View Full Version : Chronic muscle stiffness

19-04-21, 12:55

I wonder if anyone else has experienced this problem? I think it all started when I had been for a brisk walk on a cold day - reached halfway and stood for a moment to look down into a stream and then turned for home. I immediately noticed that one knee felt tight - for no reason that I could think of. I had to walk home by which time it was hurting. I rested it and put ice on, then eventually went to a physio and it seemed to be going OK - still walking but less far. I asked her for some strenthening exercises and she recommended some with a resistance band, which I did, but they really made me ache. She thought I had put too much effort into it. I continued with them for a short while before changing to yoga and stretching but things just got worse. I do some somatic exercises and I have been to see an osteopath. However, my muscles are now so tight - everywhere - including my shoulders/neck/arms, lower back, legs front and back etc. that he can't manipulate the joint.

Some of this may be due to stress about coming out of lockdown, the death of my last relative in my father's family, studying, and general uncertainty. One thing is for sure I just can't seem to get these muscles to relax at all. It is painful to turn over in bed - in fact it's painful to do most things - just occasionally it seems to loosen a little and then tighten right back up again. Certainly the stress levels have risen with all this going on. All this has happened over a period of about 7-8 weeks. Before that I was walking in the hills, walking on the flat every day and felt as loose and fit as a flea! Now I feel like an absolute wreck and don't know what to do about it. My chiropractor can't do anything much as the muscles are so tense - so I am going around in circles. Not exercising as much I find is quite depressing as well.

If anyone has experienced anything like this I'd love to hear how you overcame it and got back to normal :blush:

Thank you for reading.

20-04-21, 14:24
I shall update with things I am trying to sort this one myself in case I come across anything that might help someone else. This morning I went for an acupuncture session - our local college are holding free sessions to allow students to increase their practice now that they are open again, so you can have 4 sessions free and then you start to pay. The acupuncturist seemed to understand what I was talking about so I have booked another five sessions - she said it was hard to know where to start (all muscle groups seem to be tight) so I suggested I stand in the middle of the room and rotate while she took aim from the door :roflmao:. Anyway, she started on the neck and shoulders and down the arm - I have large knots - one each side on the arms. Let's see how it goes. She was not at all phased by the suggestion that the anxiety would not allow the muscles to relax and suggested a book - I think it is called 'The Body keeps a Record'. I shall look for it later. I'll add anything else that seems helpful as and when.

20-04-21, 18:12
I just posted a reply to you and accidentally deleted it. Grr!

What I want to say is that your issues with chronic muscle tension are very relatable.
I think the book recommendation from your acupuncturist is a great thing to look into. I believe you mean "The Body Keeps The Score" by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.

I have complex ptsd, and as a result I have problems with ocd and anxiety. I also have chronic muscle tension throughout my entire body, without any particular physical reason other than my body being kept in a chronic state of fight or flight when my c-ptsd is triggered.
I know how frustrating and painful it can be to discover that the treatments of medical professionals help, but days later your body is back to being filled with tension. The recommended book and the works of Dr. Van der Kolk have really helped me to understand what is going on. I don't know if you have trauma, but even if you don't, I hope that the book will have meaning for you too.

Take care!

21-04-21, 09:03
Thank you so much for your message, Wabus, and I am sorry to hear that you are also suffering. Yes, you are right - that is the book - and I have ordered it this morning.

I am not aware that I have ptsd - that is a hard one to deal with. This has only come on in the last two months and, apart from the stiffness in the knee I can see no other start to it apart from being anxious about coming out of lockdown, family etc. etc. I do have a feeling of wanting to run away and live quietly somewhere - but that may be because we haven't had to be with crowds for the last year, really. All I know is that I now move like someone of at least 90 and doing anything is like trying to get through treacle.

On an upward note, the neck and top of shoulders do feel a little easier this morning - so shall look forward to my next acupuncture session next week. If I can get the legs to move with more ease then the whole world would be different.

