View Full Version : Found what feels like a painful lump in neck

04-05-21, 18:19
It’s just in front of the angle of my jaw, upwards and pretty deep in. It feels very tender in the area and not on the other side. There’s also what feels to be some sort of lump on that side and not the other. Initially I was worried it was submandibular gland cancer but having located both my submandibular glands, they feel the same so this is something else.

I can feel movable lymph nodes on both sides, so with there being lymph nodes in the area, I’m worried this painful lump is lymphoma.

it’s definitely not on the other side; I feel like I can get my thumb far into the space on the non effected side but on the side with the pain, there feels to be some sort of mass.

I’ve recently just got over one fear (testicular cancer) after going for an ultra sound but now it’s been replaced by this. I don’t know whether to go back to the doctors or not. On one hand I know I have severe Heath anxiety but on the other, this feels like it could be a serious problem.

What should I do?

many thanks.

04-05-21, 18:27
why were you looking for it?

04-05-21, 18:49
I don’t have any other reason that it just popped into my head to check my neck for lumps.

04-05-21, 19:11
Well seek and thee will find.

04-05-21, 19:29
But does that make a difference if what I find needed to be found?

04-05-21, 19:55
But does that make a difference if what I find needed to be found?

Not in the least :shrug:


04-05-21, 19:55
Well if you are really that worried then please call a doctor and ask to be seen but we have no way of knowing what it is.

I expect you have been googling though???

04-05-21, 22:34
Not in the least :shrug:


So how do I know when something is requiring a check up, then?

04-05-21, 22:35
Well if you are really that worried then please call a doctor and ask to be seen but we have no way of knowing what it is.

I expect you have been googling though???

actually no, I’ve done enough of that in the past, that’s the one thing I have stopped doing. I’ve just done enough research in the past to feel as though it is lymphoma. I just struggle knowing when it’s something I need to get checked out and when it isn’t. I mean I’ve been to the doctors so many times.

05-05-21, 19:31
I’ve determined that what I’m feeling is indeed some sort of lymph node. I think there’s one in the same position round about on the other side of my jaw, but that one is movable.

The thing I’m worried about doesn’t feel overly hard but it doesn’t move around like the other node does. It also seems to be buried deeper and less well defined.

05-05-21, 20:27
You're looking for things to be wrong based on historical HA behaviours.

You can describe it here until you're blue in the face and nobody will be able to tell you what it is (or isn't).

You either go to the Doctor, or leave it alone.