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11-12-07, 20:26
Just to let you know that Karen is in hospital being assessed, I've heard from her a couple of times and hopefully she may be allowed her laptop at some point soon to let us know how she is getting on herself. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-12-07, 20:45
Thanks for letting us know Piglet, :hugs:

I know this isn't what Karen wanted, but I think this may be for the best, I hope there is some help there that will get her well mentally as well as physically.

I'm sure there are plenty of people thinking about her and I certainly am, send her some hugs from me.

Jim :hugs: :hugs:

11-12-07, 20:46
Thankyou Piglet for letting us know about Karen :hugs:

If you do manage to contact her all please send her my love and best wishes.:hugs:


11-12-07, 22:37
Thanks Piglet:hugs:

Karen if you read this stay strong hunny:hugs:

You can do it and we will meet again in the spring:yesyes:

Piglet gave you my number and Im here if you need me:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-12-07, 10:10
Thanks for that update Nigel.

Piglet :flowers:

12-12-07, 11:56
Sorry to hear Karen is in hospital. I hope things improve for her soon.

I'm thinking of her. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

12-12-07, 12:22
Just read about Karen, I hope she gets the help she needs and deserves.

Look forward to seeing her back on here when she is well enough, my thoughts are with her :)


12-12-07, 22:33
Thanks for the update Nigel:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

12-12-07, 23:08

I know that there are many members who are anxious to have some further news of Karen, so whilst I'm sure Nigel will post more fully when he can, I just wanted to let you know that tonight, Wednesday night, Karen remains under assessment in hospital.

12-12-07, 23:45
If you could give her all our love Nigel that would be great:yesyes:

And can I thank you too for being such a good friend to her:hugs:

And thank you too for keeping us posted:yesyes:

Take good care Nigel:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-12-07, 23:55
Nigel,thanks so much for updating us :hugs:

Please send Karen my best wishes too.


13-12-07, 01:44
Thanks for your updates Meg and Nigel.

Karen - thinking of you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-12-07, 08:03
please send my love to karen...
she is in my thoughts right now...
please let her know(as im sure you will) that everyone here is rooting for her...
:hugs: KAREN :hugs:

13-12-07, 09:51
:hugs: Sending these to Karen:hugs:

Linda xx

13-12-07, 10:36
Many thanks Meg and Nigel both. :hugs:

Nigel is Karen able to recharge her mobile yet at all???

Let's hope they can get her on a better more appropriate ward very soon - we all know things couldn't have gone on like they were, so I have to admit some relief in knowing that she is in hospital. I just wish the care would also involve much more in the way of tackling the underlying issues.

Give her a massive big sqeeze from me. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-12-07, 10:50
I am sorry to read about karen ,

please let her know I am thining of her and hope shes feeling better soon:hugs: .

13-12-07, 13:16
The internet access proplem should cease once Karen gets transferred to a ward.

I have rung and checked that the hospital she is in has the full 'Patientline' suite of services at each bedside, so she can have a phoneline as well as usual entertainment and internet access.

As for the mobile, in my experiences very recently in an open MAU, the less said the better about these things, we just quietly plugged our phones in overnight and casually draped something over the top and noone was any the wiser especially when you don't actually need much doing to you overnight such as Karen won't- the staff tend to stay well away and you can get on and text as much as you like. Especially now that the rules about mobiles having to be switched off have been lifted, there isn't even any reason to feel bad about it.... so tell Karen to just get on with it under the covers and keep in touch with those who she knows will be waiting to hear from her.

13-12-07, 13:58
oh lorks:ohmy: i did not know Karen was in hospital,she just text me:ohmy: sounds pretty fed up poor kid!Nigel and meg ,thanks for all the updates..i wondered why i had not heard from her for a couple of days ..:ohmy: Karen when you see this ..hang on in there ss:hugs: As Meg points out you will be given tv etc when you are on the correct ward hun..am gunna txt you now:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-12-07, 14:36
I'm glad you said that Meg. I was also going to suggest just charging the phone 'serrupticiously' - no-one will even notice :winks: When I was a patient I just charged it quite openly next to me and nobody mentioned it. They sometimes ask that you go outside the ward to use it, but texting shouldn't be a problem. Whenever I see patients using the phone I ignore it and pretend I haven't seen....

xxx :flowers:

13-12-07, 15:06
Nigel thanks - I've had texts this afternoon from Karen but was sat in a hosp waiting area with youngest piglet waiting for her to have a blood test, so my mob was turned off.

That's most interesting that you can have your mobs on but just perhaps not to be blatent about it, that seems to tie in with what I keep seeing myself in hospitals recently. I too was under the impression it interfered with machinary or something and used to be orderering all the piglets to turn off mobiles when we enter the building, in a very superior manner, or abit like a secret agent wanting to sycronise watches to London time!!!!

Paddington - Oh sausage do forgive me, I totally took it for granted that you already knew. Sorry honey you know my head is full of cottonwool at the mo - I chattered on about allsorts and forgot to tell you important stuff.:lac:

Karen hun we are all thinking about you and hoping you can get on a proper ward with the patient facilites Meg said about, that way you won't feel so away from everyone will you! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-12-07, 15:53
Please pass on my love to Karen, and tell her im thinking of her:hugs:


Trac xxx

13-12-07, 18:34
Just to clarify...

DH to lift hospital mobile phone ban

15 Mar 2007
The Department of Health has announced that a ban on patients and doctors using mobile phones in hospitals in England is to be lifted this spring.
The changes follow advice published by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) which said that “a total ban on mobile phones is not required and is impossible to enforce effectively.”
Restrictions were originally put in place because of fears phones could interfere with medical equipment. However, following the publication of the MHRA advice, the government feels the time is right to lift the ban.
A MHRA spokesperson told E-Health Insider: “We recognise that mobile phones are in everyday use and provide a practical means of communication. However, mobile phones do transmit radio waves which can adversely affect some medical equipment. Therefore, we recommend that trusts develop local rules to minimise the risk of interference with critical medical equipment.”
Announcing the changes, health minister Andy Burnham, said: “As technology has moved on it is right that we update our guidance on mobile phones to reflect that. We recognise that patients and staff should be able to use mobile phones, where it is appropriate to do so and subject to medical and privacy considerations.”
According to MHRA, only restricted areas where sensitive equipment is used should continue to enforce the mobile phone ban. Under certain circumstances, the electromagnetic interference from a mobile phone can affect the performance of some devices such as infusions pumps. Incidents of pumps malfunctioning due to the proximity of a mobile phone have been reported to the MHRA.
The spokesperson added: “Although areas of restrictions are a decision for the individual trust, the MHRA recommends that mobile phones are not used in critical care areas such as intensive therapy units, special care baby units or where patients are attached to complex devices, as any effect on such equipment could be detrimental to patient care.”
The MHRA stresses that it is up to individual trusts as to where the mobile phone is applied.
The spokesperson said: “There are many reasons why hospitals may limit mobile phone use, including disturbance of patients who are resting; disturbance of professional discussions, where alarm tones on medical equipment may be overlooked because of confusion with telephone ring tones, and where the use of camera phones may compromise patient confidentiality.”
However, Burnham said: “I see no reason for trusts to have an outright ban on mobile phones – especially in communal areas – and our updated guidance will make that clear, although, NHS trusts are responsible for formulating their own policy on mobile phone usage.”
Dr Gill Morgan, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said: “It is up to each individual NHS trust to draw up their own policy in relation to the use of mobile phones on their premises. I'm sure updated guidance from the Department of Health on this area will be welcomed.”
She added: "When drawing up their mobile phone policy, trusts also consider potential noise disturbance caused by the use of mobile phones in hospitals. Mobile phones can often be intrusive and technological advances mean that increasingly phones have cameras and recording devices.”
Barbara Wood, chair of the British Medical Association's Patient Liaison Group, added: “Research has clearly demonstrated that mobiles pose little or no risk to hospital equipment. We welcome the fact that trusts are being encouraged to allow patients and staff to use them, although this needs to be done in a way that does not affect other patients' right to peace and quiet.”

MAU's etc don't have the Patientline system installed as it's presumed that most patients are either too sick / not there long enough to need the entertainment, also I can vouch that the equipment is fairly bulky and if you have an emergency on your hands, which in a MAU is likely then you as staff, can clonk your head on it fairly easily and come off worst !!

So tell Karen to just plug the phone in and keep in touch with those she usually texts. Her movements are not formally restricted so even if there is someone heavily wired up next door to her, she can wander off a little further away and use the phone.

13-12-07, 18:45
Cheers Meg:D

I have to ask what is a MAU???

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-12-07, 18:59
'Medical assessment unit' Kaz!

Thanks for all that info Meg - I think that will make things alot easier for people being able to use their mobs inside hosp, although hopefully much like anything let's hope people also employ some commonsense and good manners when using their phones too etc.

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-12-07, 20:11

Thanks Piglet

Luv Kaz x

13-12-07, 20:19
Thankyou Nigel, Meg and Piglet for keeping us informed about Karen:hugs:

Kazzie i hadnt a clue what MAU meant either........:ohmy: glad you asked.lol

Ive been thinking of her today:hugs:


13-12-07, 22:36
MAU is an admission/assessment ward for GP's to refer patients to hospital without needing to wait in A+E for many hours.

The idea is that the patients stay there whilst they see and are assessed/have tests/investigations by the appropriate specialist and then they decide where to put them next ie ward/ transfer/ discharge.

Generally it works well as they are expecting you when you get there and avoids the whole A+E malarky. We were there just 24 hours and it was most efficient.

13-12-07, 22:53
Thanks Meg:hugs:

Has anyone had any news on Karen???

Kaz x

13-12-07, 23:08

I'm pleased to report that Karen has finally been moved to a medical ward today.

