View Full Version : Spiralling and fed up

17-04-21, 21:17
Hi all

I recently posted about right sided discomfort just below my ribs. Now I'm thinking what if I've had cancer, in particular stomach as I suffer with digestive issues, and it's spread to my pancreas/liver. Stomach cancer is the one I probably fear the most as my grandad died from it and it's got a poor prognosis. I've been having waves of nausea and I feel in a constant anxious state. Trying not to completely freak out

17-04-21, 21:26
what if I've had cancer, in particular stomach

You wouldn't 'have had' stomach cancer. You would still have it and if you did, be quite ill, especially if it metastasized :whistles:


17-04-21, 21:29
Hi all

I recently posted about right sided discomfort just below my ribs. Now I'm thinking what if I've had cancer, in particular stomach as I suffer with digestive issues, and it's spread to my pancreas/liver. Stomach cancer is the one I probably fear the most as my grandad died from it and it's got a poor prognosis. I've been having waves of nausea and I feel in a constant anxious state. Trying not to completely freak out

Heya! What does your pain feel like? I’ve had the same for about 2 weeks then my little boy bloody sat on my ribs a couple days ago making it worse!! I’m not sure if it’s just an anxiety symptom tbh, I’m sure if you had anything wrong with your liver you would have more symptoms than just a dull ache!

17-04-21, 21:40
That's what I would've thought Fishman although the waves of nausea is new. Hi worried, it started as a dull ache below the right rib. But since I've had occasional heart burn, waves of nausea and general digestive issues. I'm hoping it could just be ibs but I feel like it is going to be much worse. What symptoms have you had?

17-04-21, 21:51
That's what I would've thought Fishman although the waves of nausea is new. Hi worried, it started as a dull ache below the right rib. But since I've had occasional heart burn, waves of nausea and general digestive issues. I'm hoping it could just be ibs but I feel like it is going to be much worse. What symptoms have you had?

I also have ibs! since I was 12, I didn’t have it for a while and felt like my ibs was actually gone but I had a massive episode with my health anxiety fearing cancer down below and started getting stomach issues which has led to the dull ache under my right ribs! Sometimes it feels like I’m just more hyper aware of all that area if that makes sense? It’s not very nice as if you google (tut tut) liver is one of the main things that pop up but it really could be anything, that’s what I keep trying to tell myself!

17-04-21, 21:54
What symptoms have you had?

I really don't have any that concern me in the least. My digestive issues have been out of whack since cancer treatment. My stomach, for the most part is fine. I take a PPI and a swig of Mylanta if I get breakthrough reflux but my bowels range from normal to loose to constipated day by day and have been that way for 7 years. It is what it is :shrug:


09-05-21, 19:20
Hi all

I'm still suffering with discomfort under my right rib. I'm wondering if this could be gallstones even though I consider myself to have a very healthy diet. Google has suggested it could be a stomach ulcer which I find odd under the right rib cage? Or can which has spread to the liver. I was trying to avoid the doctors but I'm thinking I may try and book an appointment. Has anyone else had this?

09-05-21, 19:51
Google has suggested it could be a stomach ulcer

Ah good old dr google, where have you been my friend? It's been so long 😀

Apparently it isnt uncommon for med students to suffer health anxiety as they have lots of information but little experience in putting this information into context. If med students suffer from this, imagine us (assuming you are not medically trained) trying to understand the vast amount of information Google has to offer?

As with any medical concern, you should ask a qualified doctor, not Google.

Please dont think I'm being horrible, I am as guilty as anyone for googling symptoms and I know it ends with anxiety.

I would have thought anxiety could also cause your issues.

If you are worried get checked, but then trust your doctor. You should then follow with treating your health anxiety.

09-05-21, 20:12
Hi pav

Yeah I can understand that with med students, so much information within their grasp! I do work in a pharmacy so I do know a little, but not enough to warrant much understanding really.

It definitely seems worse with anxiety and my most worrying symptom is the on and off light coloured stool (Sorry!). I think I'll get in touch with the drs tomorrow

10-05-21, 08:19
Hi pav

Yeah I can understand that with med students, so much information within their grasp! I do work in a pharmacy so I do know a little, but not enough to warrant much understanding really.

It definitely seems worse with anxiety and my most worrying symptom is the on and off light coloured stool (Sorry!). I think I'll get in touch with the drs tomorrow

It could be gas!

16-05-21, 17:14
Hi guys

So I've recently had blood tests for liver function and various other things. I'm so worried I've got either liver, pancreatic or bile duct cancer. Still got the fullness below my right ribs and slight pain along with nausea and other digestive issues. Really worried this is it.

31-05-21, 18:38
Hi all

I've posted about my fear of something wrong with my liver. I've been having a fullness/discomfort just below my right rib for the past 3 months or so and it isn't going away. I have a strong fear it could be liver or pancreatic cancer. I'm 29, but I know there is still that possibility. Has anyone else suffered with this? It's so debilitating.

31-05-21, 18:46
A search will yield thousands of similar cancer fear posts. Your last three threads have all been about the same thing. Have you seen a doctor? Are you getting help for your anxiety?


31-05-21, 19:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

01-06-21, 13:12
Hi Fishman

Thanks for your reply. Yes I've seen a doctor and had blood tests. I'm now freaking out as part of my liver function test was raised and I'm being referred for an ultrasound. I'm so worried something bad is going to be found, ugh.

01-06-21, 13:41
Oh course they're going to check things out. It's called "CYA" medicine. Let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts