View Full Version : Can someone give me advice ASAP

17-04-21, 15:48
Hi everyone, my little boy is heavy!! He’s half my weight and I’m tiny, holding him on my right hip constantly but he keeps sitting on my chest and kicking me in the ribs, recently he done it and I’ve had a dull ache under my right rib for 2 weeks and he done it again and now a bruised rib!! It’s so tender to touch and painful, does this sound like it could be my little boy causing these problems? I’m worried sick it’s an organ or something, I googled right pain and all that’s coming up is liver please help me I’m going mad

17-04-21, 15:51
Hi everyone, my little boy is heavy!! He’s half my weight and I’m tiny, holding him on my right hip constantly but he keeps sitting on my chest and kicking me in the ribs, recently he done it and I’ve had a dull ache under my right rib for 2 weeks and he done it again and now a bruised rib!! It’s so tender to touch and painful, does this sound like it could be my little boy causing these problems? I’m worried sick it’s an organ or something, I googled right pain and all that’s coming up is liver please help me I’m going mad

I think you have the answer in your post :winks:

Positive thoughts

17-04-21, 16:00
I think you have the answer in your post :winks:

Positive thoughts

Lol thank you, it’s just I didn’t realise muscle pain can cause dull aches? It’s not pain at all, also I remember you from when I was 18 years ago and had my first HA scare over lymph nodes lol! Crazy you’re still on this forum and so am I with other issues

17-04-21, 16:31
So a massive child constantly kicks you in the ribs, and your reaction is to google fatal causes of rib pain?

Seems.......a bit silly....right? :shrug::yesyes:

17-04-21, 17:26
Yeah, been there and had this - albeit over 20 years ago LOL A kiddy you are carrying on your hip, kicking you in the muscles around your rib cage and under your rib cage, can cause pains and dull aches - cause and effect. Add to that the fact that it is causing you to over use such muscles on one side and walk differently with a weight on one side and voila. I would suggest doing what I did, swap sides, make sure you equally carry on both.....also the kicking on the chest....how old is he ? If he is half your weight and you are tiny, and its causing pain, I do think you need to reconsider how much carrying you are actually doing.

I googled right pain and all that’s coming up is liver

Well of course it will, whats the chances of it coming up with - small child being carried and kicking in the ribs :roflmao:Thats like telling a doctor about your pain (but a rubbish doctor) and neglecting to tell them the exact events that are causing the pain ! Oh and it won't be doing your spine much good either.

17-04-21, 19:47
So a massive child constantly kicks you in the ribs, and your reaction is to google fatal causes of rib pain?

Seems.......a bit silly....right? :shrug::yesyes:

Lol you made me laugh properly for the first time in a while, thank you

17-04-21, 19:49
Yeah, been there and had this - albeit over 20 years ago LOL A kiddy you are carrying on your hip, kicking you in the muscles around your rib cage and under your rib cage, can cause pains and dull aches - cause and effect. Add to that the fact that it is causing you to over use such muscles on one side and walk differently with a weight on one side and voila. I would suggest doing what I did, swap sides, make sure you equally carry on both.....also the kicking on the chest....how old is he ? If he is half your weight and you are tiny, and its causing pain, I do think you need to reconsider how much carrying you are actually doing.

Well of course it will, whats the chances of it coming up with - small child being carried and kicking in the ribs :roflmao:Thats like telling a doctor about your pain (but a rubbish doctor) and neglecting to tell them the exact events that are causing the pain ! Oh and it won't be doing your spine much good either.

He’s 3, he’s only 3.5 stone but I’m only 7 stone! I’m tiny, he has autism and he’s very strong! he is always jumping all over me and kicking me, I had to carry him for nearly 10 minutes straight the other day, probably sounds like nothing but I nearly collapsed! I’m gonna try swap sides as it’s really playing up my whole side, my poor rib is throbbing! thank you xxx

17-04-21, 19:50
If you poo a bit when you laugh, it does not mean bowel cancer.


And other fantastic health anxiety stories....

17-04-21, 20:09
Poo ??

....wee when you laugh, thats just being a female who has given birth, and it doesn't mean bladder cancer. ;) (or menopausal)

he has autism and he’s very strong! he is always jumping all over me and kicking me

Oh bless your heart, I don't know what to suggest, is it deliberate or accidental or not understanding its hurting you ? I am hoping that you have the support of an autism charity/group ? I think you need some advice on being hurt and how to manage the behaviours. Its not an 'internal organ problem' but you being hurt and in pain is a problem and can't carry on as it is :(

17-04-21, 20:30
If you poo a bit when you laugh, it does not mean bowel cancer.


And other fantastic health anxiety stories....

Haha very true! I have a lot of issues going on in that area anyways, I’ve got really bad ibs and recently had such a bad episode of health anxiety it’s lead me to actually be pretty much not functioning, Its really ruined my life for 3/4 months now, then I got a slight pain in that area and assumed it’s spread to my liver. It’s very horrible being in my head at the moment, trying to keep calm though I’m sure some of these “pains” are anxiety related!