I'm sure Nigel will post an update with more details as soon as he can in order to allay everyones worries, as I know many people are very anxious to know how Karen is getting on.

13-12-07, 23:13
Thanks for that Meg:D

I can go to bed now was anxious for news:weep:

Lets all hope and pray she gets the help she needs now:flowers:

And Hi Karen if you see this:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-12-07, 11:23
Well progress of sorts! :yesyes:

Karen honey if you get to come online today here's a big hug waiting for you!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Are you likely to be on this ward for a little while now????

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-12-07, 11:37
Karen hun,
I am so sorry I have been around but not reading through all posts.
All my love and good wishes to you sunshine:hugs:

14-12-07, 12:31
Hi karen sweetheart...

What a tough year you have been having... I'm sorry I haven't been around but I am working very hard to sort myself out and it's 3 steps forward and 2 back as usual!

I am glad you are in hospital being taken care of although I know it is your worst nightmare... our worst nightmare is that you don't get the help you need.

You have incredible inner strengths when you are ready to find them and use them and I wish with all my heart I could do or say something to help you get there, but I do believe you will one day!

I just wanted to send you all my love and positive vibes that this may be a turning point for you.

Hugs from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-12-07, 13:09
Thanks Nigel:)

And Hi Karen :D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-12-07, 13:21
Hi Karen..

Just a quick message to let you know i am thinking of you.
Take care,


14-12-07, 13:24
Hi Karen :hugs:

As you know I have left NMP now but since hearing you were in hospital I have been back here purely to read this thread for updates on you (thanks to Nigel and Meg for those :flowers: ).

I may not be here reading daily now as I really need to sort myself out and have a break but I will check to see how you are doing as regularly as I can.

Thanks for replying to my text this afternoon. I hope the meeting today went well.

Anyway please know I am thinking of you so often, I know hospital is not what you wanted but I do hope it helps you and I really hope they realise you need some proper support to address the underlying issues.

It sounds like you are coping well and I am so proud of you :hugs:

Take care and lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Lisa x:hugs:

14-12-07, 13:57
Thinking of you Karen:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

14-12-07, 14:32
Let me know the result of the meeting this afternoon hun - be thinking of you.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-12-07, 14:41
Hi Karen,

Just read this thread and wanted to send you some hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You have alot of support here from alot of members :)

Thinking of you hun

Laura xxxx

14-12-07, 15:14
hi karen:hugs: how you doing now you are on the ward hun?[thanks Nigel for letting us know:) ]Sorry bout the security guard malarky:shrug: That's how royalty is treated too hun:ohmy: :winks: ..Piglet my friend..no sweat hun..i fully understand you have a wooly head hun..i have seen it protruding from your ears:D Cant wait to have contact with you Karen..we are all rooting for you hun:hugs: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-12-07, 16:39

I'm thinking of you every day and hope that you get the proper support and help that you so desperately need :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Love Kate xxx

14-12-07, 21:25
Hi Karen - sending you a big hug and cuddle. ( I know I don't often post on your threads cos' I can't think of anything helpful to say but I read this and want you to know that I'll be thinking of you lots)

Hope that the ward is not too bad and the other people are nice and friendly. I really hope that you get some good support to help you over this hurdle and help you to focus on your future. You are a brave girl which I am sure will help you.
Lots of love and hope to see more updates from you soon xxxxx

14-12-07, 21:33
Hi Karen, dont post much now, but think of you often,xxxx

15-12-07, 09:33
Just to let you all know Karen is doing ok on her ward.

Her patientview system is malfunctioning but the engineers are coming to mend it and the staff are hoping to sort something else out in the meantime...

15-12-07, 10:32

Piglet :flowers:

15-12-07, 13:57
Thanks for letting us know Nigel. I'm glad Karen managed to get a bed near a window.

I'm still thinking of Karen every day. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

15-12-07, 14:17

Try to stay strong.
Please take advantage of the help you are being offered.
Everyone at NMP is 100% behind you.
Best wishes,
Chalky xx

15-12-07, 15:18
Hugs Karen, :hugs: :hugs:

Hope your internet is fixed now or its working on the new bed.

I'm sure you are finding a lot of things very difficult and frightening, but try to use this situation to overcome those fears.

Jim :hugs:

15-12-07, 19:22
Thank you for the kind posts and texts :hugs:

I am now on a ward as kindly posted by Nigel and Meg and although it is better here than on MAU it is still very hard being here. This is a general medical ward and I am just here to eat. I am eating but only because I have to. I still have the threat of sectioning hanging over me.

The only outcome I got from the meeting is that they expect weight gain of 0.5 kg per week and I have to see the psychiatrist in a week. I don't know how long I'll be stuck here.

This keyboard is hard to use so it is hard to post lots. There is a phone no to my patientline but it is expensive. I feel cut off from everyone.

Huge thanks to Nigel for being here and visiting every day until he goes home tomorrow. Thanks Meg for ringing the hospital.

I've got huge worries about having clean clothes and other worries.


Karen xx

Her patientview system is malfunctioning but the engineers are coming to mend it and the staff are hoping to sort something else out in the meantime...[/quote]

15-12-07, 19:41
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

15-12-07, 20:12
Stay strong Karen.

Thinking of you. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

15-12-07, 23:46
Hi Karen

I have been thinking of you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: , glad you have managed to get online:hugs: . Stay strong hun:hugs:


16-12-07, 09:18

Love Kate xxx

16-12-07, 17:04
How lovely to hear from you Karen:hugs:

You have been on my mind a lot:)

Hope things arent too bad in there:shrug:

Thanks to Nigel and Meg too!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-12-07, 13:26
hello Karen hun:hugs: If you can recieve calls on your mobile let me know and i can ring you:D wub be nice to know where you are so i could send you somrthing ..but understand if you wish to keep this private.Just know i am thinkin of you and my family asks after you too hun:flowers: Love Paddie,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-12-07, 13:34
good luck x x

17-12-07, 16:42
:hugs: Karen,

I wondered how things are going for you?

I imagine things are very hard, I wish I could say something to make it all easier for you. Try to stay strong hun, you will get through this and come out stronger on the other side.

Have you managed to get on with any of the other patients? Are you getting any chance to talk with anyone about things?

Jim :hugs:

17-12-07, 17:41
Thinking of you hun:hugs:


17-12-07, 17:42
Thank you for the kind replies. Being here is nothing like most people imagine it to be. Most of the nurses are very kind but they don't know why I am here. The ward doctors don't know about treating anorexia.

No one will even discuss targets or anything apart from how much I need to gain each week.

The toilet conditions here are dirty. There are faeces on the floor of the toilet. I told a member of staff yesterday about it. The toilet hasn't been cleaned since I've been here. I see little point in bothering with anything while I am living in such squallor :blush:

Karen xx

18-12-07, 10:01
oh karen hun..that is awful..disgusting in fact!:mad: You tell the staff again.hun..no wonder folk get infections..you can be the one to protect the other patients by making a complaint:yesyes: I was pleased to hear that there are a few people you can natter too hun..you are such a lovely warm person..iam sure you will make others' stay in the ward more bearable hun.which may ,in turn,help you bear it also:flowers: Thinkin of you.love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-12-07, 10:33
Karen, :hugs:

Do keep telling the nurses about the mess. It's not on. :lac:

I think the important thing to remember is that you are only there to gain weight. I know that goes against what your anorexia is telling you, but I am relieved that you are getting some help with that. It is better than a section, and is definitely better than something awful happening to you.:hugs:

You have already been to an EDU, do you think going in again would help you more?

I know it's early days but, do you have a weigh in regularly? Have you made any progress yet?

Jim :hugs: :hugs:

18-12-07, 10:43
Hey Karen. If the cleaning doesnt improve speak to PALS and they will sort it.

Linda xx

18-12-07, 11:05
Hi Karen, thinking of you today and every day!
Stay strong:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-12-07, 13:50
Not impressed by the poo on the floor AT ALL!!!!!:ohmy: :lac:

Meanwhile lovie how are you doin???

I shoved a card in the post for you yesterday so hope it arrives ok then we know we are open for business on that front!!

I've been to the dentist today with that niggly tooth - I was scared but I thought of you giving things a go and that made me feel strong!

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-12-07, 14:25
Hi Karen , sorry to read what your having to put up with ,
I would tell them the news paper is on its way if they dont keep it clean enough.:ohmy:

Get well soon :hugs: .

19-12-07, 09:47
How is you today hun:hugs: Have they cleaned up that mess yet?:mad: I hope you are ok hun bun..seems odd having such sporadic contact.I did a 4 hour shopping haul last night hun:yesyes:[the less said about starbucks the better:blush: ] And today i have to drive somewher new..local ..but new..so my friend we can all inspire one another hopefully..thinkin of you.love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxx

19-12-07, 13:43
Thinking of you Karen :hugs:

Lisa x

19-12-07, 14:48
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Been thinking of you this week Karen:hugs:


20-12-07, 11:39
From one hospital bed to another, I have been thinking of you


20-12-07, 11:49
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m48/smayermtidoy/d4/01.gif Sweetie.

Take it easy hun.

Love & Wishes,:hugs:

Pip's X X X X

20-12-07, 15:25
How's it going hun - you've been quiet the last few days.

Big hugs

Love Piglet :flowers:

20-12-07, 20:54
Just thinking about you Karen and hope you are ok xxxx

21-12-07, 00:23
Thinking of you. :hugs:

Hope things are ok for you. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

21-12-07, 08:00
hi hun:hugs: how are things today?I am sorry that i did not get to talk to you ..it must be awkward hun..hope you understood my garbled message:blush: my cold is much worse today..i couls happily stangle my son for giving me this just in time for xmas:mad: ..lotsa a love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-12-07, 11:05
Hi Karen,

Still thinking of you and hope you're doing ok :hugs: I hope you got my text yesterday. I don't know if you have replied as I seem to have a rubbish signal again here lately but I was just texting to say I was thinking of you lots.