I hope your journey becomes easier with time and thank you again for responding.

26-04-21, 15:59
One thing leads to another - so I went for a walk on 21st and the knee decided to come up like a balloon - lovely. Quite painful so next day rang the GP practice and was contacted by a trainee GP to discuss the problem. He booked me in to see him that afternoon and he diagnosed muscle and tendon strain in the knee. Plan: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and painkillers (Ibuprofen) regularly for 5 days, 3 x day. I've done three days and am on my fourth - I'm not a natural 'sitter', as my better half would tell you. However, I am trying. Interestingly I met a friend for breakfast (the first friend I have seen since October) and my muscles relaxed - just the knee was a bit of a pain. Next day they all tightened back up again. Neck is worst (apart from knee) and I now get electric shock moments when I move the neck and tingling suddenly shoots down to the fingers of both hands. This tells me that I have probably damaged my knee, but perhaps the rest is resistance - to change, to re-joining the human race, to facing the world again - to anxiety. One thing I won't do is get involved in crowded situations - I've always hated that. Let's see where we go from here ... acupuncture session tomorrow. I hope this might help someone.

26-04-21, 22:41
I have this too. So bad! My calfs and hamstrings are the worst. My partner has tried to massage them for me and said they're absolutely solid. They keep cramping too which is very painful. My shoulders neck and trapezium muscles are so sore and stiff too. I've been speaking to a psychologist and she says to consciously think about your muscles throughout the day and you'll notice what and when you're tensing. I realised I almost always have my jaw clenched, shoulders up high and clenching my legs! So I've been trying to make sure I unclench and relax my muscles as soon as I notice. Plus stretching helps. Bloody anxiety!

27-04-21, 21:51
I know LF87 - it's the devil, isn't it? I had my second acupuncture session today and the acupuncturist also did some cupping. Afterwards I felt very much more relaxed and was able to move better. I am hoping this will help to gradually ease off the tensing which we do unconsciously. It helps that the acupuncturist understands the nature of anxiety. If I felt anxious I would be able to understand it better but then if I feel anxious the body is usually OK - it's when I stop worrying that it moves to become more physical. I am tied to not doing much because of the knee and that will be a gradual process, so I'm revising the diet to fit a less mobile lifestyle for the moment.

Do you have a college or university near you that teaches some of the alternative medicines, like acupuncture? It makes it more affordable and it helps the student as well. Mine will qualify this year and as she plans to practice locally I shall keep in touch with her for the future.

I am having a look at the book that arrived, Wabus - it is very interesting but I didn't realise it comes in several volumes so I have only bought one. My acupuncturist is also interested and doesn't have this volume so I shall pass this one on to her when I have finished reading it. Life can't be easy with ptsd - wishing you the very best.

28-04-21, 10:55
Back to muscle stiffness this morning and moving at a snail's pace. Damn! However, I shall move as much as I can and try to ease things gradually. I am sure that the acupuncturist helped and will continue to do so. It may be a matter of time and doing as much as I am able. Getting out and about will make a difference, getting used to people again, getting study over and done with and so on. One thing at a time. I am trying not to strain the knee which is really what is holding everything back in my mind. Hard to exercise when you've been told to rest and ice the joint. Just wish all the other muscles and joints didn't feel the need to join in!:huh:

06-05-21, 09:56
Just an update - the stiffness comes and goes. The knee has a strained tendon. I had another acupuncture session on Tuesday and felt worse immediately afterwards and then the stiffness eased for the rest of the day and the next!! Last night I had my second Covid vaccine and this morning I am as stiff as ever. I doubt the two things are related. I am getting fed up with not being able to have a daily walk and the lack of freedom that I feel within my body, but there is little I can do as I need to rest the tendon. Patience is a virtue that I am having to develop. It feels as though lockdown is easing but I now have a lockdown of my own. Do let me know if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

