View Full Version : got a cold now but got coughed on today.. freaking out

27-04-21, 12:39
so i have a head cold at the mo ( had both covid shot, about a month ago now ) but so today at work a customer coughed on me ( not joking ) and i am so pissed off, like this head cold sucks and i cant handle getting her bad cough, with this cold, i just got pass the sore throat for 4days .. to finally get a runny nose, then this happen today. and i work at pharmacy, and she was getting meds .. and i hoping to god, she wasnt getting antibiotics.. but i actually felt her breath on me, this is suck fully , i HAVE to be at work. and now this is stressing me out. i can not be getting a bad cough

27-04-21, 19:24
It’s so annoying when people do that.
But look, it’s so unlikely to be anything bad. Some people just cough and there are hundreds of reasons for that.
Plus you work at a pharmacy, people must cough on you all the time?!

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27-04-21, 19:42
Worry about getting worse if you get worse.

Right now you have a cold. No biggie.

01-05-21, 11:12
it did get worse, im freaking out. because she got antibiotics ... so now i think i should get them. this is sooooo unfair

01-05-21, 12:27
this is sooooo unfair

You might want to have a think about what you perceive as being 'unfair'.

You have a cold. You'll be fine. Stop being so melodramatic.

01-05-21, 15:42
she got antibiotics, not yourself, people get these for many a reason from abcess to other things, calm down, we all overreact due to covid, take a breath and relax

01-05-21, 15:50
Covid is a viral infection. Antibiotics are given for bacterial infections.