View Full Version : Spiralling.....please help!

15-04-21, 19:49
It’s been many many years since I have been obsessively googling and body checking.

I have a health issue, it’s being managed but I have got my self in the head space of a terminal diagnosis.

I can’t sleep, eat, think of anything else, nights sweats, palpitations etc. I know this is anxiety (actually have a health problem that could be serious, probably isn’t) checking my body 100 times a day. Never get an Apple Watch/stethoscope/ pulse oximeter!

We are moving to another country in a few weeks and I have so much to do, seriously need to snap myself out of this.

No more googling until after the weekend (little steps)
No more body checking until after the weekend
No more badgering my go until next week
Any other tips please? Not looking for reassurance on the health condition (no amount will help), just coping strategies with the anxiety please.

I am in a bad place right now and can’t drag myself out. Symptoms are a constant reminder of my “terminal” health issue or resolving problem.

Gave up smoking, cigarettes and herbs 8 weeks ago, got sick and it’s been horrendous from there!

15-04-21, 20:58
Sounds like you have a lot going on!

I think distraction is a good idea, also try some relaxation techniques too maybe? Write your thoughts in a journal.

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15-04-21, 21:16
No more googling until after the weekend (little steps)
No more body checking until after the weekend
No more badgering my go until next week

No more doing any of this, period. There is no 'right time' to do this, it's a 100% negative action. Just stop.

Well done for giving up the smoking.

15-04-21, 22:08
No more doing any of this, period. There is no 'right time' to do this, it's a 100% negative action. Just stop.

Well done for giving up the smoking.

Whilst I totally agree with you and know this, going cold turkey indefinitely seems unachievable. Setting a little target like after the weekend gives me a bit of room not to obsess but with a safety net.

It’s far from ideal and I want to get to a point I am not checking at all.

15-04-21, 22:09
Interesting idea with the journal, I may very well give that a go, thank you 😊

16-04-21, 00:45
Whilst I totally agree with you and know this, going cold turkey indefinitely seems unachievable.

Nonsense I'm afraid. You're not a junkie or an addict. This is a self destructive behavioural issue. What you describe as a safety net is not a safety net, it's a form of mental self harm.

Cold turkey is the only way, and each time you Google or self check it's just a choice. You choose to keep harming yourself.