View Full Version : embarrasing womens question

10-11-07, 05:46

in the last few days ive noticed a small red spot on one of my breasts. the skin isnt raised, and its not sore/doesnt hurt. at close glance it looks like the capillaries have clammbered together....i have regular pap tests and doc does breast checks on me, also felt area and no lumps.

ive been googling like crazy and seen soe awful sights of breast cancer, none of which seem to look like this....considering its not a lump...it looks like its only on the skin surface, i thought it might be a flea bite (dogs been sleeping in my bed for a week)

any help with this? i dont have a relationship with my mum, so dont know who els to ask......it kinda looks like a capillary thing, but never had that before, so not sure......plus picts on web i saw of capillaries were all on either the face or legs.....can they happen on a breast?
please any help before i start freaking out...thnks heaps

10-11-07, 06:11
Hi Peach

A little while ago, I too had a red lump on my brest - went to docs who confirmed it was a boil type absess - but it really freaked me out at the time. I've now got another lump, which i can only feel lying down - doc can feel it too, but she dos'nt feel its anything sinister. She is sending me for an appointment at the breast clinic though, just to be sure. I have a history of breast cancer in my family, so i tend to get very anxious about it.
Most breast lumps are not cancer and even if they are, if caught early enough, they can be treated successfully. Try not to worry - easier said than done, i know. get to your doctors for reassurrance.


10-11-07, 08:51
Hi Peach,

i get these kind of things too, like a little knot of red blood vessels, they tend to fade in a couple of days sometimes getting worse before they get better. I think its an age thing as i never got them when i was younger, just when entered my 30's.
I'm sure you'll find it fades to nothing,

anx xx

10-11-07, 10:59
thanks for your replies.

anxious, its exactly as you described!.....a knot of tiny veins...its not raised at all, and no hardness to it at all, not a lump.

ill watch it for a few more days...it reminds me a little of mozzie bites...

shame im already starting to get 'age' related problems..ugh.....only 33..i think this is where most of my anxiety has started, when i turned 30.
both my parents keep reminding me of how old i am now, and i dont feel any different to when i was in my 20s...still feel young....and now scared im aging fast..bummer eh.....
only just got married, and havent had kids yet...ugh...its all going too fast for me.

ill take my bust to the docs next week if its still there...same as you, never got this in my 20s, or ever before for that matter.
thanks again, much appreciated!