View Full Version : Panic over MRI and weight loss. Fibroids and IBS

29-04-21, 13:02

I just had an MRI so looking for some help to ride this panic till I get the results. I have big fibroids, which have been giving me a lot of trouble so GP sent me to gyne who sent me for MRI. Also have loads of other symptoms that my GP thinks are IBS. One of them being bad bloating, which I know can also be because of fibroids but I never had till the last few months, so I got a private pelvic scan and doctor said my ovaries are fine, although with all the fibroids I'm not sure he got to see them! (didn't do an internal).

So I've been trying to think IBS and fibroids are giving me all the bloating, back pain, pelvic pain, etc but this morning I realised I lost weight and now I'm panicking. Please help me surviving the next few days, I need to be in a normal state to take care of my child. I'm a total mess, I can't stop crying.

29-04-21, 13:39
Just trying to pick this apart a bit.

What exactly are you panicking and crying about? You have fibroids and IBS, which you've been diagnosed with....is this causing anxiety? Or is it just the weight loss? How much weight, over how long a time?

29-04-21, 14:34
thank you for replying.
It's mainly the weight loss. I was keeping it together with the other symptoms given my diagnosed issues - although I didn't get any tests for the IBS diagnosis, but the weight loss along with them just sent me to a bad place.
I would say 3 weeks or so, I can't face the scales but someone "congratulated" me for losing weight which made me try on my test jeans. I couldn't zip them up last month and now I can.
I know it's very common to feel you have been given lazy diagnosis when you suffer from anxiety, but I felt not looked at properly for either of my IBS / fibroids appointments.

29-04-21, 16:07
Your body weight goes up and down all the time.

You haven't even mentioned the obvious, which is that you're probably eating less because of IBS and anxiety.

29-04-21, 16:57
thank you, I really need some perspective. I have to say, I never eat less! I have wine and chocolate more often than I should. I might have been exercising a bit more, but it's never this easy for me to drop the pounds.
It's been a nightmare to get appointments this last year for obvious reasons and my anxiety has gone crazy, I know that's my main problem but I can't always think straight. Not having had any tests for IBS doesn't help, I feel brushed off, and like the weight is confirming my suspicions. I have started psychotherapy so hopefully if I ride this one I will get better, I can't live like this.
thanks again

29-04-21, 20:34
Do you regularly record how much you eat? Do you keep records of the amounts, calories and when you eat? And, do you regularly measure your size and weight?

30-04-21, 09:47
no I don't, but I don't stop myself from eating anything I like and I always had an appetite. I stopped measuring my weight and size because of the anxiety, I try on a specific pair of tight jeans every so often to have an idea of where I am but that's all. I have lost weight for sure, not loads but noticeable.
My problem is that everything is that doctors blame everything on my fibroids and IBS, IBS was not properly diagnosed, and fibroids don't make me immune to having other things!

30-04-21, 10:40
no I don't, but I don't stop myself from eating anything I like and I always had an appetite. I stopped measuring my weight and size because of the anxiety, I try on a specific pair of tight jeans every so often to have an idea of where I am but that's all. I have lost weight for sure, not loads but noticeable.
My problem is that everything is that doctors blame everything on my fibroids and IBS, IBS was not properly diagnosed, and fibroids don't make me immune to having other things!

All you're doing then is making a negative assumption.

If you have no idea how much you used to eat or how much you used to weigh, you cannot possibly assume that weight loss is going to be connected to disease.

And having your Doctors tell you that Fibroids and IBS are causing whatever you're experiencing is the opposite of a 'problem'. You have an actual reason.

You appear to be looking for a problem that isn't there, and assuming the worst. That's what you need to work on.

IBS can easily cause you to lose weight in itself.

30-04-21, 15:06
thank you, very wise words. Didn't think that I was creating a problem but I can see it makes sense, although it's very difficult for me to accept as my mother was diagnosed with cancer at my age and I have been stuck in this worst case scenario ever since (15 years ago!). I have started therapy recently and will give it my best shot.
I should focus on what I actually have and be practical about it, I know many people would kill for a "harmless" diagnosis like mine.
Thank you for the perspective it helps

01-05-21, 12:17
Sorry to hear about your Mother, but that's another solid thing to focus on in therapy.

Instead of preparing for the worst, you have to learn to live with the best. Right now you have minor health conditions that are in some way exacerbated by your anxiety about becoming ill. It's a weird paradox right? Your worrying about being ill is keeping you sick....in a way.

Live for today, and today you don't have cancer.