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10-11-07, 08:34
So, I get my biopsy results from cells taken from inside my womb and everyone said you'll be fine, it's just routine (and amazingly for the first time ever I believed it!) and guess what? The results were NOT fine. I have abnormal cells that "need to be dealt with" and they "are not cancer yet". Now I have two choices - a hysterectomy or to tablets for 6 weeks and then a further operation to take a biopsy again to see if they have gone - if they have then I would need the same operation every year to check they hadn't come back and if they haven't gone I would need a hysterectomy anyway.

I feel caught between a rock and a hard place. This is all of my worse nightamares coming true. I am almost certain that I am going to have a hsyterectomy as I can't face the thought of a time bomb sitting inside me. However I am devastated.

There is no explanation for why this should happen to me at my age (40) except being a bit overweight or just unlucky but I can't help thinking that I have done this to myself with all of my worrying. Over the last two years I have imagined a whole load of "diseases" that I thought I would die from (haven't we all) but I have been feeling so, so much better lately and have felt that I was getting over the worst of y health anxiety and coping with it better.

I am very scared about the op and would be grateful to hear from anyone who has been through it to put my mind at rest at bit.

10-11-07, 13:06
Hi There
I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and was terrified i really hate hospitals dentists etc. Well had it done vaginally also a prolapse too went in on the monday and home on the Wednesday and i can honestly say i was fine no mega pains and was back to work after 6 weeks. Feel free to pm me anytime. Take care

10-11-07, 13:52
Hi Pen , I had a hysterectomy 5 yrs ago I had a ,total ovaries as well with a bikini insicion. It took me about 6weeks to get my strenght back but I was fine try not to worry(easier said than done I know) and go for it.:flowers:

10-11-07, 14:07
I Agree W/lesley I Had One 3 Yrs Ago Best Thing Ive Ever Done For Myself....its Really Not Bad At All, I See That Ya 40 So Is Havin Kids A Concern If Not I Would Go For The Hysto....i Wish You Well.........linda

10-11-07, 14:56

Sorry to hear about your biopsy results.

I had a hysterectomy this year at the grand old age of 31,I was pretty anxious too,but then is a major operation so its understandable to be worried/scared/concerned.
Did you discuss the actual operation with your specialist? If you decide to go ahead with the operation,you will have a few appointments before hand ,the main one a pre op assessment,where you get to talk over any issues or fears with a gynae ward nurse.You will also probably have a physio session and they explain all the stages of the operation and give you tips on how to cope after you return home ie. lifting,what you can and can't do and exercises etc.

The operation itself is major-I found it painful for about 3 weeks,emotionally its a bit of a rollercoaster too,but here I am 5 months on and all is good,I personally, made the right decision.

Google *hysterectomy* and you should find some good support sites and forums with heaps of women going through the same thing.

I wish you well and good luck with whatever decision you make.


Hope this helps

10-11-07, 18:46
i also had a hysterectomy... it was a few years ago i was 28...
i had problems after my youngest child was born i wont go into detail...
mine was done by key hole surgery and it was the best thing i ever had done...
i was in hospital for two nights ... but the recovery time was the same as if i didnt have key hole.

21-12-07, 22:15

Thanks to all those who replied to me. I have now been given the date for my op - 9th January (my birthday! :weep: ). Since agreeing to have the op all of the physical symptoms of my anxiety have returned, the worse being waking up with a dead hand and double vision and just not being able to sleep. I went to see the optician about the double vision and she said she "didn't think it was a tumour" which didn't help but I have now got to see an eye specialist too. I feel like I am in a constant state of fight or flight. Roll on 9th Jan, hopefully my anxiety sympoms will ease after that. Fingers crossed.

23-12-07, 22:20
Hi Pen.

Good luck on 9th january its the best thing you can do as all worries about this particular health problem will be gone - just have to get over the op!

I have also had a hysterectomy suggested to me as I am 46 yrs old and past year have had very prolonged and erratic bleeding. I can go two months with no bleed then bleed constantly for two months. I have had all the tests hysteroscopy D&C biopsy ultrasound and nothing wrong it must be caused by hormone imbalance. Told I have three options - do nothing and hope I don't get anaemic. Take hormones which because of family history its not advised or have a hysterectomy.

At moment I am doing nothing although I have seen a medical herbalist and am taking vile tasting herbs to try and balance my hormomes. started them a few days ago after I am still bleeding coming up6 weeks!! Due a blood test between xmas and new year to see if I am aneamic. I have tried the two tablets to reduce bleeding ( tranx acid and mefanamic acid) and both gave me side effects the tranx gave me cramp in legs and mef acid gave me excruitiating heartburn ( I have hiatus hernia) so they are not an opiton.

I know if I get anaemic then my dr will push for me to have hysterectomy.

I am terrified of operation and hospitals and dying under anaethesia. I alos have severe spinal problems and anytime Ihave aneathetic they cripple me throwing me around while I am out!

Please let us know how you get on.

24-12-07, 08:52
good luck for the 9th january... please let us know how it goes.
like you i didnt have mine through choice but it was the best thing i have had done.
i know its so easy to say but please try not to worry.
we are all here for you.

27-12-07, 21:19

I had a hysterectomy when I was 37. My daughter was 6 at the time. The consultant said there were abnormal growths in my womb. I too was terrified of hospitals, but I knew I had to go, so there wasn't an option. I had bikini line cut and stapled. They also took out my apendix which were inflamed. The day after I had the op. the surgeon came to me and said "How ever you managed to conceive I will never know. I had bad Endometeorosis as well, and The growths were benign. All this was over 20 years ago. I am sooooo glad I had it done. The first few weeks I felt a bit weak and tired, but not much discomfort at all. My daughter is now nearly 30 and we have just been told we are going to be grandparents in July !!!!!!

Best of luck for January I am sure you will be fine. Pamper yourself when you get home. Never forget to have some ME time.

Best Wishes
Jenny xxxx

23-02-08, 21:48
Hi everyone

I have now had my hysterectomy and am on the mend. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated even though I had a post op bladder infection. My doctor even commented afterwards on how well I had done without panicing which made me feel good.

In some ways it did me good as before the op I was very reluctant to take any medication other than paracetamol as I was terrified of the side effects and then when I was in hospital I was given just about one of every painkiller going and I hardly flinched! I even managed to take antibiotics and strong painkillers at home (although I was scared to read the information leaflet for the side effects - got my husband to do it).

Thankyou all for your replies and support

Pen xx