View Full Version : Please help me

25-04-21, 17:19
Arm felt weak, and hand wasn’t working properly.
called an ambulance and they said strength tests were normal.
blood pressure fine.
My arm I think seems alright now. I don’t know.
someone please help me
im sorry I’m posting again but I need help

25-04-21, 17:26
How can I help? I'll do my best, but it sounds as though your anxiety is getting the better of you.

25-04-21, 17:29
I think you should have a chat with your GP about everything that is going on.

25-04-21, 17:47
I just panicked and I’m now so scared I have a brain problem

25-04-21, 17:51
Do you mean as in neurological? The paramedics were happy with the tests.

I agree that you need help to manage your anxiety. What about trying to speak to your GP tomorrow? Make a plan, resolve to treat your HA rather than feed it?

25-04-21, 18:05
The paramedics were happy with the tests yeah,
im calling doctor tomorrow, to discuss it
im just so focused now on my brain. This is absolute hell

25-04-21, 18:07
Like a brain tumour etc.
My arm hasn’t done that to that extent before.
the paramedics said it could be nerve or muscular joint related.
he said about going to hospital but I was too scared

25-04-21, 18:16
I really don't think you need to go to hospital.

You do need to get things back under control though so you don't panic and call an ambulance out.

25-04-21, 18:35
The panic is awful about my health.
I just can’t control it any longer. It’s one thing after another.

25-04-21, 18:48
Yeah so start working on treating that. We have loads of resources on here to help if you are prepared to use them??

25-04-21, 19:02
What Nic said. If you can't stop thinking about this stuff, it's time to take a closer look at your faulty thinking patterns.

25-04-21, 19:32
So what about the thigh problem?

Has the brain tumour fear taken over now?

25-04-21, 20:14
Yeah it has, the leg is okay now
just don’t get what happened to my arm and hand it’s like it went weak and heavy and was hard to move my finger

25-04-21, 20:17
But we all get one-off things like this that happen that don't mean anything. They just happen.

Glad the leg is ok - mine is no better.

25-04-21, 20:47
It's interesting, I took a look back and I often replied to your threads. It's been three years since you had posted and frankly it's quite sad to see you falling back into the same rabbit holes and exhibiting the same HA behaviors and patterns :weep: During the three years you didn't post, what were you doing to control the dragon? What happened recently (and no, I don't mean physical symptoms) that has caused you to fall back into this same pattern?

Positive thoughts

26-04-21, 02:55
Yeah it has, the leg is okay now
just don’t get what happened to my arm and hand it’s like it went weak and heavy and was hard to move my finger

Can you see the same thing repeating itself? You had weeks of fear over your leg pain and now you’re just dismissing it because it’s better? Put yourself back to that fear and now look at the outcome. It was nothing, it was fine.

You have a busy lifestyle with children to look after and a home to run. Things happen to all of us all the time that may cause aches and pains. You can talk this over with your doctor if you feel you need to, but have you also discussed your anxiety with them and how your health worries are taking over your days?

Is there anything else going on in the background that is causing stress too?

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26-04-21, 08:09
I’ve slept and woken up now so I’m able to actually type a proper message.
I’d walked my dog for a couple of hours, mainly he was off lead running in a field, I was holding my sons water pistol, the dog lead and my phone at some points. As we came to the gate to let myself out of the field I opened it but it was like my finger didn’t move properly. I walked back to my house wiggling my fingers to make sure they worked properly.
when we got home I went to the toilet and suddenly I had this horrible weakness feeling in my entire arm and hand, and my hand went funny.
so I went from anxious to full blown panic in seconds. I called my mum sobbing and my friend, my mum told me not to call an ambulance because it wasn’t anything to worry about. I hung up on her and called 999.
they did strength tests on my arm and hand and said all were normal but they still didn’t know what it was.
my stats were all okay, apart from my high heart rate which meant they stayed longer till it went down.
my fingers and arm are all working normally now, I can lift a kettle above my head, write my name etc.
I went to my mums for the afternoon and just sat there frozen with fear till I ended up collapsing in bed and falling asleep.

I’m not sure what happened to my hand and arm and why it suddenly did that but it’s frightened me.
I have an existing fear of brain tumours because of past history with family and what’s happened yesterday has brought it all back.
I feel like I’m waiting for my hand to go weak again, it’s just another thing on top of a huge list of things that have caused me torture over the last few months.