Take care :hugs:

Lisa x

21-12-07, 23:42
Hi hun,

I hope the Eating Disorder Unit is going to be ok for you - do let us know exactly what day you are moving to it. Is your internet connection not working at the hospital at the moment???

I think it would help you not to feel isolated if you could manage to get on each day and catch up with your mates on here :hugs: .

We are all continuing to follow your progress and sending you good vibes.:yesyes:

Love n hugs.

Piglet :flowers:

22-12-07, 00:31
I truly appreciate all the kind support. Dying swan :hugs: to you in hospital.

The keypad for internet here is virtually unusable due to my rsi and it being difficult to use.

My problem now is that I'm being sent to an eating disorder unit in the morning. I have to go or a third mental health act review will be arranged. My social worker wouldn't give me a direct answer about whether I would be sectioned if I don't agree.

I want to spend Christmas day with Stargazer and her family first though. This is the first year I've looked forward to Christmas day in years and even had the chance to spend the day with a dear close friend.

So how can I delay it?

Karen xx

22-12-07, 07:17
Awww Karen :hugs:

Have you told anyone at the hospital about your Christmas plans? They may well be totally for you spending the time with Stargazer. Worth mentioning anyway.

Love Kate xxx

22-12-07, 08:18
Thanks Kate :hugs:

I have already mentioned it to the nurse. She said speak to the doctor today but he will want me to go today.

I see three possible outcomes:

1.I feel too intimidated to say no, in which case by the end of today I'll be miles from anywhere and even more depressed and isolated.

2. The hospital here keep me a few more days which is unlikely so Ill be sent home.

3. The CMHT will be on me either here or when I am home on mon and they section me.

Dont know what to do.

Karen xx

22-12-07, 08:30
Right, ok! Firstly, speak to the doctor about the possibility of you going to Stargazers on Christmas day. It is only 1 day after all and will do you so much good.

If you feel intimidated by speaking to the doctor, could the nurse not have a word on your behalf? I'm sure delaying transfer to an eating unit by a few days wont make any difference.

Hope you can get this sorted. Stay strong and try to speak up for yourself regarding Christmas Day :hugs:

Love Kate xxx

22-12-07, 11:08
Oh I do hope you can get to go to Stargazers for Xmas day as that would be lovely wouldn't it.

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-12-07, 11:11
Heres hoping you get to enjoy Christmas day. keeping up with your progress daily-so keep posting

Linda xx

22-12-07, 14:35
Just to let you know I'm rooting for you Karen. Take care :hugs:

22-12-07, 14:37
Hi Karen,

Lovely to hear from you.

I hope everything works out ok whatever happens.

I do hope you get to have a nice Christmas day, you deserve that.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

22-12-07, 17:05
karen , it would be lovely for you to spend xmas day out of hospital with good friends, I really hope that happens, please let us know what they say .
thinking of you


22-12-07, 17:06
Hang in there Karen:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-12-07, 19:29
Just thinking about it lovie by going to Stargazers for Xmas day (if allowed) would that mean you would lose your place at the new eating disorder unit???? Obviously it's more beneficial to be on an EDU than a general medical ward as they are more geared up arn't they and I would hate you to have to wait for another place to come up.

What do you think???

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-12-07, 23:24
At the moment Piglet I think Karen's mental health is suffering as EDU is the last place she really wants to be, when I visited her last time she had no support just force fed and then bathroom locked and forced to do something for an hour or more, it was awful to see.

I have told her to ask the CMHT to let me be involved as her supporter in which case I can attend meetings with her and get her voice heard, the fact is this social worker had meeting without involving Karen at all just turned up and kept asking her did she agree? Karen asked agree to what and they would not say, social worker told her not to ask about being sectioned as she was pushing her into a corner the EDU is so far away Karen would be cut off from everyone and I really don't think this will help her mindset at all she really is very very low.

I am really cross with them as this came completely out of the blue.

It has knocked her back big time.


23-12-07, 00:44
Aww dear me - give Karen a big hug and I will be hoping for the best outcome for Karens long and short term health and peace of mind. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-12-07, 01:47
Hey Karen.

Good to hear from you :hugs:

I really think you should try to tell the Doctor about going to Stargazer's for Christmas. There is no reason that you shouldn't be allowed. Doctors are usually pretty good about that sort of thing, and don't keep patients in hospital unless they have to. I'm home from hospital now, but even when I was in, they let me go home just for an hour for a breather. I'm sure it will do you the world of good, and I really hope you can summon the courage to ask.

Piglet raised a good point about losing your place at the EDU....but I'm sure if it was explained, it would be ok. My friend's little sister is very ill in hospital, but even they are going to let her out just for Christmas day.

Frankly, your social worker sounds dreadful. They need to explain properly what is happening and what their plans are. 'Informed consent' is big legal stuff, and how can you possibly give it if you aren't informed? I should point this out to her next time she gets pushy with you....:lac:

I know you don't want to go to the EDU, and it must be hard for you to have this pushed upon you. I don't know much about these places, but I know that medical wards probably aren't the best place for you. The staff have little knowledge of the problem, and little time to spend working with you. The other issue (which shouldn't come into it, but sadly does) is bed space. Hospitals will be trying to keep beds free for the Winter flu rush. You can bet your bottom dollar this is partly why they are asking you to go now....:lac:

I'm not in a position to make suggestions about what you should do, as I'm not clued up on these things...only that these are some of the problems with staying where you are. It sounds bloomin' awful too. Being locked in the bathroom with poo on the floor? :mad: No-one should have to go through that.

Please speak to them. It sounds as though you need someone to sit down with you and talk through your options.

And get Christmas sorted!

Much love xxx :flowers:

23-12-07, 07:46

So is Karen still at the General Hospital at the moment?

The Social Worker should be acting for Karen's best interests. They can't just ask her to agree to something then not tell her what she is agreeing to. Social Workers should be working with both the medical authorities AND Karen to get the best treatment and to work out an action plan that is acceptable to all parties.

Is Nigel still a frequent visitor? Could he or yourself arrange a meeting with the hospital and Social Worker to get to the bottom of what they are asking Karen to agree to?

It really is of utmost importance that someone's voice is being heard in this situation.

Karen, I'm still hoping that things will work out well for you :hugs:

Love Kate xx

23-12-07, 08:45
Thinking of you hun:hugs: I hope all works out for you


23-12-07, 17:52
:hugs: Karen, sorry to talk about you in the third person here. :hugs:

My only experience of anorexia is through my cousins who both suffered with varying degrees. So I'm not an expert by any means, but I know how it affected that side of our family and a bit about what happened from their point of view.

I know EDU can seem a very cruel place, but the extreme pressure to eat is the most important part of being there. Without that Karen's weight will continue to drop and I think it's important to remember what the outcome of that would be.

I think the phrase that being cruel to be kind applies here. I know it will be unimaginably difficult for Karen and for other family or friends to see, but to even have a chance of getting Karen eating properly again the EDU can't trust anything to chance, any shred of trust will be taken away. Even though it seems horrible this is the best treatment for anorexia.

I'm not too impressed with what was said, but I don't know the details. I hope they do allow Karen home for Christmas day I can't see any harm or risk in that.

When Karen is up to a more healthy weight and when she is discharged the support will be there if Karen chooses to accept it from the CMHT. I know how much MHT's can suck but that's the state of the NHS sadly and it's all we've got.

I hope I've not been too outspoken, but I felt this had to be said.

:hugs: Karen, I really hope you manage some sort of Christmas hun and I am thinking about you lots. You are a wonderful person hun and you don't deserve this illness affecting your life so much.:hugs:

Jim :hugs:

24-12-07, 12:47
Has anyone heard from Karen and heard what is happening and what she is doing for Christmas etc?

Karen - if you read this I am thinking of you and hope whatever happens works out for the best. I hope you manage to have a nice Christmas wherever you are too :hugs:

Lisa x

24-12-07, 13:39
I have asked Karen to post on here and let her friends know how she is getting on.

Meanwhile, I know many people are concerned and are worrying themselves about Karen, so I can simply tell you that she is staying on her medical ward until after the Christmas Bank Holidays and then the current plan is that she will be going to the EDU if the bed situation allows.

It is hoped that it will be ok for her to spend Christmas Day with Stargazer but that has not been fully agreed as yet.

24-12-07, 14:13
Thanks Meg. :yesyes:

Karen - :hugs:thinking of you . I know Paddington wants to send you hugs too - she is laid up with bad flu at the mo though.

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-12-07, 14:44
Thanks Meg :hugs:

Lisa x

24-12-07, 16:08
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
thinking of you

24-12-07, 23:38
Hi Karen,

Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Christmas :D

I hope you are getting to spend it with stargazer.

I hope 2008 is a better year for you, one that leads to health and happiness and a new start for you :flowers:

Take care, thinking of you,

Lisa x

25-12-07, 06:38

I too hope you are spending the day with Stargazer.

Have a lovely day :hugs:

Love Kate xxx

25-12-07, 11:23

I hope you manage to get to Stargazer's. Whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a lovely day.

xxxxx :flowers:

25-12-07, 23:31
Thank you again for all the messages and support. I hope you have all had a good christmas. I did spend the day with stargazer and her family. I had a lovely time.

It is difficult to type using this patientline so please bear with me. If I go to the EDU as planned on 27th I might not have internet access at all.

I don't want to go to the EDU at all but I am being scared by my social worker. It is just like Stargazer said

The fact is this social worker had meeting without involving Karen at all just turned up and kept asking her did she agree? Karen asked agree to what and they would not say, social worker told her not to ask about being sectioned as she was pushing her into a corner the EDU is so far away Karen would be cut off from everyone and I really don't think this will help her mindset at all she really is very very low.

I feel intimidated and bullied by my social worker.

