View Full Version : Sore lump inside bottom lip

22-04-21, 16:22
Just wondering if anyone has had anything similar (and it was nothing serious!)
I’ve had a sore spot, looks like a small white bump inside my bottom lip for about 4 weeks. I end up biting it off/popping it after a couple of days but it keeps coming back. I’m so worried it’s mouth cancer. I’ve got other health worries going on at the moment too and this is not helping my stress. I’ve managed to stay off Google so far, thought I’d ask people here first as I’m sure it’ll be much more reliable info.

22-04-21, 19:13
Yes, I've had exactly this during this year, it kind of looked like a hard small tiny whiteish blister and was inside my lower lip (in line with the top of my lower teeth) I have no idea what it is/was, but it was the first time I'd had one of these, didn't bother to look anything up and it stayed on and off for a couple of weeks, then disappeared. DIdn't even occur to me to think oral cancer, most things come and go and are nothing.

22-04-21, 19:17
Oh I've just done a google for you - lolol - cos I don't have HA. There are things called mucous cysts, or commonly called mucocele. They last 3 -6 weeks and are totally benign. Small injuries and trauma can cause this too.

22-04-21, 19:44
Oh thank you! You’ve no idea how better you’ve made me feel!