View Full Version : Chest Pains due to Anxiety??

09-11-07, 17:28

Last weekend, I had a crushing type of pain in my chest, whilst I was watching tv in bed. I sat up and it did seem to improve as I had a few burps!
I am obviously thinking of Heart problems! I saw my Dr on Monday, and she said my Blood Pressure was fine, and my heart was soouding normal, but going a little fast, as I get worked up going to the Dr's!! I have also had an ECG in April, and my Cholestorol is normal. I go for walks, and do not get out of breath at all.

Can you get these type of pains with anxiety/panic??? It maybe was indigestion, (side effect of Sertraline, also feel nauseous sometimes.) Just taken my pulse and it is around 78. It was once 116 at the Dr's!! If my BP and Cholestorol are normal, does it mean it isn't heart related??


09-11-07, 18:39
Hi Mooky

Sounds like anxiety to me. I often get chest pains - with me its usually associated with my breathing. I tend to overbreath when i am anxious and that strains my chest muscles and i feel as i cant expand my chest. its a horrible feeling. I try to control my breathing by trying to slow it down and make the exhale longer than the inhale.
I too have had a nausous/sick feeling for a couple of weeks now - like indegestion and a feeling as if food gets stuck half way down.
All classic anxiety symptoms, i know, but hard to except sometimes.
Hope you feel better soon.


09-11-07, 19:04

It sounds like anxiety to me, I use to get these all the time. I don't have them that much now. I would always seek my husband out an have him check my heart. I know that it's hard but try not to think about it.Also next time do your deep breathing that will help it.

Hope you are feeling better now.

09-11-07, 20:50
Hi Mooky

Take a look at the Common Symptoms section of the forum too, this is very common with anxiety sufferers, will help reassure you hun.



09-11-07, 21:37

Last weekend, I had a crushing type of pain in my chest, whilst I was watching tv in bed. I sat up and it did seem to improve as I had a few burps!
I am obviously thinking of Heart problems! I saw my Dr on Monday, and she said my Blood Pressure was fine, and my heart was soouding normal, but going a little fast, as I get worked up going to the Dr's!! I have also had an ECG in April, and my Cholestorol is normal. I go for walks, and do not get out of breath at all.

Can you get these type of pains with anxiety/panic??? It maybe was indigestion, (side effect of Sertraline, also feel nauseous sometimes.) Just taken my pulse and it is around 78. It was once 116 at the Dr's!! If my BP and Cholestorol are normal, does it mean it isn't heart related??


sounds very similar to something i had but was in my back.I felt a pain in my back level with my heart when i was trying to go to sleep.The pain was imense so i sit up thinking " oh my god im dying" then BURP!!!!! the pain went straight away.it happened two or three times that night and evertime i sat up i burped and pain went away.I went to the docs and he said my stomach was producing to much acid due to anxiety.and gave me Lanzoprotol and ive been alot better ever since.

10-11-07, 23:48
i always get chest pains-they are the main sympton of my anxiety and the reason i have had to give up work. they are also my biggest trigger. i need constant re-assurance from doctors but have found by looking through the forum post and reading ones just like yours, i have realised that its not just me and that stress CAN actually cause these pains.

i know i should practise what i preach a bit more but try not to worry about them too much as they are all anxiety and stress related


13-11-07, 01:47
I had chest pains constant for 2 months i really thought i had a bad heart and sure enough the doctor said "anxiety" and i swear within 3 days it was gone and it has not come back since... This pain was so bad i felt like a car was parked on the center of my chest for 2 months..