View Full Version : Can certain workouts cause a dvt?

04-05-21, 21:53
Hey you guys- so this might sound kind of random but.

I started training on aerial fitness ( aka circus).... I hang from the ceiling on silks as well as from a metal hoop- upside down, sometimes using only my legs- elbow to hold me.. etc.

Since doing this I pretty much am massively bruised all the time- it is of course a metal hoop digging in to crevices of your body you didn’t know existed.

Anyway- just last week after a class I have been struggling with pain in one of my legs- more to the side of the knee- and running halfway down the side of my calf (exterior)- more of like an ache/ pain /slight limp when I walk, but it’s been this way for a bout 4 days now.. it seems to be getting better but I’m still nursing it more than usual. I don’t notice any swelling or temp change-and I don’t really have any pain in the calf except for random twinges/ sensations, sometimes I’ll feel a very very slight cramp just below the knee where a bruise I sustained is.... I think they are re coming from me walking so weird and overcompensating..? When I’m sitting in a chair too- on that glute I do feel little tinges of “tiredness” running down the middle of my hamstring- so wondering if it’s more than just knee but maybe the knee pressing on sciatic nerve...

I was curious ( and wondered before when I started these workouts) can this much bruising and basically pounding/ pulling directly/ shoving metal poles into muscles cause a dvt? I’m super healthy and work out a ton...I mean I’m guessing this is stupid to even think.. but it crossed my mind... trying not to think all this is a blood clot.

04-05-21, 22:51
I'm not an expert, but based on what I know about DVTs considering I went through a phase where I convinced myself I had one from being on birth control (which increases your risk since some forms of bc can increase blood clotting), They aren't associated with any form of exercise but rather the lack thereof. Every story that I have read of a young fit person having a dvt was them being on some form of BC or hormone replacement + extended periods of sitting (i.e. on a plane ride). Therefore, I think it is unlikely that what you are doing will increase your chances of a dvt, in fact, I would assume it would do the exact opposite.

A dvt deals with deep veins, whereas bruising is usually damage of near surface capillaries/etc. Therefore, I don't think you are at increased risk (I could be wrong though). Do you know anyone in your field who may have answers to this question?

If you continue to have pains, I would see a doctor just to make sure it is nothing serious/figure out how to get your leg to heal. I hope this helps! :)

05-05-21, 05:08
Uh thanks... I’m trying not to worry- it’s hard tho... my leg slowly feels like it’s getting better- suprisingly it’s more uncomfortable when I sit.... but then I get caught up thinking about it and I start to worry again!

09-05-21, 07:36
Uh so things were starting to get better- and then today after a workout and some stretching it started happening again, but with this time
Pain in the calf... I got a panic attack and felt like I couldn’t breathe... I had to step out of a meeting I was in to recompose myself- it was terrible.