25-12-07, 23:42
Hi Karen,

Glad you had a lovely day today and got to spend it with Stargazer :yesyes:

I hope all goes well if you do go to the EDU soon :hugs: I know it's not easy and you don't want to go but it seems the only option for help available to you right now from what you're saying. I agree they should be talking the options through with you though rather than behind your back, thats not right is it.
It may be better than the last EDU you went to though, you never know. Some of them do give patients proper help and support and individual therapy to get to the root of problems etc - I hope this one will do just that if you do go there. It's a shame there is no proper help closer to home for you though but at the end of the day the main thing is that you get help and get better - everyone just wants to see you get better :hugs:

Thinking of you and good luck with whatever happens next :hugs:

Lisa x

25-12-07, 23:52
Dying Swan - thanks for sharing with me. I cannot give informed consent as I do not know what I am agreeing to.

Kate - Thanks mte.

The Social Worker should be acting for Karen's best interests. They can't just ask her to agree to something then not tell her what she is agreeing to. Social Workers should be working with both the medical authorities AND Karen to get the best treatment and to work out an action plan that is acceptable to all parties.
This isnt happening. I don't feel my voice is being heard.

26-12-07, 08:16

I'm so very pleased to see that you spent the day with Stargazer :D:D:D I was wondering about you all day yesterday hoping it had all worked out for you.

It must be awful for you feeling that your voice is not being heard and I really don't know what advice to give you other than please don't give up trying to make them listen :hugs:

Love Kate xxx

26-12-07, 13:46

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-12-07, 20:49

sorry hun i havent replied earlier only just caught up with your thread as i havent been around.

Im so pleased to hear you went to Stargazers for xmas, i have been thinking of you:hugs: :hugs:

Good luck for what happens with your treatment too, i am hoping that 2008 will be a real positive step for you hun.:hugs:

love and Hugs

26-12-07, 20:52
Hi Karen,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

We are all still behind you!!!!

Best wishes,

26-12-07, 21:53
Thank you all :hugs:

I came close to discharging myself tonight. No one should have to put up with such poor hygiene.

Noise from other patients shouting out has been bad too.

I don't want to go to the EDU tomorrow so I'm going home. I have a problem that I am locked out of my home atm. I just want to go home.

I'll get caught eating.

Karen xx

26-12-07, 22:04
Hi Karen

What happens then?

Won't they put you back in ?

26-12-07, 22:36
Hi Nic
What happens then?

Won't they put you back in ?

I am not sure they can. If it was that clear the spcial worker could have arranged an assessment straight away last time. I don't think my weight or BMI is low enough now.

But now I am not sure. I don't want to be on section.

Karen xx

26-12-07, 22:42
Hi sweetie

Just popped on and saw you were on here just want to give you these:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :flowers: (special one from oldest cherub)

26-12-07, 22:48
Hi Karen :hugs:

I agree no one should have to tolerate poor hygeine and if that is the case then complain to someone if you can.

I'm not sure what to say regarding you not going to the EDU - whatever I say I will worry it is the wrong thing to say or I have upset you - which is never my intention, I just want to see you get well and better.

Of course you want to go home, that is natural - after all no one wants to be in hospital so I understand that. However if you refuse the EDU what is the alternative for help? Is there an alternative? Would you get help at home and proper help for your anorexia this time? What do you plan to do if you go home?

I just worry that if you refuse help and go home that a few weeks/months or whatever down the line you will lose weight again and be back in this position all over again and how will that help you?

I'm not trying to be hard, I just want to see you get some help and get better from this horrible illness and I can't see that happening if you go home necessarily - unless they put some proper help and support in place this time of course.

In an ideal world you would get all the help you need at home or close by and I so wish that could happen for you but if it's not going to then you have to decide whether you will accept what is on offer I guess, or at least find out what the EDU can offer in terms of help maybe before you dismiss it totally - it may be alot different to the last one and many do offer 1-1 help to get to the root of the problems rather than simply refeeding patients. Yes of course it will involve eating as you are still very underweight but hopefully they would help you address the other issues too - they might you never know.

Don't get me wrong, I wish you didn't need an EDU and if it's not the best place for you then so be it BUT what is the alternative right now? I'd just hate for you to go home and get even iller again that's all. At least at the EDU you would get your own private room for peace and privacy I expect and it would be nice and clean and you would meet people who understood what you are going through.

Anyway I wish you all the best whatever happens tomorrow, do let us know if you can :hugs:

Thinking of you and please know that I say what I do as I care :flowers:

Lisa x

26-12-07, 23:15
Personally speaking I would give the new EDU at least a chance before writing it off. How can it be any worse than the hospital you are in now and how can life be any harder than it has been this last few years.

I really hope 2008 is the year you take control and kick Edie right up the backside.

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-12-07, 23:51
Hi Karen

Ohh i can so imagine how things must be on the general medical ward:ohmy: i spent 2 weeks on the same kind of ward myself a couple of years ago and like what your experiencing the hygene/noise etc was the same it was a nightmare.:ohmy: Such a different mixture of medical problems where admitted, i remember spending most of my time there helping others with drinks etc as there wasnt enough staff to cope:ohmy: . Toilets where just the same too, luckily i had a caffetta fitted so i didnt need to use them often.

Karen i think the EDU will be completley a different sittuation regarding hygene etc, i would try and give it a go:) .

Like others say Karen we are all behind you and truely want 2008 to be the best start for you hun.

Good luck in what ever you decide:hugs:

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

27-12-07, 12:30
It seems it wasn't my decision to make. All I could decide was whether to comply by agreeing to go or I would be sectioned.

Now I am sitting waiting for transport and by tonight I'll be in the EDU.

I have no hope for the future now as the whole cycle of forced weight gain will be followed by trying to lose weight when I get out.

Karen xxx

27-12-07, 12:37
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Karen

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-12-07, 12:48
Just wanted to send some well wishes :)

27-12-07, 13:02
Hey Karen :hugs:

I'm so glad you managed to get to Stargazer's for Christmas Day :yesyes:

I'm sorry that you were forced into a decision, but let's hope it's a blessing in disguise.

I really hope that it works out better than you expect at the EDU. You never know, just maybe when you finally come home, you won't feel the need to keep losing. Whilst it may not feel like it right now, that would be such a brilliant outcome!

I hope you are able to keep in touch with us all when you get there. There are so many of us wishing you well and rooting for you!

Take good care of yourself xxxxxx :flowers:

27-12-07, 13:33
Hi Karen :hugs:

Sorry the decision was forced on you :hugs: It's far better you go willingly than be sectioned though I would think.

I have no hope for the future now as the whole cycle of forced weight gain will be followed by trying to lose weight when I get out.

This does not have to be the case. Try and embrace the help you are getting rather than fighting it. I know the nature of anorexia is that it wants to keep you ill and resist help and weight gain etc but you can fight back. Try and accept this help and see it as a chance of a new beginning. The people at the EDU are on your side, they are there to help you.
If you truly want to get well (and I know deep down you do even if Edie doesn't!) and turn this around then you can do it - I'm not saying it will be easy as it won't but you can do it.

Just give the EDU a chance Karen, it may really help. They do not all just want to feed people up - yes it's a part of it as weight gain is necessary for your mental and physical health but many EDU's do work with the patient on other issues to get to the cause of the problem so you may really get the help you need and deserve this time. Try not to dismiss it before you know what you will be offered in the way of help.

You must be terrified and very upset so I am not dismissing your fears or feelings, I'm just saying give it a chance - this could be your chance to get better and go on to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life - the life you deserve and I know we all want that for you.

Most of all though good luck, I truly hope this is a new start and a new healthier beginning for you :hugs:

Will be thinking of you :hugs: I hope you can keep in touch there somehow or take your laptop like last time.

Lisa x

27-12-07, 14:15
Have just texted you. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-12-07, 21:00
Today's been tiring for you hun but I hope you feel you can settle in on this new EDU and I'm leaving a hug here for you in the hope you can get internet access very soon.:hugs:

Well done on a difficult day :hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-12-07, 21:21
Karen has arrived safely at her EDU and is settling down and her needs are being assessed.

27-12-07, 21:40
Thanks Meg :hugs:

Karen - if you read this I hope things are going as well as they can and that it is ok there :hugs: I sent you a text earlier, hope you got it.

Thinking of you :flowers:

Lisa x

28-12-07, 10:53
I hope you managed to settle in last night (after a fashion) the first few days are bound to be hard to adjust to, as is any change in routine.

You did well coping with the journey there lovie - well done!! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

28-12-07, 14:59
I know how difficult things are for you both at the moment and I so wish I had some answers.

Please both try to keep positive and strong. :hugs:

Meg if you get to sign in today do you have any words of wisdom at this juncture?????

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-12-07, 15:22
Thanks for the updates Meg and Nigel:)

If you see this Karen Hang in there!!!!!!!:hugs:

We are all rooting for you:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-12-07, 15:57
Glad to hear that you made it to the EDU Karen.

It's going to be hard for you and all I can offer is some hugs and some thoughts for you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

28-12-07, 17:19

Glad to see that you do now have access to emails and the internet .

Maybe the connection isn't as robust as would be ideal but it's great that you do indeed have access.

I'm glad too that some of the food choices are more healthy ones than you had previously on the other EDU and I really hope that once the dietician returns to work in the New Year, you will be able to negotiate further with your likes and dislikes and hammer out a plan you can work with.

Well done.

28-12-07, 17:20
Just wanted to say thank you for all the posts of support. I've only managed to get on here from a weak unsecure internet connection so I can't write lots or stay online too long. I keep losing the signal.

I'm finding it tough to cope. It is very strict here but the staff I've met so far have been kind. It's just hard when I don't want to be in hospital and particularly not so far from home.

