View Full Version : I do not like suffering with Health Anxiety.

23-04-21, 21:04
I have been suffering with health anxiety since November and it has taken over my life, it is really draining me and I wish it wouldn't. Does anyone else suffer with this and have any good tips?

23-04-21, 21:45
Yep dont google. Learn to distract yourself before you spiral.

With me I found health anxiety was the end result of something that needed addressing in my life. My advice is to figure out what is missing in your life and address it.

Also if you need to go to the doctor, trust their judgement.

23-04-21, 21:55
That is the thing, one of my doctors was that annoyed with the constant ringing, he put on my file, that if I ring the receptionists tell me to look online.

23-04-21, 22:02
Does anyone else suffer with this and have any good tips?

This entire sub-forum are fellow sufferers. From minor annoyances to debilitating HA. As far as tips? Look at the resources (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles) here on the site as well as real life professional help, meds, therapy etc.

Positive thoughts

23-04-21, 22:17
HI Jamsey,

As I said on one of your earlier threads, there are lots of things you can read on this forum as 'stickies' at the top. A HUGE number of people here have HA, its the busiest part of the forum (I think I said that on one of your earlier threads too :winks:) You don't have to let it drain you, you can take control - its not an illness, its a set of learnt behaviours and responses.

23-04-21, 22:31
Hey Carys. You from Wales by any chance? And you did mention it before. But thankyou.

23-04-21, 22:35
That is the thing, one of my doctors was that annoyed with the constant ringing, he put on my file, that if I ring the receptionists tell me to look online.

I think there is a sticky thread with a link to cbt. That is worth looking at.

I still advise not googling as this seems to be a major source of spiralling into a panic.

You could ask your doctor about some help with your health anxiety.

23-04-21, 22:50
I have spoken to him about it. But I am glad because instead of being thrown between 8 different doctors, I only have to see one now. Because the last time I spoke to one of the doctors, he put on the system is that if I ring again, I will get told to look up the symptoms of my problem online. So when I told the doctor I have now, he said right, you will only speak to me from now on and not worry about speaking to the other doctor again.

24-04-21, 00:08
If you look online/Google your HA will get worse and worse and worse.

The advice to look online is horrendous.

Stop doing it now.

24-04-21, 00:42
That is the thing, one of my doctors was that annoyed with the constant ringing, he put on my file, that if I ring the receptionists tell me to look online.
Rule #1 with health anxiety - STOP GOOGLING!!

Nothing good ever comes of it. There's ample evidence of that on the forum.
IF your doctor is getting annoyed with you ringing then he should be helping you address the real issue. He should be helping you treat your anxiety and NOT telling you to look stuff up online.

Don't do it.
And if that doctor won't help you with your anxiety then find one who will.

25-04-21, 22:20
I got told once by one of my doctors, that If I have any concerns to look online, instead of ringing up all the time.

25-04-21, 22:22
I have been allocated with one doctor now, instead of being chucked around different ones and he said we will deal with this HA of mine.

30-04-21, 00:45
I got told once by one of my doctors, that If I have any concerns to look online, instead of ringing up all the time.

How awful and unprofessional. Go out of your way to NOT see them again.

03-05-21, 20:46
I know right? I felt worried of ringing them after that.