View Full Version : Can 2 months of stress/anxiety cause all of this?

02-05-21, 20:55
Hello everyone :) I posted for the first time earlier this week about an HA flare up I'm having. Hopefully this is in the right place.

As the title says, I've been in a dire emotional state for almost 2 months now. It started when microscopic blood was found in my urine for the second time (it has now been there about half a year). I've had HA for 11 years, but have really managed quite well. However for some reason this recent development set me off, and I've gone through a list of about 10 cancers I've been sure I've got, not eating, sleeping about an hour a night, uncontrollably crying and then laughing (almost nervous breakdown?) Convinced I'm deathly ill.

I'm sure this is wreaking havoc with my body, but HA tells me that writing my symptoms off as a result of this episode is negligent and dangerous. Basically, this is what I've been experiencing...

- diarrhea for two weeks, then constipation, now loose stools
- muscle aches and sore hips, tailbone, legs, shoulders, armpits, neck, jaw
- abdominal pains that move around, become sharp and intense, can be dull, intermittent
- noisy gut, intermittent bloating, nausea
- lightheadedness
- sometimes my whole body just feels inflamed and sore
- chills, flushed face, intermittent

And most recently, I think I've developed piles (I'm hoping). I have intermittent pain/discomfort in my back passage, and today I noticed that when I blotted the area with toilet paper, there were dots of blood all over - so it definitely seems to be external on the skin surrounding my anus, not coming from inside. I've noticed no blood on/in the stool itself. Does that sound normal?

I had a full panel of blood work done about a year ago that was fine. Recent blood test showed borderline low iron, but doctor wasn't concerned. I'm going for an xray on tailbone tomorrow, but I don't know how useful that is really.

Basically, just wondering if this relates to anyone else's experience. I can't stop panicking and feeling completely detached from life.

02-05-21, 22:32
It sounds very much like IBS to me.

02-05-21, 23:31
Thank you for your reply. I agree, and I had IBS pretty bad when I was a teenager - it virtually disappeared in my early 20s but I know it can come back, and my distress probably triggered it. I know all this logically, and yet can't seem to bring my level of anxiety down. I feel this overwhelming sense of impending doom essentially. I honestly feel like I'm going mad, I haven't had it this bad before. I'm on a wait list for a therapist and started a new SSRI. It's just managing in the mean time.