07-05-21, 12:36
Another very brief update and I'm sorry if I am boring people. The stiffness is particularly noticeable this morning, particularly on the left side. The site of covid injection is bruised and I can't lift that arm very much - the muscle at the side starts screaming. The hips are stiff and it took me ages to do a short walk (I can't sit still for ever). Thinking back, this stiffness began to develop very gradually after the first jab - before that I was feeling very fit and had been hill walking etc. It gradually got worse and I did have a stressful period as well as I said. However, it was just beginning to ease when I had the second one on Wednesday and here we are tight again. So, I've called the GP and they will take some bloods to check for inflammation but she seemed to think the jab and the stiffness could be related. Let's see what's next. I suppose this could mean another month of doddering around while they ease off again - better that, though, than anything else.

15-05-21, 17:18
So, having had the test and spoken to the GP she feels that it could be Polymyalgia Rheumatica as inflammation levels are raised. Rather than start on steroids straight away I have asked for another test in two weeks' time just to give me breathing space. Any idea that the vaccine is related was quickly pushed aside - however, I shall always link the two things in my mind - and maybe it is better than having covid? So that is where I am. Too much exercise (which means not much) makes it worse but I have to move to keep things going. It will be a balance - it is just a case of finding it. I can't say much more about this - it has come as a bit of a shock and I can only try and deal with it as I go. Hope this helps someone.

13-06-21, 10:44
So, having had the test and spoken to the GP she feels that it could be Polymyalgia Rheumatica as inflammation levels are raised. Rather than start on steroids straight away I have asked for another test in two weeks' time just to give me breathing space. Any idea that the vaccine is related was quickly pushed aside - however, I shall always link the two things in my mind - and maybe it is better than having covid? So that is where I am. Too much exercise (which means not much) makes it worse but I have to move to keep things going. It will be a balance - it is just a case of finding it. I can't say much more about this - it has come as a bit of a shock and I can only try and deal with it as I go. Hope this helps someone.

I have been experiencing stiffness and weird feelings for a couple of Months and so glad I found your post. I went my GP on 30 April as for weeks my inner thighs and hamstrings hurt on standing up. Felt like I had done a run. I hadn't ! But that's the best way to describe it. It wasn't going away. GP said was unusual to be both sides sciatica etc usually one. He did some movement with my legs was satisfied no muscle weakness but took bloods fo rule anything out. They came back with borderline raised inflammation markers. So wanted to repeat them in a month. Prescribed naproxen for the pain. Went back and more bloods showed they still borderline high and had gone up. He spoke with a spinal specialist who wasn't overly concerned. By this point I'm panicking wildly googling thinking I have spine tumours etc. Then liver or bladder ones even a parasite crossed my mind. (The anxiety is high !!
Someone at work suggested a chiropractor. She said she thought was irritated discs and suggested fifteen minute treatments twice a week. I had seven sessions and was going to tell her I couldn't afford to continue and wasn't really doing anything. The hamstring pain went but the inner thighs were still hurting on standing then my hips started maybe cos I went bending differently and incorrectly. And now my shoulders are killing me aa is my neck and it's radiating into my upper arms. I can't raise them.
My last visit to chiro. She said before I could that wasn't working she could feel tension had gone a little in my lower back but top muscles won't release. She thinks a sports massage would help. I can't get in for that until next week
Meanwhile. Sorry bear with. I had to have a third set of bloods done where the doctor said markers gone down slightly I remembered I had my second Covid vaccine three days before my second bloods and he agreed that could have raised them. The third lot he said they'd gone down but not enough and whilst he didn't think anything sinister going on. He wanted me to go for a chest X-ray and asked if I check my breasts. Wild panic from me even though he was reassured I had a clear mammogram in December as I was 50 last year. Anyway currently waiting for the results of that trying not to panic unsuccessfully the waiting is horrible. But I am glad I found your post because now you mention the vaccine. I too thinking about it. Didn't have any of these symptoms before the first vaccine. It certainly wasn't an immediate response because I was Uber aware of did I have a reaction the following day. (No nothing) I thought it hadn't affected me. Maybe it did Anne causes inflammation which my muscles are tightening over to try and protect my back ? On googling. I know shouldn't but anyway. It seems someone in a trial for AZ vaccine got some spinal inflammation infection called traverse. Something or other which sounds scary. So now winding self up I have that. But doesn't quite fit as seems more severe than my symptoms. But maybe the vaccine has affected us both similarly. I am not mega fit but walk my dog five miles before work every day and have done for years. She passed away last week had been ill so the walking stopped. Maybe I seized up. Maybe anxiety over the dog and work pressure (sit at a desk all day and work is manic) isn't helping but somethings going on and I'm terrified. But this has weirdly made me feel a tad better as it could be maybe a long term reaction to the vaccine and not spine cancer !!!! I'm driving myself insane wondering what's going on.
How are you now