I thought this was going to be short term but the targets the staff keep mentioning are too scary. I think I'm going to have trouble getting out of here now I've been admitted. I wish I could've been allowed home.

Thank you for all your support. Not sure how I'll be able to get online much but hopefully some of you can keep in touch with me by other means like before.

Karen xx

28-12-07, 17:30
Access to the internet is very dodgy. It rarely connects so I have to post short replies whenever it does, or write everything in Word and hope I have time to submit it.

Just wish I could watch TV or something to pass some time.

Karen xx

28-12-07, 18:25

You are so brave:hugs: , we are all sending you our love and good wishes hun.

Be strong hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love and lots more hugs my friend

28-12-07, 18:27
:hugs: Hunny. Thinking of you and wishing you all the strength in the world.

28-12-07, 18:41
Hopefully you will have a telly soon, although if Nigel has trouble travelling that far is there a possibility of renting a hospital one at all???

Right now then what about simple knitting again - do you want me to try and get you some wool/needles and a word search book????

Oh and can I also add that I have had a few peeps say they would love to write to you while you are in hospital and I wondered how you wanted to play that this time given the hiccup we had the last time (it would be lovely to get letters wouldn't it - help make you feel less isolated)???

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-12-07, 18:56
You are in my thoughts often - u can do it Karen xx

28-12-07, 19:05
still here and still reading karen... :hugs:
thinking of you

29-12-07, 16:04
Thank you Andrea, Sandlin, Rach and Happyone (hugs)

Piglet - No chance of getting one through the hospital. Nigel travelled up to bring me my TV from home. The signal is not very good though so I've only got a couple of channels.

Right now then what about simple knitting again - do you want me to try and get you some wool/needles and a word search book????
I've still got wool and needles at home but didn't want to get into that again. I just feel it is going backwards by doing things I used to do in hospital last year.

Oh and can I also add that I have had a few peeps say they would love to write to you while you are in hospital and I wondered how you wanted to play that this time given the hiccup we had the last time (it would be lovely to get letters wouldn't it - help make you feel less isolated)???
It would indeed be nice to receive letters but I don't want to post openly where I am because of what happened last time. I would say for people to send me a PM if they want to know where I am but it is expensive for me to keep posting and my signal isn't very reliable. Maybe you could help with this if people contact you?? I'm sure I can trust your judgement on this.

Today has been difficult. I don't like any of the menu today and that makes it hard to eat any of it. It has also been a very long day. Lunch was a ham sandwich (which was very salty) and salad and an apple. I asked for a banana or a yoghurt instead of the apple because it is hard to eat with my broken teeth and also is very acidic which causes reflux and heartburn, but I am not allowed to make any changes until Monday.

Dinner is butter bean and pesto pasta and I'm really not sure I am going to like that. It is really difficult to eat when I don't even like the food.

Karen xx

29-12-07, 16:33
Hi Karen:D

Glad you are hanging in there!!!!

You can do it and we are all behind you!!!!:yesyes:

I would love to write to you and send you bits and peices....I will pm Piglet!!!!

Im glad you will be able to have more say in your diet soon thats a positive thing!!!

Take care Hunny:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

29-12-07, 17:10
Karen, :hugs:

It's lovely to hear you sounding a bit clearer and thinking about things to do. Do they have any activities you would be able to get involved in there?

I always think everyone has an inner artist waiting to get out, maybe painting, drawing or pottery? How about books? Perhaps we could send some to you if you like anything in particular?

Sorry to hear about the TV, being a TV addict I have mine on 24 hours a day and can't live without it. :blush: I had one of those 'superloop' type indoor ariels at my old house that worked ok in low signal. Those digiboxes are fairly cheap and well worth it for the extra channels. If you can't afford it I could perhaps have a dig around in the back of my cupboard and find my old one if that would help?

I don't know how your money situation is, but maybe you could order stuff over the internet or phone? Amazon is great for books and anything really.

Jim :hugs:

29-12-07, 18:09

If anyone wants to write to Karen can they pm me and I will run it by Karen then she only has to answer one pm - is that ok peeps. It's just that there was an upsetting experience last time that has made Karen naturally more cautious about giving out details too publically.

I'm so pleased you have a telly - Nigel is a star!!! *

Kazzie as soon I've done my roots hun I will be back on and email you ok lol!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-12-07, 00:11
I've just taken up knitting! All I can make is hats at the moment...:yesyes:

Glad you're hanging in there and managing to stay in touch :hugs:

I am sure it is very hard for you right now, but you sound like you're being really brave and making a big effort. I guess it will ease the pressure a bit when you can start having some options about what you eat. That will be really positive.

Keep that chin up, and let me know if you feel the need for a hat...:winks:

xxx :flowers:

30-12-07, 14:01
Thinking of you lots Karen :hugs:

Lisa x

30-12-07, 18:01
Thanks again for the masses of support I'm receiving from friends here (hugs). It really does help.

Piglet - Thanks so much hun for receiving PMs and arranging passing on my details to those who want to write to me. I am very grateful.

Thank you also to everyone who wants to support me.

Kaz - Thanks hun. I think Piglet has passed details to you now (hugs)

Jimbo - There are group programmes here but I'm not allowed to attend them as I'm on strict bed rest. One of the nurses told me today that I'm unlikely to be allowed off bed rest when I see the team for my ward round tomorrow either. It is another 2 weeks until the next ward round and I'll go completely stir crazy by then.

I don't find group work particularly helpful anymore though and I'm really not arty or creative. I'm just very bored and the day drags.

Dying Swan - I wish you well with the knitting. I did it during my last hospital admission last year and don't want reminders of that.

Lisa - Thanks sis (hugs)

I've found today really hard. It had been a really long day and I feel fed up. I've also upset a couple of people from the site I think. Sorry.

Karen xx

30-12-07, 18:11
Hi Karen

lovely to hear from you:hugs: :hugs: , i have been thinking of you hun:hugs: . I have been out shopping today and got you a couple of things to post to you,will get them in the post as soon as i can. I hope they will help to keep you occupied.

Be strong hun
:hugs: :hugs:

30-12-07, 18:26
Hi Karen:hugs:

Piglet has given me your address thanks:hugs:

As soon as I shake the last of this wretched cold I will have a poke round the shops and see what goodies I can find to amuse you!!!:yesyes:

In the meanwhile hang in there mate.....we are all behind you!!!!:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

30-12-07, 18:43
Hey hun, :hugs:

Try to keep busy as best you can.

Have a big hug as I haven't given you a proper one for a while.


Jim :hugs:

30-12-07, 22:18
Andrea - Thanks so much hun. You are so kind.

Kaz - Look after yourself with your cold. I have had a sore throat for a few days and now a slight cough. It's the time of year for those kind of things unfortunately isn't it. Thanks again (hug)

Jim - Thanks for the hug mate.

Karen xx

30-12-07, 22:33
Big hug :hugs:

We swapped our news the last couple of days already (lol at my hair disaster) and I've enjoyed that. I will be writing mid week once the holiday is over - I've totally lost track of the days and was thinking of goin to the post office today till young piglet said it was Sunday.

I have to say I feel a bit rough tonight and distinctly like I am getting a cold so I am off to bed with some honey and lemon now (not quite the same as Clive Owen but what's a gal to do lol).

Take care button and night night :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-12-07, 22:38
Just to say Im following the thread Karen and thinking of you,xxx

30-12-07, 23:22
Thinking of you Karen and I too will be writing to you sometime this coming week hopefully :hugs:

Take care, I am so proud of you for being so brave and for how you are dealing with things :flowers:

Lisa x

31-12-07, 11:13
Karen may not get online today as there are some internet probs!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

31-12-07, 23:45
Thanks for that information Piglet.

Sorry Nigel I have never used a data card so have no idea. I do hope Karen gets it sorted soon though.

Karen - Happy New year :yesyes: I hope 2008 is a happier and healthier year for you and the start of better things to come.

Love and big hugs:hugs:

Lisa x

P.S I put something in the post to you today.

01-01-08, 02:56

Hoping 2008 is going to be a new start for you hun, been thinking of you this evening:hugs:


01-01-08, 12:42
Happy New Year hun, :hugs:

Nigel, if you pm me I might be able to help. But it's usually not simple with network problems. Usually it sorts itself out on it's own after a reboot, but let me know if it's still not working. Let me know as much info as possible, like if Karen has XP or Vista. I can give you a few things that might help.

Jim :hugs:

01-01-08, 19:12
Karen asked me to say that she still has no access. :weep:

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-01-08, 23:43
hi karen:hugs: pray you get access again soon.Now my flu is on the wain i can log on here again..soz i have missed so much info my friend but Piglet has kept me up to scratch and you too of course:hugs: Nigel ,you are a wonderful human being..just had to tell ya that:hugs: :yesyes: And i feel happy too Karen, that you had xmas day with another star of humanity..stargazer:hugs: :flowers: God bless ya my friend..and i pray that this new year will,be the new start you need hun..i have every faith in YOU!Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxps..hope Piglet is not coming down with the flu like poor jimbo..look after yourselves peeps:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxx

02-01-08, 09:00

Sorry love but i dont think we have spoken before but i am following your journey and this thread with great admiration for You, I wish you so much luck love and happiness for the New Year , You truly are a inspiration my dear and I for one pray you make a speedy and happy recovery

Good luck Sweetie

Michelle xxxxxxx

02-01-08, 09:55
Hey hun, :hugs:

I've been passing on some tips to Nigel to try to sort out the connection. Hopefully it gets sorted. It's hard when you're not there in front of the thing.

Still thinking of you, :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

02-01-08, 12:03
Dear Karen

I have been following your story and I think you an incredibly brave and strong person.

I will send :hugs: times a million.

Do you have any puzzle books or anything that will help pass the time?

:emot-worship: :roflmao: :notworthy: :bighug: :bighug1:

02-01-08, 13:52
A few of you had been asking for suggestions for things to send into Karen - well she has actually asked me this morning for chocolate.