26-04-21, 08:11
I’m in the process of moving house at the moment, well I’m waiting for a decision to go through.
I moved away from my friends and family with my partner at the time, shortly after I gave birth he left and decided he couldn’t deal with being a step dad to my other kids, it was too much for him.
so I was left in a village I don’t know, and then a pandemic hit. I’ve coped with everything very well but the last 5 months I’ve sunk into this awful hole again

26-04-21, 08:13
The paramedics didn’t think it was anything serious, but they said I need to sort my anxiety out.
so want me to phone the doctors today. But I have no strength left in me right now.
they wanted me to change my medication because he said it definitely isn’t working anymore

26-04-21, 08:15
I remember your brain tumour fears because of your family history. It must be very distressing for you so why not ring your GP today and tell him/her about everything which has been torturing you. Just get it out in words to your doctor?

26-04-21, 08:17
The paramedics didn’t think it was anything serious, but they said I need to sort my anxiety out.
so want me to phone the doctors today. But I have no strength left in me right now.
they wanted me to change my medication because he said it definitely isn’t working anymore

Yes you DO have strength. Ring your doctor for the sake of your children who need a functioning Mum.

26-04-21, 08:46
The fear is just awful again.
from my leg pain, then I went on to worrying about my kidneys as I had some flank pain and I’d done some home urine tests which sent me into a spiral. And now this.
I will call the doctors, even if to talk to them about my arm and hand.
new medication scares me because of the side effects can make you feel worse and I’m not sure if I can feel much worse. My behaviour is erratic already and I’m scared to make it any worse.
I just honestly can’t function right now.

26-04-21, 09:13
Can anyone advise the meat medication for health anxiety?
I'm currently on Citalopram 40mg

26-04-21, 09:24
Best medication that was meant to say

26-04-21, 12:53
There is no "best" medication for HA.

I would suggest talking therapies instead.

Have you looked at the online resources we recommend on here? They are in the sticky threads.

26-04-21, 13:36
I’m in the process of moving house at the moment, well I’m waiting for a decision to go through.
I moved away from my friends and family with my partner at the time, shortly after I gave birth he left and decided he couldn’t deal with being a step dad to my other kids, it was too much for him.
so I was left in a village I don’t know, and then a pandemic hit. I’ve coped with everything very well but the last 5 months I’ve sunk into this awful hole again

The pandemic has affected everyone and add on the things you've mentioned and it's no wonder it's had a negative affect on your mental health. There are resources here as Nic indicated but honestly, you really need some real life support. Words on a screen are not going to do that :lac:

Positive thoughts

26-04-21, 18:28
Honestly if you can find the strength to ring 911 you can find the strength to call your doctor.

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26-04-21, 20:00
Hi hun,
I just wanted to let you know I’ve had this a few times myself. I remember being at a petrol station once and I went to fill my car up but my arm and hand felt completely dead. I could move it but it was like it was numb, I’ve had it a few time since and tingly fingers. I went to the drs and was told it was a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder. Try not to worry hun, we all think the worse but the Paramedics would have insisted that you went to hospital if they thought it was something sinister xx

30-04-21, 18:41
Hi Chlobo,
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Our bodies do strange things when we’re hurting inside. I’ve actually had a few “why won’t my arm/hand/fingers move” moments over the past few months. The were really scary to me. I haven’t talked to my doctor about them yet. (I see him in ten days.) What I decided to do is exercise my arms. I think my problem is muscle spasms. It seems to be helping. I haven’t had any “incidents” since I started exercising.

Hang in there. We’re here for you.

30-04-21, 23:53
I've had this type of thing too recently. Numb foot and leg, weakness in my foot as well, then my hands. Went into a spiral about neuropathy and all sorts of horrid things. I was in a real hell hole for a few weeks thinking the worst.
Its gone now. It's totally normal to have weird twinges, but with HA we just zone in on it and make it feel 1000 times worse and more real. I was given the trick of thinking about your little finger for a minute, and eventually it'll feel all kinds of sensations. Brain is powerful. You've been told you're fine by paramedics, you are fine, just try to ignore these niggles and not react (that's where I am with my therapy anyway). Hope you feel better soon!