View Full Version : Postpartum pulmonary embolism

11-05-21, 18:41
Hello to my lovely family at no more panic,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted but I’ve recently gotten triggered... :(

I’m 2 and a half weeks post partum from a vaginal non complicated delivery. I have a history of significant postpartum anxiety and it’s ramping up again this time.

As you can tell by my title I am overwhelmed with fear that I have a PE. About a week ago I had some pain under my breast... (I am breastfeeding) it was a sharp pain but short lived. Lasted less than a minute.... since then I have had dull-ish aches in that area. Short lived. It happens maybe a handful of times. I try to focus on my breathing to see if it has any correlation to my exhaling or inhaling but so far it’s been completely random. My heart rate is fine... I don’t feel short of breath.... nothing else unusual. I’m pretty sure this is my anxiety flaring up.... I’ve been checked for PE’s in the past (because of my anxiety) and they always come back as negative (no evidence of PE) I’m trying hard to not focus on this. But part of me can’t suppress the feelings to google and ruminate. I feel like I should go in just to be safe but I feel like I would not only be wasting my time but the staffs time as well. I’m just looking for support. I’m trying my best to straighten out my thoughts but like I just mentioned, the anxiety gets me every time with the possibility that I could be wrong and I may have an enormous PE in my lungs.... :( I’m exhausted from taking care of my newborn and I just don’t want to deal with the burden of worry that this is creating for me... prayers, thoughts, and support are welcome please.

13-05-21, 02:00
((hugs)) I really struggled with similar thoughts after having my most recent child (I've got a 10 month old).

For me, pregnancy, childbirth, and then carrying around my baby made my costocondritis flare up terribly. I got similar pains to what you have. Always on one side (the side I carry my baby on predominantly).

The postpartum period is so crazy and overwhelming. I really do think what you are experiencing is just down to anxiety and probably a body sore from childbirth!