14-06-21, 19:48
I have been experiencing stiffness and weird feelings for a couple of Months and so glad I found your post. I went my GP on 30 April as for weeks my inner thighs and hamstrings hurt on standing up. Felt like I had done a run. I hadn't ! But that's the best way to describe it. It wasn't going away. GP said was unusual to be both sides sciatica etc usually one. He did some movement with my legs was satisfied no muscle weakness but took bloods fo rule anything out. They came back with borderline raised inflammation markers. So wanted to repeat them in a month. Prescribed naproxen for the pain. Went back and more bloods showed they still borderline high and had gone up. He spoke with a spinal specialist who wasn't overly concerned. By this point I'm panicking wildly googling thinking I have spine tumours etc. Then liver or bladder ones even a parasite crossed my mind. (The anxiety is high !!
Someone at work suggested a chiropractor. She said she thought was irritated discs and suggested fifteen minute treatments twice a week. I had seven sessions and was going to tell her I couldn't afford to continue and wasn't really doing anything. The hamstring pain went but the inner thighs were still hurting on standing then my hips started maybe cos I went bending differently and incorrectly. And now my shoulders are killing me aa is my neck and it's radiating into my upper arms. I can't raise them.
My last visit to chiro. She said before I could that wasn't working she could feel tension had gone a little in my lower back but top muscles won't release. She thinks a sports massage would help. I can't get in for that until next week
Meanwhile. Sorry bear with. I had to have a third set of bloods done where the doctor said markers gone down slightly I remembered I had my second Covid vaccine three days before my second bloods and he agreed that could have raised them. The third lot he said they'd gone down but not enough and whilst he didn't think anything sinister going on. He wanted me to go for a chest X-ray and asked if I check my breasts. Wild panic from me even though he was reassured I had a clear mammogram in December as I was 50 last year. Anyway currently waiting for the results of that trying not to panic unsuccessfully the waiting is horrible. But I am glad I found your post because now you mention the vaccine. I too thinking about it. Didn't have any of these symptoms before the first vaccine. It certainly wasn't an immediate response because I was Uber aware of did I have a reaction the following day. (No nothing) I thought it hadn't affected me. Maybe it did Anne causes inflammation which my muscles are tightening over to try and protect my back ? On googling. I know shouldn't but anyway. It seems someone in a trial for AZ vaccine got some spinal inflammation infection called traverse. Something or other which sounds scary. So now winding self up I have that. But doesn't quite fit as seems more severe than my symptoms. But maybe the vaccine has affected us both similarly. I am not mega fit but walk my dog five miles before work every day and have done for years. She passed away last week had been ill so the walking stopped. Maybe I seized up. Maybe anxiety over the dog and work pressure (sit at a desk all day and work is manic) isn't helping but somethings going on and I'm terrified. But this has weirdly made me feel a tad better as it could be maybe a long term reaction to the vaccine and not spine cancer !!!! I'm driving myself insane wondering what's going on.
How are you now

Update. Had X-ray results. Said heart lungs fine. I resisted the urge to say what about my spine cos I know they Would have said if anything. Sports massage booked for sat. Will see if that relieves it. Still a mystery. Still think funny it's since the vaccine. I'm not an anti vaccine person. I couldn't wait to get it. Just seems one hell of a coincidence

16-06-21, 09:52
Wow im facing similar issue.

