I’ve been trying to deal with that first.

What scares me is that sometimes I try to lift my left arm and it just doesn’t move. I usually try again and it moves, sometimes stiffly, but it moves. I have the same problem with my hand. I over crocheted for a new grand baby, and both my hands were really hurting for about two weeks. They are still hurting a little, but are much better overall. Today I tried to grip a glass and it took a second try.

Has anyone experienced this kind of thing? I don’t even know what to worry about. It just seems like a really significant symptom. Or, am I just 60 years old now and things aren’t working quite as smoothly?

13-04-21, 21:22
CPT... I really think you're spiraling here. Certainly age has a lot to do with what we've been used to during in our youth but you're, IMO, taking this too far in a very common HA manner :(


13-04-21, 23:18
Thank you Fishman. My ability to evaluate new things that are happening in my body sucks. I am an intelligent, well-educated woman. Yet, I just have no good sense when it comes to my body.

So, I thank you and everyone else on this site for helping me. I need it.

I was emotionally abused for 40 years. As I keep reminding myself, I can’t expect to be mentally healthy. What I can do is utilize the best resources I have to help me get through life the best I can. That’s what I am doing with this site.

So, thanks again. ❤️