17-04-21, 20:35
Poo ??

....wee when you laugh, thats just being a female who has given birth, and it doesn't mean bladder cancer. ;) (or menopausal)

Oh bless your heart, I don't know what to suggest, is it deliberate or accidental or not understanding its hurting you ? I am hoping that you have the support of an autism charity/group ? I think you need some advice on being hurt and how to manage the behaviours. Its not an 'internal organ problem' but you being hurt and in pain is a problem and can't carry on as it is :(

He’s not understanding it’s hurting me I think, it seems like something he does out of frustration, he’s non verbal, the kicks can be from nappy changes / clothing changes and often a way to get my attention (he wakes in the night and will get into my bed) the other morning he jumped right on my rib cage and I never felt pain like it. I do get some support but very minimal during covid, I will definitely mention it next time I speak to someone as I’m so tiny myself and can’t really take these injuries lol! Xxx

18-04-21, 08:29
Hi woke up in a slight panic, I’ve got a dull ache above my belly button on right side, would that be the muscle pain? Also my ribs feel so swollen, it’s making me feel like my liver is so swollen my ribs are poking out, dunno what’s going through my head right now

18-04-21, 14:52
In such a panic right now it really feels like something is pushing into my ribs [emoji24][emoji24]it’s all below the rib bones and to the side by the armpit

18-04-21, 15:10
OK, look, how hard have these kicks been to your abdomen ? Apart from the feeling of 'something below the rib bones and by the armpit' do you have any other symptoms at all ? (your liver won't push your ribs out !!)

18-04-21, 15:27
OK, look, how hard have these kicks been to your abdomen ? Apart from the feeling of 'something below the rib bones and by the armpit' do you have any other symptoms at all ? (your liver won't push your ribs out !!)

No I feel quite well, it’s just I had a scare a few months ago as I found a lump down below. Now I’m so so terrified something has spread to my liver and the doctor was wrong. I genuinely feel so scared right now. It just feels so full all around my rib area, i don’t have any bloating or swelling but when I lie down it feels like something is pushing up and making my underneath rib area feel weird

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18-04-21, 15:36
No I feel quite well

Right, then that rules out everything serious doesn't it, there are a multitude of liver symptoms that there could be from an enlarged, damaged or failing liver, and you have none of them. All the other organs in that area would also cause symptoms making you feel unwell e.g. pleurisy in lungs and you'd be breathless. Now, don't start convincing yourself that there are other symptoms as I will remind you that you said 'I feel quite well'. :winks:

You have been holding a a heavy weight pressed on the ribs, under your arm and against your lower abdomen, on your right side, for how long - 2 years ? You can hurt and damage cartilidge, muscles and soft tissue from what you've been doing. (I hope you've changed sides) I should think, knowing how it is carrying a heavy child myself, that his thigh/leg was pressed up underneath your bottom rib and could cause tenderness on the underside of it. I've had rib/cartilidge damage for a very different reason and it took nearly 5 years to go, it can be hard to heal areas like that and they need rest.

Do you want to tell the story of the 'lump down below' ? DO you have a Health Anxiety background, or is this new to you ?

18-04-21, 15:50
Right, then that rules out everything serious doesn't it, there are a multitude of liver symptoms that there could be from an enlarged, damaged or failing liver, and you have none of them. All the other organs in that area would also cause symptoms making you feel unwell e.g. pleurisy in lungs and you'd be breathless. Now, don't start convincing yourself that there are other symptoms as I will remind you that you said 'I feel quite well'. :winks:

You have been holding a a heavy weight pressed on the ribs, under your arm and against your lower abdomen, on your right side, for how long - 2 years ? You can hurt and damage cartilidge, muscles and soft tissue from what you've been doing. (I hope you've changed sides) I should think, knowing how it is carrying a heavy child myself, that his thigh/leg was pressed up underneath your bottom rib and could cause tenderness on the underside of it. I've had rib/cartilidge damage for a very different reason and it took nearly 5 years to go, it can be hard to heal areas like that and they need rest.

Do you want to tell the story of the 'lump down below' ? DO you have a Health Anxiety background, or is this new to you ?

Hi thanks for replying and taking your time to try put some logic into my head. It’s so hard sometimes to do that yourself. Sorry to be so out there but I also have Ibs-c, I haven’t been to the toilet properly for months so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pains is also from my digestive system. I have a rubbish diet lol. My little boy definitely has not helped that, I had a lump on my cervix. (Found during a coil check for strings) I’ve actually had them for over two years now and doctor said they were cysts and normal and at the start of the year I got the depo which led to random bleeding, which started off an awful episode of HA. I’m now off the depo and seem to be regulating into normal cycles again but stupidly still caught up on the whole cervical cancer thing.. I also cannot think about anything else apart from this so it’s hard to know if it’s in my head or what. It’s stupid I know, I am on medication and stuff for my depression/ha/ocd but all day all I focus on now is my bloody liver and wondering it’s it’s swollen lol I just give up with it!

18-04-21, 16:23
I just give up with it!

