View Full Version : (Please try this out for me guys) Retinal detachment worries.

24-04-21, 13:23
Yo. Bit of background, last summer I started to get a lot of floaters in my vision. I became very hyper aware of any possible lights cause was worried about retinal detachment but I doubt I actually saw any. The floaters became less noticeable over winter and I didn’t care anymore until recently they’re a little more noticeable cause of the sun I’m assuming or even my poor sleep schedule/screen time.

Also last few months have had a tiny blue dot occasionally in vision when eyes are open or closed and a little sparkle of blue lights when rubbing my eyes. But since that’s been an ongoing symptom with no vision loss I’m not too worried.

Here’s the thing- (I noticed this last year)
When I was sitting by the window staring at a potted plants leaf with incredible intensity (lol) I noticed the edges of my vision go black. However as soon as I move my eyes this blackness disappears and it only happens when I focus intensely on something particularly in bright light like a sunny window.

Can you guys try this out and let me know if the same happens? Do you think it’s normal? You have to stare intensely at a specific spot.

Thanks for reading :)

24-04-21, 13:38
No, I'm not going to try it as what you're doing is taking notice of normal visual anomalies. It's like a member that posted about seeing weird when they focused on the tip of their nose. No one, under normal circumstances self-examines in these ways and of course, if you make a concerted effort and do something no one normally does, you're going to notice something different or strange, especially when you're looking for it.

Positive thoughts

24-04-21, 13:49
Thank you! You’re right, you would never usually do that. Didn’t realise how strange it sounded. Reading it again I sound like I’m back in the depths of my hypochondria. Still have the question if it’s normal though.

24-04-21, 15:53
What if I tell you it's normal. Then what?

24-04-21, 20:31
Honestly, you definitely don’t sound like your retina has detached 😊 I have lots of floaters too - I was actually at the opticians on Thursday and had a full check up and he assured me it’s totally normal. It’s really easy to get an appointment at the optician and they’d be able to pick up on anything and put your mind at ease. 👍

25-04-21, 03:13
Honestly, you definitely don’t sound like your retina has detached 😊 I have lots of floaters too - I was actually at the opticians on Thursday and had a full check up and he assured me it’s totally normal. It’s really easy to get an appointment at the optician and they’d be able to pick up on anything and put your mind at ease. 👍

Thank you for the assurance :) I really appreciate it. Gonna stop thinking about the darn thing now

25-04-21, 03:15
I would feel reassured but also, I would wonder how you’d come to that conclusion, if you’d heard it from a medical professional or have some expertise yourself