View Full Version : post colonoscopy advice, please.

05-05-21, 02:32
Hi members,

Firstly, many thanks to those who have the time to read my post and submit any advice/replies.
I'm in a rather unusual situation - certainly not something I've come across before - and I've got some concerns and need an outside opinion to consider, rather than twisting and turning with my anxious thoughts.

Over a week ago I had an evening appointment for a colonoscopy. This is because I've had intermittent rectal bleeding since January of this year and after a heavy bleed in March I went to my Drs who referred me onto the NHS 2 week urgent pathway for colorectal cancer.
I'm delighted to say the colonoscopy showed no signs of cancer. Big big beyond words relief! For the last past couple of weeks leading up to the procedure I've not slept well, and pretty much feared the worst.
Now here's the reason why I am posting this thread: I was given a discharge colonoscopy report, and it does not actually reflect what happened during the procedure.

During the procedure, the Dr used water instead of gas and air to help move the endoscope about inside my bowel. I chose none sedation, so he used the technique of a water colonoscopy as its more comfortable for the patient instead of blowing my colon up with CO2 if non sedation is chosen by the patient. Just to add, the procedure itself while not comfortable certainly wasn't uncomfortable. In fact it was fascinating to see my insides on a tv screen getting explored! *For some reason though the report omits this fact and states CO2 was used when clearly it wasn't.

*This is the most crucial part - during the procedure I noticed a tiny polyp and I asked the Dr and he confirmed it was a polyp. I expected him to remove it, as that seems to be the general rule about polyps. The Dr said they don't tend to remove (I think these terms are correct) hyper-plasti ones, they're looking out for adenomas type polyps. The report makes no reference to the fact there were polyps seen, and unremoved.

I'm anxious because I'm wondering if I hadn't spotted by chance the polyp with my untrained eye, where there more polyps of this type which the Dr spotted but in their estimation they were nothing sinister and did not need bringing to my attention? And, should this be monitored in any way in the future, as over time polyps can change? (I'd like to stress I'm obviously untrained, but seeing my bowel on a big screen it did look clear, no obvious lumps, etc etc ) Also the Dr took no samples/biopsies either to check for any infections.

The alarmist in my thinking wonders has the Dr been negligent in some way? A bit too confident in their assertions?
Should I ask for another colonoscopy or alternative procedure where they can remove this polyp, and more if indeed there was more?
Why has the report not included these details even if its considered unimportant? After-all its still a finding, a growth in my bowel, albeit small.
Or, I'm I simply overreacting?

Has anybody else been through this?
Any perspective and feedback about this would be greatly appreciated.

05-05-21, 02:40
Hiya Stein2021 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-05-21, 07:22
They only remove the ones which could turn cancerous - which are the adenomas. I'd be comforted that the doc has been through enough colons to know the difference between a dodgy polyp and a harmless one. Growths are common on (and in) the human body and they're rarely cancer. I have a polyp in my womb that's been there for decades. It's harmless and it's not causing me any issues so I'll leave the lil fella be. :D

I didn't watch the 'colon show' when I had my colonoscopy but I'm on the waiting list for colonoscopy 2 so I might watch this time round - unless I'm sedated (again) :yesyes:

06-05-21, 22:30
Thks for responding NoraB,

- its just the fact I spotted the polyp during the procedure and the Dr confirmed it, which makes me concerned maybe there were other polyps which are alike that I didn't see and he just glossed over. And if so, how many? Been reading the other threads revolved around colonoscopies on here etc and it seems to be the general practice is, if any polyps are discovered they're removed just to be thorough.

Its too vague. I would like to know, it's my body. My life was frozen with worry the weeks leading up to the procedure. Hardly slept. My appetite suffered. Was having the most vivid dreams, not quite nightmares but somewhere in-between. What if these polyps grow larger and affect my bowel in some way down the line? At the very least you would think it would have been detailed in the discharge report - not omitted - and also recommendations over how best to monitor them in case they change, i.e, 5 yrs time screen another colonoscopy.
Hopefully, my thoughts explain why I feel disregarded and concerned.

Going back to yourself, presumably the polyp you've had for decades was that discovered as part of a routine check up?
(Liked the way you described it as the 'little fella'. Surprised you haven't named him! :)) Also try and get a water colonoscopy for you're second one - so much better. Now there's a sentence I never thought I would ever write...

Cheers again.

*Anybody else chip in with a perspective/feedback for me to consider?

07-05-21, 06:44
Thks for responding NoraB,

- its just the fact I spotted the polyp during the procedure and the Dr confirmed it, which makes me concerned maybe there were other polyps which are alike that I didn't see and he just glossed over. And if so, how many? Been reading the other threads revolved around colonoscopies on here etc and it seems to be the general practice is, if any polyps are discovered they're removed just to be thorough.

Its too vague. I would like to know, it's my body. My life was frozen with worry the weeks leading up to the procedure. Hardly slept. My appetite suffered. Was having the most vivid dreams, not quite nightmares but somewhere in-between. What if these polyps grow larger and affect my bowel in some way down the line? At the very least you would think it would have been detailed in the discharge report - not omitted - and also recommendations over how best to monitor them in case they change, i.e, 5 yrs time screen another colonoscopy.
Hopefully, my thoughts explain why I feel disregarded and concerned.

Going back to yourself, presumably the polyp you've had for decades was that discovered as part of a routine check up?
(Liked the way you described it as the 'little fella'. Surprised you haven't named him! :)) Also try and get a water colonoscopy for you're second one - so much better. Now there's a sentence I never thought I would ever write...

My understanding is that things are removed which need to be removed because everything comes with a risk. My husband has a polyp in his stomach, and as mentioned I have one in my womb - neither have been removed. I also have a small tumour on my spine that's benign and not causing any problems - that's staying too. I've named that one Bob.:shades:

The polyp in my womb was found many years ago during a routine scan. I last had a scan earlier this year but can't actually remember if it showed up then because I was off my face on my migraine meds, and all I can actually remember of the scan is the woman saying, 'Ooh you're a bit gassy love!' so maybe it's finally gone? In which case, I feel slightly bereft as it's been part of me for a long time! That can happen during the menopause which is another reason they leave the benign ones..

I am a big believer in taking responsibility for our own health, so if you're not happy then you could speak to your GP? I would have expected you to have another colonoscopy tbh because a follow-up was required with Bob and they wanted me re-scanned after 6 months. Due to COVID it ended up being 12. I had the scan and Bob's still there - no bigger or smaller - just there.

Usually, you'd get a CC letter in a few months time with the details of the colonoscopy on - including whether or not you're to have a follow up colonoscopy in a few years time.

Water colonoscopy? Tell me more!