View Full Version : Does your right foot shake faster than left?

21-04-21, 23:22
You guys I’m asking this because I’ve been a little stressed about this for the past few days. I don’t want to be ridiculed and told to stop being a hypochondriac. Only serious answers please. When I shake my right foot I can do it quite rapidly whereas with my left sometimes I can’t get it to shake rapidly at all. It’s really freaky. I am right handed and hoping it’s just this and not a sign of weakness

21-04-21, 23:27
Nope, not a sign of weakness. This is you being an asymmetrical human being!

21-04-21, 23:49
By setting the precedent you did in your post, you know full well what the real issue is. This is a serious question and asked respectfully... Why are you doing this and what possibly would it indicate or mean? :huh:

Positive thoughts

22-04-21, 10:12
I don’t want to be ridiculed and told to stop being a hypochondriac. Only serious answers please.

My serious answer is stop being ridiculous.

YOU need to ridicule yourself for even going down this road. Why are you even testing this?

22-04-21, 10:18
Serious answer - I have no idea if I can shake one foot more rapidly than the other, and have no intention of trying it. The reason I have no intention of trying it is because I am not going to go looking for problems, then imagining I have some when clearly I don't, my feet work fine, my legs hold me up and walk perfectly, they have given me no cause for concern and I seem to be able to function perfectly normally. Checking my body for strange 'occurrences' isn't normal or healthy, its a waste of time and energy that could be spent doing other things. You do need to say to yourself 'Come on, why the hell am I doing this ?'

22-04-21, 10:50
Sorry, Katniss, but what you're doing is fundamentally ridiculous. Carys has it exactly right; if you can walk without falling over, why perform all these silly tests on yourself?