View Full Version : Strange spot, skin cancer?

03-05-21, 18:35
Hello. It’s been awhile. It’s not me but my husband.
2 weeks ago he scratched a “spot” on his shoulder it poured with blood. Stopped. He caught it again and it bled.
It hasn’t healed and gone away? Is it just a stubborn spot or something Sinister. A new form a of skin has layered over the top so I guess it’s healing. But it looks a little shiny on top.
Can’t find anything too similar on dr google. However nodular melanoma has me slightly concerned.

Thanks in advance from a worried wife.

03-05-21, 20:30
Don’t worry. I once actually scratched a mole off and I didn’t think it would ever stop bleeding. It eventually stopped and then healed and hasn’t bothered me since. That was 8 years ago and I’m still here [emoji1303]

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03-05-21, 22:32
Thanks for your reply. How long did it take to heal for you?
His has been there for 2 weeks it’s not for bigger or anything. It looks like a little spot with blood underneath.
It’s probably just a spot but anxiety has you thinking you never know right!

04-05-21, 02:37
Once I stopped fiddling with it, probably a few weeks. I went into panic mode with my anxiety but it was absolutely fine. I once also scratched a small mole/freckle off completely and it disappeared and never came back! Lol.

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08-05-21, 11:58
Hi. He had an appointment to see a nurse a practitioner. Unfortunately she says it could be a nodular melanoma or it could be nothing a just a cherry angioma or nothing. She’s referred him under the 2 week urgent referral.
I’m heartbroken. I can barely function or breath.
We have gone private. So he’s seeing a dermatologist on Monday. But this wait is killing me.
We have three little boys and I can’t even think about what may or may not happen.

08-05-21, 15:17
Please don't kill your husband off just yet. It could be nothing at all and the worry will not do you any good.

Just go with the flow.

08-05-21, 19:23
I wish I could. I’m so worried I feel sick to my stomach. This cancer is rare and even rare in under 60s. He’s only 31.
I don’t know how a spot can pop up for three weeks and be cancer.
The lesion blanches under pressure. If I press it the blood disappears and then returns when I let go. Online it says melanomas don’t blanch......
It even looks smaller today. But I’m so frightened by what the nurse has said. Survival rates for this cancer aren’t great at all.
I’m just looking for comfort I suppose until Monday. I pray that nothing becomes of this.

08-05-21, 19:48
Yes so it highly unlikely to be cancer - try and be realistic and positive

Even if it is cancer it can be cut out and then gone so why are you putting a death sentence on him?

09-05-21, 11:08
Because nodular melanoma is the worst skin cancer you can get. It spreads underneath very quickly. Making the survival rate even worse. This is why I’m worried. I’m so worried they will confirm my worst fears tomorrow. I’m not quite sure how to deal with it all.

09-05-21, 13:47
But no-one has said it is cancer.

Wait and see before stressing yourself out so much and getting ill yourself over it.

09-05-21, 14:24
How does your husband feel? Is he freaking out as much as you are? Don’t give the poor fella a death sentence just yet.

Did the nurse say the words “this might be cancer?” - or is she sending him for it to be checked out to put your mind at rest?

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09-05-21, 18:00
She said she’s worried it could be nodular melanoma. But also said it might be nothing. She said it’s a precaution to refer him quickly.
But I’m almost convinced he has cancer.

09-05-21, 18:07
Why not be positive about things rather than so negative.

It is just your HA playing tricks on you.

09-05-21, 18:51
Because I have health anxiety.
If only it was that easy to just “ be positive”.....
This feels a little more than health anxiety. When a nurse has said I’m worried it be might... etc.

09-05-21, 18:53
Ok well I won't reply again as you are clearly deep down the rabbit hole.

A nurse is not an expert and not a dermatologist.

Good luck with it all though.

09-05-21, 19:49
Charlotte, have you heard of CYA medicine?

09-05-21, 20:49
I’m not sure what that is?

09-05-21, 20:52
Oh cover your ass....
yes i really hope this is the case. Only a dermatologist will know for sure. But that isn’t going to stop me from worrying sick until then.

09-05-21, 21:07
Maybe it should. Are you getting help for your health anxiety? I've been down the melanoma rabbit hole and I never want to be there again.

10-05-21, 09:50
My healthy anxiety has been pretty controlled until this. I’m not anymore medication anymore. Because I was doing better had my control technique. But this just feels more real than in my head.
The appointment is today and I’m feeling exhausted from worrying. I pray for good news.

10-05-21, 10:04
Wishing you both luck, but somehow I don't think you'll need it.

10-05-21, 11:07
Thank you so much. I hope your right.

10-05-21, 17:46
Can I please get an I told you so!!
It’s not cancer. The derm was annoyed that the nurse was going to refer him on the two week cancer thing. Rolled his eyes at it. Said it doesn’t even look like anything close to a nodular melanoma.
Said it’s without a doubt a hemanginoma a (large cherry spot) it’s definitely not a skin cancer. And definitely not that one.
He looked at with his derma-scope too.
So I’m feeling very relieved and annoyed I let my anxiety get the better of me.
So I’m definitely going to believe a dermatologist who does Specialises in skin cancer.
Thank you everyone. :)

10-05-21, 17:49
and all that worrying for nothing lol

Please try and remember this next time you panic about something and think it is cancer.:yesyes:

Glad all is ok.

10-05-21, 17:51
Can I please get an I told you so!!