One of the reasons that she would like chocolate is that she tells me she hasn't gained any weight while she's been on the eating disorder unit yet and while she is this weight she has to stay on bedrest. So she would like to try and eat a few more things that would help her to gain weight more quickly so that she could at least then be allowed to be a bit more mobile.

My own view on this is that I am happy to send you chocolate Karen in bucketloads if you want it as I know at the moment this is extra/on top of the proper meals you are getting at the hospital. But (and there is a but) obviously the need for normal healthy eating is the longer term goal isn't it because chocolate is just empty calories????

Please don't just go down the route of gaining weight as fast as you can in order to dismiss yourself from hospital so you can get home and start the cycle again. We want you happy and healthy in 2008 hun.

I will be back on later folks when Karen tells me the favourites that she has.

Love Piglet :flowers:

02-01-08, 14:11
Twix, Snickers, Chocolate circuits (don't know what they are), Gingerbread, Shortbread biscuits, Cadbury chocolate etc etc. Anything along those lines that is not too heavy to send. :shades:

Love Piglet :flowers:

02-01-08, 16:14
Just saying Hi Karen:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-01-08, 16:17
Thanks Piglet and all.

Sorry 'circuits' was meant to be biscuits - predictive texting got me!

Almond slices I enjoy too. Sorry I don't want to demand or ask for stuff but don't want to be stuck on bed rest.

Don't think I'll be online much since my datacard is unreliable and also costly. Got briefly online now but found out it has cost me over £40 since the weekend and that means it will cost me about £80 per week at this rate. I cannot afford it.

Karen xx

02-01-08, 17:23
Hi, not sure if this is right to post etc, so may well delete it soon, lol,many of us want to help Karen and are following this post very closely, just wondered if there was any way any of us that want to could donate so much money towards helping her keep on the internet, ((sorry Karen I dont mean to talk as if your not there, I would love to send you thousnads of pounds etc, sadly finances dont allow)) but I for one would gladly donate a small amount if it helps, maybe by paypal?? just a thought, xx

02-01-08, 17:52
Cracking idea Alexis:yesyes:

If all of us that could chipped in a bit it would help out!!!:)

What do you think Karen??:shrug:

I must admit Ive been thinking of how we can get round the problem by finding something more reliable and cheaper but im a bit of an airhead when it comes to these things!!!!:D

Any Ideas??

Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-01-08, 18:21
Karen since you texted me this morning asking me to ask people about the chocolate I have had time to reflect and really do have some serious misgivings on the matter.

Do the hospital allow this or are we doing this undercover so to speak. Lovie I really want to help but I'm not honestly sure this is infact the right way - it's not about you rushing to get out of there as quickly as possible so you can return to the old behaviour patterns????

I think maybe I am still not in the best of places emotionally myself right now given the ups and downs of last year so probably not really thinking clearly.

I agree with Alexis and I would rather help keep you able to get on the internet and contribute towards the cost of that instead.

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-01-08, 14:11
I understand what you are saying Piglet but it really is unbearable here and unless I do something I will still be stuck here in 6 months time.

I've had enough already and want to do what I have to do in order to get home. Psychological help will come from back home not from here.

The offers regarding the internet are very kind. The only thing is that it is very expensive and I'll just have to stay off it more. Right now I need the food to ensure I won't be stuck in this place forever.

I've been awake since 1am and today is dragging so much. Bed rest is sending me mad.

I wouldn't say I was depressed as such when I came here but I certainly am now.

Karen xx

03-01-08, 14:18

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-01-08, 14:31
:hugs: sorry you are feeling depressed being on bed rest hun,must be rotton.What would you like to pass the time hun..books or mags you name it i will send it but i cant in all honesty send unhealthy food..i am so worried that after doing with out sugar and salt for so long your body would react very badly and i could not bear it if i were involved with you taking a turn for the worse.i am sorry hun..other foods the unit think fit i will send you hun..a lovely friut basket maybe??Also money for the internet as has been suggested.You know that gaining weight quickly will not cure the problem..going home too soon will not make you well any quicker ..that is desperation speaking..wieght is NOT the the issue here and until the emotional problems are addressed i dont know what the answer is my friend..there was a line in a prog last nite..she eats her emotions..this is of course about a girl who was morbidly obese..sadley she died..i eat my emotions..you starve yours..food becomes the enemy in both cases:weep: I know you hate being where you are Karen..but you know hun today i wish someone would take me away from here and put me in a hospital where i had no choice about what i ate..but then i know the innate problems would still be there on my return home..all i can offer is a tad of understanding hun..and my friendship..i dont think i would be doing you any favours sending you rubbish to eat..i hope you can forgive me and understand too that the last place for me is in a supermarket surrounded by chocolate and biscuits etc:ohmy: Sending you love.your friend,Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-01-08, 14:44

Hang in there hun, i can truely understand your frustrations:hugs: .

I posted you a parcel it should be arriving shortly, i hope it helps to take your boredom away hun:hugs: .

Please try and keep positive as we all want you to get well hun.

sending you love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

03-01-08, 15:56
Karen hun, :hugs:

Glad you are back online, is the datacard working now? I was thinking of sending you a top-up card for it. It's Vodafone right?

As for the food, this is something that must be left up to the hospital hun. They need to make sure that you are eating a healthy balanced diet every day.

I think that you need to speak to them about how you are feeling about the bed rest and wanting to get out as soon as possible. I think this is going to the root of your problem hun and you need to be talking to the staff about how you are thinking. Pretending that everything is fine isn't going to help things.

Have a big hug, and let me know if a Vodafone top up is ok.


Jim :hugs:

03-01-08, 16:34

If your mobile broadband is so expensive and unreliable then it would really be worth you reviewing /upgrading your provider or package. After all it is not like you are way out in a remote location.

I seem to remember when I visited you at the last EDU that you had a Vodafone dongle attached to your laptop. They seem to have a variety of packages.

I appreciate that you don’t want to be tied into a long contract as you have a broadband land line at home but even so there seem to be some very reasonable options available to you as a pay-as-you-go scheme which all told, would be much cheaper than what you seem to be paying now.

Here are a few links to start doing some research on:


http://www.broadband-store.net/mobile-broadband/?tracker=888888x (http://www.broadband-store.net/mobile-broadband/?tracker=888888x)

http://www.three.co.uk/personal/products_services_/mobile_broadband_/index.omp?id=1183 (http://www.three.co.uk/personal/products_services_/mobile_broadband_/index.omp?id=1183)

Maybe Jimbo would be kind enough to advise as his knowledge is greater than ours on this matter.

As for the food issue, from what you tell me you are currently on reduced meal portions to allow adjustment from practically starving to eating reasonable quantities.

The EDU are not to know that you had increased your intake significantly whilst on the medical ward in order to push up your weight quicker. Thus, if you do not put on weight on their current regime you will have your allocation increased and that will be of good nutritious meals and not simply the empty calories/sugar you have been asking for here which generally you detest.

You will then put on some weight, get off bedrest and be able to participate in activities and hopefully get some psychological interventional help whilst you regain your health and strength .

You say psychological support will come from home. I thought these avenues had already been explored and were found to be unsatisfactory.

You didn’t answer Piglets question as to whether additional sent in food is allowed. If it is then I’m sure we can send you in a few extras to vary your snack allocation.

It's unfortunate that you allowed your weight to drop to a level where your GP had to take action and this chain of event followed but Karen, every step of that chain is for your benefit. To try to regain your health and strength and to stop the visious circle of self harm and punishment that you have been inflicting on yourself these last few years.

I urge you yet again, to work with this unit and try to turn your life around so you have a future you can look forward to, instead of continually fighting against everyone and trying to squirm past all those who are trying to help you on this tough journey to recovery.

Noone is saying it is easy and noone is belittling your struggle or pain, but we do all believe it is a journey worth making and you have oodles of support and love here to help you.

03-01-08, 18:08
Thank you to everyone who has replied and many thanks for the packages I received today. I am always humbled and overwhelmed by the support of my friends here.

I'm sorry I cannot reply in full to all the comments here at present for fear of breaking down completely. It has been a very difficult day. All I can say is that I cannot accept my fate is to stay here for a long time. I think maybe they have broken my spirit and now I am giving up. I have no fight left - not against them and none to get better either.

Food parcels were a stupid idea and my post was searched today. I feel utterly humiliated by what is happening to me here, even though it is my own fault.

I am confined to bed and not even allowed to keep myself clean properly - no shower is allowed ad they lost my personal grooming stuff.

Jim - Yes my data card runs on Vodafone PAYG.

Meg - I cannot get a contract due to my debt problems. I don't know how to get it to work on other contracts. If someone can help please.

It has been a very difficult day. I cannot sleep and I'm probably withdrawing from all the sleeping pills I was taking too. I'm only on prescribed medication now.

Love to you all.

Karen xx

03-01-08, 18:20
Hey hun, :hugs:

Glad you got some stuff in the post. Everyone here cares about you and they are wishing you well.:hugs:

Try not to worry about the debts at the moment, there isn't much they can do while you're in hospital.

Coming off the sleeping pills is a good thing and you will feel better soon. Try to talk to the staff about the sleep and how you are feeling, they are there to help you hun.

Hopefully the personal stuff will turn up soon, if not I'm sure something can get sorted for you.

Jim :hugs:

03-01-08, 18:20
I also wanted to say that it is extremely generous of those of you who have offered to help me stay connected to the internet and I am so sorry for dismissing the idea. I don't mean to be ungrateful.

I'm just very distressed at present and I have had enough of it here. I am in such a state that it is almost enforced self neglect. The nurse today suggested I use baby wipes to keep clean. How has it come to this.

