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View Full Version : Eye pain when looking up and side to side

03-05-21, 21:14
Hi I’ve had this pain in my right eye when looking up and side to side anyone had this?

03-05-21, 21:58
Are you purposely self testing these things? I mean we all look up and we all look side to side in our normal everyday lives, but not purposely. If you're doing these self testing eye movement behaviors, and focusing on them, of course you would experience some discomfort as it's not something people normally do outside of, as I said, our normal everyday lives.


04-05-21, 02:39
I agree with FMP, we all do this throughout the day but I don’t sit and purposefully do it to test whether it hurts. I recently had an eye test and the optician asked me to look up and side to side and it wasn’t comfortable!

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04-05-21, 10:19
It's quite common to feel uncomfortable when purposely stretching your sight in the form of exercise.
Under normal glances to left and right you wouldn't stretch your sight so far. You would turn your head.

04-05-21, 13:51
Yes, I've had it, and had it a number of times in my life. It wasn't that I was 'testing' either, it just hurt when moved in certain ways, so I don't think you were saying that you were 'testing'. I have also had it in both eyes at the same time. In my case it was definitely related to stretching and staring in certain directions/unnatural ways for a period of time, and then hurt the next day. For example, looking sideways at something and overusing the delicate eyes muscles in a way they weren't used to. It resolved everytime in a few days.

04-05-21, 14:43
Thanks for the reply’s it’s not when I’m testing my sight it’s just when I’m going about my normal day, one eye hurts does feel strained I have had this before just wondered if other people on here had the same once in a while!

06-05-21, 22:31
If it's a dull ache, it is quite likely to be a bit dry. Drops would help. You will soon know if it's that because your eyes will feel loads better. REALLY unlikely to be anything sinister, honestly!!