I’m having neck and shoulder pain for months (6 months) before my Covid vaccine though. It’s worse when I turn my head to the left or to the right. Sometime it along the base of the neck and shoulder. My neck cracks with noises. Had 3 GP visits, weekly chiropractor sessions for a month but the pain never goes away. It gets better with massage heat pad and come back. Both GP and chiro insisted on muscular tension tightness due to bad posture. I’m seeing an ENT for 2nd opinion to see if I shall get some imaging tests. GP refused MRI because to both of them it wasn’t necessary. I’m regretted I’ve waited so long because I trusted them :( I’m praying that I didn’t have anything sinister.

Someone also recommended acupuncture as an alternative so I might look into it. the more I’m anxious the more it gets worse.

17-06-21, 18:12
Wow im facing similar issue.

I’m having neck and shoulder pain for months (6 months) before my Covid vaccine though. It’s worse when I turn my head to the left or to the right. Sometime it along the base of the neck and shoulder. My neck cracks with noises. Had 3 GP visits, weekly chiropractor sessions for a month but the pain never goes away. It gets better with massage heat pad and come back. Both GP and chiro insisted on muscular tension tightness due to bad posture. I’m seeing an ENT for 2nd opinion to see if I shall get some imaging tests. GP refused MRI because to both of them it wasn’t necessary. I’m regretted I’ve waited so long because I trusted them :( I’m praying that I didn’t have anything sinister.

Someone also recommended acupuncture as an alternative so I might look into it. the more I’m anxious the more it gets worse.

It's horrible isn't it. My neck cracks too. As do hips etc. When I raise my arms I can feel something pulling at the bottom of my neck/top of back too. So telling self that's indicative of muscle or something rather than sinister. I also keep telling myself to stop it because the X-ray was clear and it shows the top of spine and whilst apparently for muscle tendon issues you need MRI to see, an X-ray does show tumours and therefore there's nothing there sinister etc !
I think my legs are slightly better but arms and neck deffo worse. I would hazard a guess you are ok in terms of sinister things because they would have investigated further. They can't not really. They told me at the GP surgery that tumours don't present like that. Seems a lot of us are suffering with this. I am having a sports massage on Saturday. I'll let you know if he agrees tension. The chiropractor thinks I'll benefit from that so we shall see !

17-06-21, 18:18
Also. Another quick thought. As horrible as it is. You've had this 6 months so something sinister Would have made itself apparent in other ways now. Try not to worry too much. Pot kettle I know !!

10-07-21, 18:38
It's horrible isn't it. My neck cracks too. As do hips etc. When I raise my arms I can feel something pulling at the bottom of my neck/top of back too. So telling self that's indicative of muscle or something rather than sinister. I also keep telling myself to stop it because the X-ray was clear and it shows the top of spine and whilst apparently for muscle tendon issues you need MRI to see, an X-ray does show tumours and therefore there's nothing there sinister etc !
I think my legs are slightly better but arms and neck deffo worse. I would hazard a guess you are ok in terms of sinister things because they would have investigated further. They can't not really. They told me at the GP surgery that tumours don't present like that. Seems a lot of us are suffering with this. I am having a sports massage on Saturday. I'll let you know if he agrees tension. The chiropractor thinks I'll benefit from that so we shall see !

How are your arms and neck now? Are you still going with ur acupuncture sessions? My chiro keeps on saying I need to do the excercises at home more often. His 30min session won’t help if I don’t do them.

So finally she sent me for neck X-Ray. They took 4 pics. She said everything look normal. I’m so scared to ask her would tumors show up on X-Ray or not. She refers me to acupuncture and physical therapist instead of chiro. If after one month, things don’t get better, she will send me for MRI (would be 8 months total of chasing the root cause). I’m so scared to ask for MRI now because of all the what-if.