Well, in all honesty, that would be the perfect answer to the problem - give up, don't bother, lose your cool with the situation and don't give a fig. ;) That approach would certainly reiterate that there is nothing to worry about.

If you have IBS -C (which I have also had badly incidentally, due to hormones and end of my reproductive years) then you certainly do need to be thinking about diet and increasing fibre etc etc blah blah. Then you more than likely know this.

It’s stupid I know

No, its not stupid, its a behavioural pattern based on fear that you've got tied up with, along with many many other people past and present. Look at this site, most posts are related to health anxiety. A lack of trust in doctors, believing symptoms exist pointing to terminal illnesses, Obsessively checking your body and thinking about a 'problem', linking random body sensations into something catastrophic, ignoring likely cause and effect and jumping to illogical and terrifyingly rare conditions, feeling reassurance for a very short time....then the whole pattern starts again....is part of the course unless the cycle is broken and you retrain how you think and react. I know that what I say to you now, today, will have a very short-term effect on you feeling any better, as until you tackle the route of the problem it'll keep rearing its head. You need to start self-reassuring, counteracting your assertions with logic, out loud if possible. Write lists about why this isn't a secondary liver cancer, when thoughts pop into your head saying it IS a secondary cancer - read out loud the list you've written. There is lots you can do for HA, its not an illness, its a damaging pattern of thinking and it allows fear to become the cycle that drives your daily life and mind. Have a look at some of the 'stickies' at the top of the HA forum, there is lots that is useful there. :)

18-04-21, 17:05
Well, in all honesty, that would be the perfect answer to the problem - give up, don't bother, lose your cool with the situation and don't give a fig. ;) That approach would certainly reiterate that there is nothing to worry about.

If you have IBS -C (which I have also had badly incidentally, due to hormones and end of my reproductive years) then you certainly do need to be thinking about diet and increasing fibre etc etc blah blah. Then you more than likely know this.

No, its not stupid, its a behavioural pattern based on fear that you've got tied up with, along with many many other people past and present. Look at this site, most posts are related to health anxiety. A lack of trust in doctors, believing symptoms exist pointing to terminal illnesses, Obsessively checking your body and thinking about a 'problem', linking random body sensations into something catastrophic, ignoring likely cause and effect and jumping to illogical and terrifyingly rare conditions, feeling reassurance for a very short time....then the whole pattern starts again....is part of the course unless the cycle is broken and you retrain how you think and react. I know that what I say to you now, today, will have a very short-term effect on you feeling any better, as until you tackle the route of the problem it'll keep rearing its head. You need to start self-reassuring, counteracting your assertions with logic, out loud if possible. Write lists about why this isn't a secondary liver cancer, when thoughts pop into your head saying it IS a secondary cancer - read out loud the list you've written. There is lots you can do for HA, its not an illness, its a damaging pattern of thinking and it allows fear to become the cycle that drives your daily life and mind. Have a look at some of the 'stickies' at the top of the HA forum, there is lots that is useful there. :)

thank you so much, it really helps to talk about these issues like this, I’ve had ibs for over 10 years now, I’m meant to be going for further testing as I’ve suffered since 12 with it and never ever had a normal bowel routine. I’m currently very constipated literally nothing is moving it. I’ve tried all sorts, I can’t imagine that’s helping my stomach at all. I’m now taking Buscopan and helping that will help. Also I have been sleeping on my right side on a hard bed (moved back in with my parents!) and I don’t think that is helping it to recover at all, so I’m going to try a few more things to help it before I run to the doctors crying lol. I see a doctor on the 30th for the coil so thinking of just giving it a mention then and trying to relax for the next week or so. That list is a great idea! I already make lists of all the things I’m worried about and monitor them lol . I just wish I could switch the thoughts off for a while. It’s so hard. Im on 3x 40mg proponal but they don’t seem to do much. Very frustrating, she mentioned dizapam and then said she doesn’t like to give them out but I just wish I had something to shut my head up for a few minutes. It really doesn’t stop. I feel so sorry for my little boy as I’ve become a shell of myself. I suffered with HA really bad at 16, due to a lymph node, I become a zombie and promised myself I wouldn’t let myself get like that again, but I did. I’m so disappointed.

18-04-21, 17:31
I've had IBS for nearly 30 years now, with the standard intermittent habits for most of that time and quite horrendous flare-ups and episodes through my adult life, it has changed to IBC-C in the last 2 years and I know what you mean about 'nothing moving it'. I'm at the point of most dietary additions being tried and making no difference, I know how it can make you feel just horrible actually and when its like 6 days or so you start to get desperate and can feel pains in all sorts of odd places that seem a darned long way away from your bowels :huh:, if you want to talk further privately on PM (private message) then please feel free.

I think, for those who have had HA intermittently through their life, it is often a sign that life is stressful and 'pushing' them in other ways/they are stressed/anxious and unhappy. A doctor once said to me years ago that my HA (I don't consider I have it now) was a symptom of anxiety affecting me and coming out as HA, so some people get high BP and headaches, I got HA. So, its worth remembering that, just as before you moved on from it, you can again once you feel more settled.