I feel very ashamed of myself, very alone and very distressed. I don't think I'll ever escape from here and even if I do I will be so fat that I'll never be able to accept it. I'll work even harder to lose weight again.

This admission is not going to help me.

Karen xx

03-01-08, 18:37
Hey hun, :hugs:

None of the 'S' word ok. :winks:

I know you are finding it hard but it will get easier. Try to see this as a turning point for you and being there is going to help you a lot. You may have a long struggle ahead and it is going to be hard, but I know you can do this hun.

Have you had any thoughts about any activities that might help keep you busy when you are able to leave bed?


Jim :hugs:

03-01-08, 19:05
Hi Karen,

Sorry I've not been about for you much lately, I am having a break from NMP again to some extent but I am also ill right now so not feeling up to being online much right now, but I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you lots and I do read when I can to see how you are doing :hugs:

Lisa x

03-01-08, 20:42
As usual very wise words from Meg there.

Do ask the staff if we are allowed to send you the odd little more treaty snack and I will gladly do that - also perhaps some nice toiletries then too???

I don't think they are breaking your spirit but thankfully they might be breaking Edies (for new readers Edie is what Karen calls her anorexia voice).

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-01-08, 21:35
Karen has just asked to let you know that

"They are taking my internet data card away from me. It is against their policy and detrimental to the recovery apparantly":shrug:

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-01-08, 22:15
I am going to miss talking to Karen, so keep us updated.:hugs:

Maybe this is the best thing for Eddie tho, even if it seems very unfair.


03-01-08, 22:20
I expect they wonder what Karen is looking up on the internet.

Karen - if you get these messages then you must make the changes for your health and well being and get better once and for all.

Please give it a go this time ok and stop all the negative thoughts - they really won't help you and I know you know that.

I find it hard to post on here as I see what you have let happen in your life and wanted so much for you to get better.

Keep fighting it ok???

Have a hug from me

03-01-08, 22:35
Thanks for that information Piglet :hugs:

Karen - if you do get to read I am thinking of you lots :hugs:

Take care :hugs:

Lisa x

03-01-08, 22:45
I wonder what has happened to change matters so suddenly as Karen sent me this by email only 2 days ago..

It seems accessing the internet is not such a big problem apart from with a couple of staff who enforce rules to the letter. Most of the nurses seem to expect it.
I hope to get a phone in my room too so I can accept landline calls routed from the nurses station and that will be cheaper if anyone wants to call.

I expect we will get news when her phone line is up and running.

04-01-08, 13:39
Thanks for that update Nigel, doesn't sound very promising does it :lac:

I hope they at least sort out some supervised internet sessions for Karen, at least that way she can keep in touch with people a bit more easily. Decent phone access is not too much to ask for either is it. They might be understaffed but these sort of things make a huge difference to patients don't they and stop them feeling so isolated. I really hope something is sorted out soon.

Karen - When you do read this, I am thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

04-01-08, 14:20
I hope so, it seems very harsh to confiscate it entirely. Maybe they can supervise her with it at the very least.

I imagine things will get easier when she gets off bed rest.

Keep hanging in there Karen.:hugs:

I'll pop something in the post over the weekend.

Jim :hugs:

04-01-08, 14:35
Sorry I cannot reply to everyone but I'll be in trouble if I get caught online. They are making me feel like I'm a naughty child or something.

Karen still had hold of her card a short while ago
Only because it is still day time. I am supposed to hand it over today or else they will take it off me tonight.

I'm sorry if any of you think I am wasting my chance of recovery but none of you are here and it is truly awful. It is a hundred times worse than where I was last year.

I need to get away from here orI fear what will happen. It all feels hopeless right now.

Karen xx

04-01-08, 15:33
Hi Karen:hugs:

Reading this makes me want to cry:weep:

Im not sure what is going on but even prisoners are allowed a shower:mad:

They dont seem to allow you even basic human rights:lac:

Is there no one you can complain to????:shrug:

I still havent been shopping but hope to get out at the weekend and I will send you some bits and bobs:D

Take care Hunny:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

04-01-08, 19:10
Hey Karen.

I'm sorry to read how awful things are for you right now. I've been keeping up with what's happening, but haven't really known what to say.

I can't begin to imagine what it is like for you, and so I am not going to tell you that you might be wasting your chance of recovery. I don't know you or the situation well enough to say that. All I can say to you is, as little as we understand what you are going through, we are all rooting for you and truly hoping you can seize the opportunity to get yourself well again. I am certain that if I was faced with your current situation, I would not cope well at all. You seem to me like a very brave lady who has a real chance to overcome this awful period of your life. Whilst it may seem distant right now, there is a future ahead of you worth hanging on for.

Not being allowed a shower must be very difficult. Unfortunately, making a complaint will likely fall on deaf ears. When they say total bed rest, they tend to mean it. I remember having to carry a young girl out to the toilet, as she was totally restricted to bed. She wasn't even allowed to kneel in her bed, as she had a tendency to 'jiggle' on her knees, in an attempt to exercise. Such 'treatment' seems utterly barbaric, but sadly it can be necessary.

Karen, I know it must feel as though you are being treated like a naughty child. It must be so very difficult for you. I can only urge you to try to realise that these people really are trying to help you. I promise you, that it is very distressing for staff too :blush: and they really don't want to be placing these restrictions on you. I hope that in time, you will feel able to work with them and that they treat you with the respect that you deserve.

Good luck pet, and take care of yourself :hugs:

xxx :flowers:

04-01-08, 20:02
Oh Karen!

I am so sorry I have not caught up with this latest chapter in your life as I have largely been away from NMP for the past month.

I am so pleased that despite how officaldom is treating you, that you have the likes of Nigel, Meg and Stargazer and so many other of your NMP friends looking after your interests.

I really cannot really see why the hospital has such a problem with so much communication access being denied as psychological strength is important as well as physical strength.

Sending you lots of positive vibes :hugs:

04-01-08, 22:29
Hi guys

Thaks for all your messages of support for Karen, I made it up there on New Years Day and managed to spend a couple of hours with Karen, she was bored stiff with bed rest and distressed about not being able to have a shower but despite her messages sounding negative she is trying her best to stick to what they want from her to get better.

Thanks again folks!!:hugs:

04-01-08, 22:31
Place is a bit scary though, as when I went to leave (they were understaffed) all doors were locked and could not find anyone to let me out then someone came and let me into reception and I got trapped as front door locked too:blush: :wacko:but eventually someone let me out:yesyes:

04-01-08, 22:38
Just popped on to say goodnight and thank you for the encouragement.

The tension here is rising for everyone as we've had 3 new admissions since yesterday and the unit is now full with 15 patients. It all feels rather overwhelming. There is another patient coming in on Monday.

From tonight I am allowed to eat downstairs but I am still not with the other patients. I have to sit on a small table with a member of staff - on one to one.

I have to hand over my data card now so don’t know when I’ll be able to get online again. I was told today that it would only be twice a week at most, if at all. I have to ask at ward round on Monday apparently.

I’m panicking about not being able to cope without the internet and contact with people. This is dreadful.

04-01-08, 22:50
Hi Karen :flowers:

I'm sure no one thinks you are wasting your chance at recovery. I know it must be so hard for you in there :hugs: Just remember that sometimes things have to be really tough and difficult in order for things to change and get better so although it feels like hell right now, remember the end result (a happy and healthy you) is worth fighting for. You are tough, brave and very strong and you can do this. We all know this is not easy for you but just do your best, that's all anyone can ask of you - most of all do it for yourself though as you are worth it :hugs:

You have so many of us wishing you well :yesyes:

I hope you can get back online soon, thinking of you lots :hugs:

Take care,

Lisa x

04-01-08, 23:04
I can't understand them taking the data card away, but I guess they must have their reasons.

Take care of yourself Karen - we're all here right behind you!

xxx :flowers:

05-01-08, 11:08
will phone you on your mobile next week hun..got to go to hospital mon and tues for gasteo nasal tube thing ..yuk ..but will try to contact you asap.Hang on in ther hun:hugs: .love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-01-08, 12:52

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-01-08, 13:07
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of you as always Karen.


05-01-08, 17:55
Hi Karen:)

Just to let you know theres a parcel in the post for you:hugs:

No edibles so you should be allowed it:yesyes:

Thinking of you:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-01-08, 00:18
Karen still has her data card as she sent me a lengthy email this evening so she continues to be able to read all your messages at present.

She was able to keep all the puzzle books and lovely toiletries that have been sent to her.

She is now on full portions and has supervised eating downstairs.

06-01-08, 01:40
Hi Meg, thanks this is good news, xxx

06-01-08, 11:47
That is positive news!

Karen - hope you are ok and not too distressed with it all. Lovely to hear that things are improving for you xxxx

06-01-08, 12:28

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-01-08, 13:11
Keep up the good work hun,:yesyes:

Thinking of you,:hugs:

Love Hugs & Wishes,:hugs:

Take Care,

Pip's X X X X

06-01-08, 18:04
Thanks Meg:hugs:

And Hi Karen:emot-wave:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-01-08, 18:29
Great news Karen

Have a hug from me too :hugs: :hugs:

06-01-08, 18:34
Karen sounds like you are doing realy well and trying hard :yesyes:

jodie xxx

07-01-08, 08:32
Way to go Karen - will send you some things when i get back from spain

Linda xx

07-01-08, 10:44
hi Karen , so pleased to hear your doing well ,

Keep up the good work, your a star !!!


07-01-08, 11:58
hi karen
have some hug from me too
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
will write soon... just gone back to work and its chaos

07-01-08, 14:12
Still thinking of you Karen :hugs:

Lisa x

07-01-08, 14:54
Hope you're doing ok Karen:hugs:

07-01-08, 19:23

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-01-08, 19:30
Well done for doing so well Karen. :hugs:

Hope you are able to let us know how you're getting along soon.