15-07-21, 15:17
How are your arms and neck now? Are you still going with ur acupuncture sessions? My chiro keeps on saying I need to do the excercises at home more often. His 30min session won’t help if I don’t do them.

So finally she sent me for neck X-Ray. They took 4 pics. She said everything look normal. I’m so scared to ask her would tumors show up on X-Ray or not. She refers me to acupuncture and physical therapist instead of chiro. If after one month, things don’t get better, she will send me for MRI (would be 8 months total of chasing the root cause). I’m so scared to ask for MRI now because of all the what-if.

Sorry just seen this.
They suggested polymyalgia to me too now. Well actually I suggested to doctor after a family member saw me trying to get up on the beach from a sitting position snd said she's had that. She described all to a t!
Shoulders neck stiffness. Upper arm weakness can't fasten bra etc. Standing up difficult as thighs hips hurt but once up amd walk feel better. All fits. Easily treated with steroids. I suggested to doctor he said does fit but he dismissed due to my age initially plus wasn't in my shoulders then at the beginning either. I'm 51 on September. It's more typical in over 60's. But as no specific test he had to take bloods to rule out Other things which I'll find out tomorrow. One being rhumatoid arthritis one being Lupas another myeloma which course I'm panicking about. Says he doubts it just has to check to rule out.
My suggestion of the vaccine was greeted with can't know for years not enough data
Started me on steroids once taken the blood. Response to them is another indicator of polymyalgia.
Think I'm responding four days In but I expected miracles. I can lift arms up higher now though amd get up without shuffling so fingers crossed.
Pretty sure tumours do show on X-ray. Try not to worry. Ha says me. Chief worrier.
I wonder how the original poster is getting on ? Much love to you both

15-07-21, 15:39
I'm not a medical expert, but, my husband had a chest x-ray a couple of years ago and a mass showed up on the x-ray he was fast tracked through with suspected lung cancer. It wasn't thankfully. But I guess it means that it's possible it would show up.

16-07-21, 20:23
I'm not a medical expert, but, my husband had a chest x-ray a couple of years ago and a mass showed up on the x-ray he was fast tracked through with suspected lung cancer. It wasn't thankfully. But I guess it means that it's possible it would show up. thank you

16-07-21, 20:26
Sorry just seen this.
They suggested polymyalgia to me too now. Well actually I suggested to doctor after a family member saw me trying to get up on the beach from a sitting position snd said she's had that. She described all to a t!
Shoulders neck stiffness. Upper arm weakness can't fasten bra etc. Standing up difficult as thighs hips hurt but once up amd walk feel better. All fits. Easily treated with steroids. I suggested to doctor he said does fit but he dismissed due to my age initially plus wasn't in my shoulders then at the beginning either. I'm 51 on September. It's more typical in over 60's. But as no specific test he had to take bloods to rule out Other things which I'll find out tomorrow. One being rhumatoid arthritis one being Lupas another myeloma which course I'm panicking about. Says he doubts it just has to check to rule out.
My suggestion of the vaccine was greeted with can't know for years not enough data
Started me on steroids once taken the blood. Response to them is another indicator of polymyalgia.
Think I'm responding four days In but I expected miracles. I can lift arms up higher now though amd get up without shuffling so fingers crossed.
Pretty sure tumours do show on X-ray. Try not to worry. Ha says me. Chief worrier.
I wonder how the original poster is getting on ? Much love to you both

My doctor doesn’t suggest steroid yet.

In regard to acupuncture, I tried first time yesterday. Been 24hrs my neck and shoulder pain dropped significantly. Don’t even know if’s mental or true effect of acupuncture.

Then 24hrs after acupuncture, I feel pain behind my knee on the left only when walking. This left side was where he had needles placed in my ear, feet, hand and shoulder. Not sure if related or not.

One thing after another. Anxiety loves it :(