I've been trying to get out to post something but I've been stuck in bed with the flu.

Jim :hugs:

07-01-08, 21:24
I do hope Karen is reading all your messages as she still has her data card and is sending emails. She is trying to be a bit more cautious and discreet about how much she has her laptop out on display and as not much more has been said, she hopes that as she is seen less with it, they may waiver/forget the handing it over bit altogether..

She is on full portions and snacks and no longer on bedrest as she is joining the other residents for supervision post meals, plus it is drama therapy group week, so they seem to have most days this week filled with drama therapy -for most of the day - Karen is not looking forward to it but it is mandatory.

She can have a shower now, so long as she is supervised initially but she is not ready to allow that to happen as yet.

Karen has put on weight this week and her BMI is creeping upwards.

07-01-08, 21:32
Great news Meg....thank you for the update:yesyes:

Well done Karen:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-01-08, 21:55
Super news thanks Meg. :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-01-08, 07:01
Great news!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Karen

Love Kate xx

08-01-08, 11:29
Thanks for letting us know Meg :)

Karen - keep up the good work! :yesyes: I hope things become easier for you soon.

xxx :flowers:

08-01-08, 12:07
Great news Karen, :hugs:

You are being so brave and I'm proud of you. :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

08-01-08, 14:35
WTG Karen - keep it up

Linda xx

08-01-08, 20:52
Thanks to everyone who has posted support.

I apologise for not posting sooner but, as Meg said, I am trying not to be caught using my laptop so much in the hope I can keep the data card. I also keep losing connection and it also costs a fortune to keep downloading lots of pages.

This week I've been busy with drama therapy too. It is not my thing and I get very anxious about it but I've tried to participate when I can. I cannot wait for it to finish on Thursday though.

As Meg said, my weight is creeping up and although that means I am a small step closer to going home, I have no idea what the targets are and I am also concerned about the reality of my weight increase hitting me once I am home. My food has been increased so much too.

Hope you are all well and thanks for supporting me.

Karen xx

08-01-08, 21:04
Lovely to hear from you Karen:hugs:

Dont worry about not posting we all understand:hugs:

Just know we are all here rooting for you hunny:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-01-08, 22:04

Piglet :flowers:

08-01-08, 22:52
As Meg said, my weight is creeping up and although that means I am a small step closer to going home, I have no idea what the targets are and I am also concerned about the reality of my weight increase hitting me once I am home. My food has been increased so much too.

Karen xx


Why don't you tell them your concerns now that as soon as you are discharged you will just lose it all again.

You have a chance here to turn things round and get on top of it and if all you do is self-destruct when you get out then this is serving no purpose at all.

They need to know this so they can get you some help NOW.

09-01-08, 02:33
Hi Karen,

Thanks for the update (also thank you Meg). It would certainly be useful to know that there would be some kind of "post-hospital" plan for you. I'm sure many in the unit have a similar issue facing them so it may be worth asking how this would be dealt with. However, I wouldn't expect them to talk about it much dealt at this stage.

Not sure what drama therapy involves, but presumably it will help express yourself more and interact with others. I can understand why that would be hard, but I think it could be really useful for you in time.

Take Care,


09-01-08, 14:17
hi karen:hugs: thank you meg for the updates too:hugs: Well i have had the vile tube test done..glad that is over with ..now what would you like hun..dont want to send the same things..some spending money maybe??Books?..you tell me please hun:flowers: You are doing splendidly..try and go with the flo hun[the drama therapy..erm well i would not like that either hun:blush: ]still it is all there in place to aid your recovery..so proud of you Karen.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-01-08, 17:27
Thanks everyone.

I had my data card taken off me yesterday so I am on restricted internet access now. It makes my life even harder.

I might not be able to post here much so I apologise for going quiet.

They are not even interested in discussing discharge here yet but my weight and BMI is safely above sectioning level now. I plan to ring my doctor tomorrow to see whether I can get her support.

Karen xx

10-01-08, 18:14
Hey Karen, :hugs:

Sorry to hear about the data card. I guess they want you to spend as much time as possible engaging with everyone there. Which is a good thing. It will help you with your anxiety to get involved as much as possible.

I really think you should be staying in until they feel you are ready to leave. It would be a shame to waste the opportunity you have to try to beat the anorexia. The EDU really is the best place for you to have a good chance of doing that. I'm really pleased that your BMI is going up, trust in the staff to help you.

I still don't think you are ready yet to be going it alone. I think Eddie is still going to be there until you have been in long enough to forget about him, if that makes sense, in a Jim kinda way.:shrug:

Keep it up hun, I am proud of you. :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

10-01-08, 22:06
:hugs: Hang in there hunny:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-01-08, 21:42
Thank you all.

Kaz - Thanks for the thoughtful gift.

I'm feeling very down and despondent about things today. I'm scared of being stuck in here for months and there doesn't appear to be any escape right now.

No one wants me to leave or wants to help.

Karen xx

13-01-08, 11:37
Many hugs hun - what I ordered for you arrived yesterday so will be popped in the post this week.:hugs:

Lots of love Piglet :flowers:

13-01-08, 13:52
Hey Karen, :hugs: :hugs:

I am guilty in that I keep meaning to post something and my anxiety keeps getting the better of me when I get near a shop.:blush: :lac: I will send something hun. For now:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I would love for you to be able to get out and be at home. But I worry that if you did leave soon that your anorexia would get the better of you again. I wouldn't want that, and I know there is a part of you deep inside that doesn't either. It's going to take a long time and a lot of effort from you to overcome this, but you are in the best place to do that and I know you can.

Try to stay strong hun and try to accept the help and support they are giving you.

Jim :hugs:

13-01-08, 14:26
Thank you Piglet mate.

Jim - No need to send anything. I really don't expect anything at all.

You are in the best place to do that and I know you can.
No I am not in the right place and I cannot do it anymore. I've had enough now and I want to go home. I'll be stuck here for months or years otherwise. No one will help me with this.

I ask for help but people don't want to help me in the ways I need help.

Karen xx

13-01-08, 14:38
Karen, :hugs:

Everyone wants you to be well and we care about you.:hugs:

I know it is difficult for you. I can't image how hard, but with time things will get easier.

Jim :hugs:

13-01-08, 20:55
Feeling very bad about myself tonight.

I also feel certain people are judging me.

13-01-08, 20:56
Hi Karen:D

Have got you a postcard of Glastonbury will send it asap also another little pressie!!!!

You hang in there!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-01-08, 22:29
You are very kind Kazzie. I very much appreciate your support.

Just feeling very bad about myself today. I fear I will never get out of this place.

13-01-08, 22:34
You so will get out hunny:hugs:

We are all behind you:yesyes:

But we all want you well and healthy and you will be soon:yesyes:

None of us will give up on you or forget you:yesyes:

So dont worry and concentrate on kicking edie up the arse once and for all:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:D

14-01-08, 10:23
hi karen:hugs: you should get your voucher today hun:) Hope you like the kitty on the card..so cute:) I dont think anyone here is judging you my friend.It is simply that we know if you left now ..you would be back to square one in a matter of weeks:ohmy: cruel to be kind comes to mind hun:huh: Dont despair Karen:flowers: One day food will not be an issue ..and you willbe free of the anorexia..this is what you are aiming for hun..just at the mo the e.d. is still very strong and is dictating your moods and need to starve.This will lessen in time.This place seems better than the last place too..what do you think?Thinkin of you hun.love Padddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-01-08, 10:38

Paddie has it spot on there.

Lots of hugs for you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

14-01-08, 10:47
not sure what to say...
but sending you loads of hugs
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
very much in my thoughts at the minute... hang on in there

14-01-08, 17:35
Just found out today I will be stuck in this wheelchair until Friday at the earliest, if not next Monday. I am fed up of having to ask to be wheeled around and taken down for meals and snacks by wheelchair in the lift every day. I am NOT ill.

My BMI is almost 16 now for goodness sake. I am sooo fed up of being here.

Sorry Paddie but this place is WORSE than the last place. I hate it here. I am desperate to get out.

Even my doctor isn't returning my calls now. No one will help me.

14-01-08, 18:33
Hun, :hugs:

All I can say is that a BMI of 16 is still very low and you are ill, you have an eating disorder, the reason you are there is to help you.

I know a big part of you is fighting against everything that is happening to you, but I also know that a part of you wants to be free of your problems and leading a normal life.

Fighting isn't going to help, in a way you need to let go of that part of you that is fighting. That is the best I can explain as it is difficult for me to understand.

I am thinking of you and you are such a lovely girl who I want to be well.:hugs:

Jim :hugs:

14-01-08, 22:31
I'm sorry Jim but I do not want to be in the eating disorder unit one minute longer.

They didn't have time to discuss whether I could stop using the wheelchair and have more freedom but they DID talk about my internet use and how they will stop me using it.

I hate it here.

14-01-08, 23:29
Hi Karen

So sorry i havent been in touch for so long and how hard things are for you.

What can i say to make it better, i wish i could but regardless of the time i havent been in touch i have been thinking about you and was always here for you.

Mate i am here for you and always will be.

Big hugs. PM me chick

15-01-08, 09:22
Oh Karen..jimbo is right ..you are a very ill girl..and everyone wants you to get better.the wheelchair will be to save your energy hun..like it or not ..that is why they are doing this:mad: i feel your anger and your despair but it is the illness trying to take hold Karen..im am sorry if this place is worse ..it seems more structured to me ..but anywhere in any edu would be hell for you just now.I do hope you got your card and voucher hun..be brave Karen..one day all this will seem sureal..as you get bettter,you will see this hun:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-01-08, 10:53
just sendin you a hug Karen:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-01-08, 14:19
Special hugs hun. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

19-01-08, 18:03
How you doing Karen? :hugs:

Still thinking about you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jim :hugs:

19-01-08, 18:16
Me Too:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs: