View Full Version : Persistent Swollen Lymph Node

12-05-21, 22:11
I will preface by saying I have been dealing with ear/sinus issues for almost a year. My ears, especially my right one get very full and sore.

In the first week of April I noticed when wearing over-ear headphones that there was a spot in front of my right earlobe that was sore. I thought it was from the headphones.

The next day it was more tender and continued to become more and more uncomfortable to the point where just turning my head made the area really uncomfortable. I felt a lump in the area, too.

I went to my doctor and she felt the area and said she didn't feel any lump but that where I was feeling the pain was my TMJ area. I didn't think that was right because the pain was right in front of my earlobe.

Still, I left it alone. The pain subsided after a few days but left behind was a small, pea sized lump that to me feels like a pearl. I don't find it mobile or soft.

I made an appointment with my dentist for a filling this last week (about a month past the initial pain) and he felt it and said it's not the right area for TMJ and, to him, felt like a lymph node. When he felt it he said "you mean this rubbery pea?" I haven't found it to be rubbery feeling, it feels very hard to me but I've also never felt lymph nodes before to know the difference. He told me to follow up with my doctor (and recommended I have my wisdom teeth removed :( )

So I call my doctor and they schedule me in for that night. A few hours later I get a call and the secretary says my doctor wants to do a phone consultation first. It has been incredibly difficult to actually see my doctor in person and this frustrated me because his is she meant to feel it over the phone?

Anyway, she calls me and I explain the location and what I feel. She says it's fine. That the lymph nodes there are typically linked to skin issues (acne, eczema), scalp issues (dandruff, eczema), and ear issues. And that was all she said. The phone call was maybe 5 minutes.

That was a few days ago. The lump is still there. Sometimes it feels tender, I think, but I don't know if that is just from me prodding it. If I push it really hard it feels like it squishes, but mostly it feels very hard and immobile to me.

Of course my anxiety is telling me it's something terrible. And that my doctor is missing something because she isn't seeing me in person.

I got my Covid vaccine almost two weeks ago and for a few days after had some more swollen nodes but I no longer feel those. The one right in front of my earlobe is still there and still scaring me so much, though.

Has anyone had similar? Or can just give me a virtual pat on the back to let me know it's ok?

13-05-21, 09:09

I have the exact same node. It came about from constantly massaging the area from tmj. I also have ear issues and eczema issues. Mine has been palpable for 4months now . I had it ultrasounded cuz I had a few other palpable ones as well. Turns out it's actually a normal size lymph node. If yours is around pea size it isn't technically swollen ! Sometimes nodes stay palpable after enlarging. The more you poke it the more it may stick around. Many many people on these forums have palpable nodes, and most people I know have some as well. They just don't worry and poke them like health anxiety sufferers do!

13-05-21, 19:07
Thank you, it is nice to hear that someone has had something similar and it is ok!

I say it is the size of a pea but sometimes it also seems larger. It's really hard for me to quantify what size it is because I've never felt around my lymph nodes before so don't know what normal and not normal feels like! It feels both like a pea but also larger. Almost like there is a small pea-sized lump on top of a flat and larger something.

I am trying to get in to a walk in clinic since my doctor is refusing to see patients in person.

16-05-21, 18:16
Well have not been able to get an appointment at a walk-in clinic. Spot near my ear is still there. I have been very good about not poking and prodding it over much.

However, today I was doing my monthly breast exam and felt a lump. Instant panic. It is, I would say, at the top of my breast sort of in line with my armpit, and in the middle or maybe a bit more toward the armpit than the centre of my chest.

I believe I feel the same thing or similar on the right side.

Of course my mind is spinning and I am thinking of the worst case scenarios. I have looked on here for any information about pectoral lymph nodes but haven't found anything.

I rattled off an email to my doctor and hopefully she will see me because I feel terrified and have spent most of the day crying now.

17-05-21, 06:26
Hi Punky,

Are you sure what you're feeling isn't just normal lumpy breast tissue? I can feel the same lumpiness above my breasts especially since I am post ovulation and well endowed. If there is something similar on the right side that is a very good sign!
There is also the possibility of the covid vaccine bringing up nodes in the axillary region. In that case they are completely harmless as well.

I do think you should see your doctor just so you can hear from them what they think but please try and believe them if they do tell you it's nothing to worry about. I've been through the lymph node downward spiral and you don't want to end up there. I've had them for nearly a year now and I'm still okay! Please keep us updated!

17-05-21, 13:49
Hi Punky,

Are you sure what you're feeling isn't just normal lumpy breast tissue? I can feel the same lumpiness above my breasts especially since I am post ovulation and well endowed. If there is something similar on the right side that is a very good sign!
There is also the possibility of the covid vaccine bringing up nodes in the axillary region. In that case they are completely harmless as well.

I do think you should see your doctor just so you can hear from them what they think but please try and believe them if they do tell you it's nothing to worry about. I've been through the lymph node downward spiral and you don't want to end up there. I've had them for nearly a year now and I'm still okay! Please keep us updated!

Honestly, I'm not sure. I know I have fibrous tissue there, per my doctor. I am breastfeeding, too, and rather well endowed so maybe it's a combination of all of those things and something I've just never noticed before. I hope it's that. Thank you for taking the time to reply, it really means a lot!

25-06-21, 16:09
Hi all,

Following up with this post of mine. As you can read above, I have been having issues with what is believed to be a lymph node in front of my ear. It started in early April and has persisted since then.

I have seen and talked to my doctor several times and every time she says it's from my TMJ. I have been to my dentist who said absolutely not, it's not the right area. Thought maybe it was issues from my wisdom teeth on that side, so three weeks ago I had them removed. Still no change.

Today, I went to see a nurse practitioner. She listened to my whole saga and then felt the area. She said she definitely feels it, too. She said it is quite firm but mobile and feels to her to be about 1cm and more oval shaped.

She is not entirely sure what is causing it. She said an infection would have shown other symptoms in the nearly three months.

So she says the next step is an ultrasound to see what exactly is going on there. She said after that, she would think a surgical referral (plastic surgery) is more appropriate than an ENT since it is located more toward my lower jaw and not so much about the ear.

I had a CT scan of my sinuses done March 11th. She pulled up those results and said they actually scanned most of my face, including ear area. She said that nothing was noted in that area on the CT scan, so that should be reassuring. She said the odds of it being something bad and appearing only between March 11 and April 6th is not likely. But, of course in my mind all I can think of is it being an uncontrollable and fast growing something bad.

I feel very anxious. I feel like I've been ignored for so long about this from my doctor and told that it's fine, its nothing. And now someone is finally listening and saying, well it might be nothing or it might be something and I'm not really sure.

I feel very scared.

The lump is just slightly beneath my earlobe on the right side. My dentist had said maybe salivary gland stone but was just throwing out ideas at the time. My lower jaw on the right is tender today. I can't tell why but of course that is making me feel anxious too.

I just feel so lost and scared and so, so worried.

09-07-21, 20:42
Replying more to myself than anything since I don't think anyone is reading.

I had the ultrasound done on my lump and they called me today with the results.

The radiologist wrote in the report that they weren't entirely sure what it was. They said it was either a "complex situation" or a "complex cystic situation", I couldnt make it out on the phone and was too shocked after to clarify.

The nurse relaying the message said she was going to be honest with me and that worst case, it could be a cancerous mass.

Of course those words are now swirling around in my mind over and over. It's all I can hear pounding in my head.

They are going to refer me for a biopsy.

Cancerous mass.

I know there could be several other things it might be, the nurse even said that. Before I got the call I had been doing some reading and found something called a branchial cleft cyst. I had half convinced myself that that is what it would end up being. But they didn't say that. They said they weren't sure and that the worst case might be my worst nightmare.

I have three children. My youngest turns one this month. I feel like my world is collapsing.

I am so ****ing scared.

11-07-21, 06:43
Just another note to myself since I am feeling very alone and scared.

Was laying in bed nursing my baby and rubbed my neck since it felt stiff and sore. And noticed a small lump. Told myself I would check it more when baby was done and I could roll over properly.

Of course I've just done that and did a little exam of my neck and feel what I am assuming is a lymph node. Same side as the lump on the side of my face. It is, I think, a posterior cervical lymph node. It is on the right side but nearer the back without actually being at the back. I do not feel the same thing on the left side at all.

I feel so hopeless and scared and feel like this obviously means the worst case scenarios.

I wish I could just go to the doctor now to have everything checked over but I am waiting on a referral.

I am so scared.

11-07-21, 14:16
I am so terribly sorry that you are going through this (((hugs))) it’s hard having to wait for tests and results especially when your already prone to anxiety.
It’s difficult to hear that you have something there that needs further testing but the good news is that the odds that it’s something benign are greater then the odds of it being something sinister and that’s what you have to keep reminding yourself while you wait on the results of your biopsy.

Years ago I felt a lump on my face in front of my ear. It was hard, it didn’t move and it worried me. I went to my regular ENT who said yea feels like you have a little Parotid gland tumor growing there, we will keep our eye on it. What? You can’t tell someone like me something like that. I went home and learned all I could on Parotid gland tumors and freaked myself out good. I decided to get an appointment with another ENT even though I mostly trusted my ENT I couldn’t believe he said we would just watch it. The new ENT ordered a ct scan and I bout fell out of the chair when I went in for my follow up and she read the results. There is a 9mm left contrast enhancing tumor Parotid gland tumor. I started crying uncontrollably. The doctor told me tumors grow rather slowly in this area and (I guess that’s why my other ENT wanted to watch and wait) and she presented me with two options. I could either have my gland removed and have it checked for cancer apparently biopsies in this area are not reliable and so the entire gland needs to be removed or I could wait, have s cat scan in 6 months to check on it and go from there.
I decided I didn’t want to remove my gland just yet and so I would watch and wait. Oddly enough on the drive home this calm washed over me and I was at peace with this thing. I really didn’t think about it, I wasn’t worried. It was weird for me. About 5 or so months later I was eating and the left side of my face swelled up like a balloon. I went to the ER but they had no idea what was going on but it wasn’t life threatening so follow up with your doctor but the swelling was gone by the next morning. Days later I am not sure why but I was feeling around the area checking on that lump cause I would need to go in for ct scan soon and it was GONE. I got an appointment with that ENT to have her check and she agreed yes it was gone. She said it must have been a saliva stone and not a tumor. It’s what caused the swelling in my face and all the back up off saliva must have pushed it out. I was sooo glad I decided not to remove my gland even though the radiologist that read my scan said he was positive it was not a saliva stone.

See? Everything is not always black and white. It’s okay to be worried, it’s okay to be afraid. You are justified in your feelings but don’t just focus on the possibility of something bad because it’s not the only possibility. I know it’s hard but try your best to distract yourself. Keep your mind busy on other things and when bad thoughts try to take up all the space in your mind, keep reminding yourself that the odds are in your favor because they are.

15-07-21, 18:17
Got a hard lump on the side of my neck and shitting myself. Bloods are normal, x-ray looks normal I think (haven't had results but I've asked for a copy and from my limited time at medical school it looks fine to me) but waiting for ultrasound and needle biopsy. Have lower back pain though and a throat I haven't been able to clear. No fever but my face feels hot lately but I'm not sure if that's because I've been googling symptoms. Arghhh I hate this. I hate the wait.

16-07-21, 02:29
My son had a lump under his jaw, turned out to be a salivary gland tumor, benign thank God.

My point being that our bodies do weird things, grow weird things but they are not always sinister.

I'm sorry you're going through this, no one hates tests and waiting for results more than I do but its got to be resolved so you can move forward.

All the best to you ox

17-07-21, 23:13
My son had a lump under his jaw, turned out to be a salivary gland tumor, benign thank God.

My point being that our bodies do weird things, grow weird things but they are not always sinister.

I'm sorry you're going through this, no one hates tests and waiting for results more than I do but its got to be resolved so you can move forward.

All the best to you ox

Thank you for posting this. I found it helpful. If they diagnose me I'll worry then.

27-07-21, 21:20
Hi all,

Thanks so much for the support and comments. Just popping in to say that I talked to my doctor about the ultrasound. She was miffed at the NP for her choice of words and said that the report actually states it is a "complex cystic mass that should be further evaluated for possible abcess, cyst, or mass". So that made it seem less scary.

Biopsy was today. Quick and painless. When the doctor was done she said "Oh, I must have hit a cystic part because there's fluid". I will say, though the amount was small, the stuff that came out from the tiny needle hole could have been featured in a Dr. Pimple Popper video 🤮

The doctor said at worst case it's a parotid gland tumor, which are benign ateast 80% of the time. She is scheduling me for a CT just in case and said to wait to hear back about the biopsy results.

The spot now after the biopsy feels strange. The lump is still there and still feels hard, but the skin in the area feels deflated. Almost like a balloon with a slow leak. Normally the skin there feels very taught and under pressure and not so much right now. Maybe I am imagining things.

So more waiting. I can't help but hope it just ends up being a cyst.

28-07-21, 01:54
The waiting is horrific isn't it? I am sorry you're going through this and hope you have a resolution soon.

Your posts are taking me back when we went through this, the only way I could stop my spiraling mind especially in the middle of the night was to pray. Im not a huge religious person but I found leaning on the faith that I do have kept my anxious mind occupied and blocked out the intrusive thoughts.

There's only one way out of this now, you've got to get answers to what it is.. and what it is not.

Keeping good thoughts for you. Please keep us updated

09-08-21, 16:36
Tomorrow will be two weeks since my fine needle aspiration biopsy.

The doctors office called me this morning at 9:30 to let me know my results were in and the doctor would be calling me between 3-4pm.

Seems horribly cruel to call just to make me wait as an anxious mess all day. I'm vollying between crying and feeling numb. I both want an answer and wish they had never called.

3.5-4.5 more hours to go.

11-08-21, 18:21
Yes it surely is cruel. I am sorry you're going through this. Please check im when you hear from your Dr.

Good thoughts coming you're way.

11-08-21, 23:55
Tomorrow will be two weeks since my fine needle aspiration biopsy.

The doctors office called me this morning at 9:30 to let me know my results were in and the doctor would be calling me between 3-4pm.

Seems horribly cruel to call just to make me wait as an anxious mess all day. I'm vollying between crying and feeling numb. I both want an answer and wish they had never called.

3.5-4.5 more hours to go.

So? What were the results?


12-08-21, 19:06
So? What were the results?


You know, I'm still a bit unsure. The phone call was very brief. The doctor started off saying, "I got the results of your fine needle aspiration. It showed nothing sinister."

Big sigh of relief!

But then followed it up with, "it's still somewhat indeterminate, though, so we're going to go ahead with the CT."

The impression I got was that she is operating under the assumption now that it is a cyst and is trying to determine if it is superficial enough for her to "slice and dice" in her office or if it is deeper and needing a more involved removal. She said it felt very superficial to her, which is also I guess what the ultrasound showed (that wasn't told to me previously).

She said that when she did the needle the "fluid" that came out aligned with what you would see from some type of cyst. I think she said an epidermoid cyst?

She said she will follow up again after I have the CT. That hasn't been booked yet. But she did repeat twice that it was nothing sinister and that she was positive it was not a tumor.

So for now that is, I think, as good an answer as I have and one I am more than happy to accept!

12-08-21, 20:09
Good news !

13-08-21, 11:46
That's great news and frankly as expected ;) A cyst sounds much more reasonable and likely. The scan will determine what to do about it.


14-09-21, 21:24
Gosh things move slowly in this new town I live in in terms of medicine!

I *finally* got the order for my CT and had that done last week.

The doctors office just called me and, very brusquely, said "you have an appointment next Tuesday at 10am". When I asked what for the secretary said, "to follow up from your CT." In a very annoyed tone, and then hung up the phone.

I tried to call back but apparently it was outside of their phone call accepting hours and they don't have a voicemail to leave messages.

So now I am left, once again, feeling anxious and scared. Because why would they need to call me in to discuss the results instead of just calling me and telling me? They gave me the results of the biopsy over the phone, which makes me think that there is something bad they have to tell me.

My partner is trying to say that maybe they just want to discuss it and cut it out in the same day. Or check to make sure it hasn't changed.

I so not feel so hopeful and now just feel so worried and scared all over again. And have to wait another week to even learn if it is something bad or not. I could just cry.

14-09-21, 22:13
A timeline to recap:

April 6th: noticed a spot near ear felt sore when wearing over-ear headphones

April 7th: area felt more tender. Tender to the touch and side of face looked somewhat swollen. I would say it was an area the size of a gumball if not larger. Very sore.

April 9: spot stopped hurting just in general and now only hurt to the touch.

April 25: Spot no longer really tender but definitely a lump compared to the other side. Bigger than a pencil eraser. dr just keeps saying it's TMJ. The spot, to me, felt hard and immobile.

May 12: Went to doctor again who said probably just a lymph node but that one's in that location aren't anything to worry about. She said it felt about the size of a Lima bean or marble.

May 19: spot feeling more tender again.

May 29: spot very painful and side of face in that area got swollen again. Using hot compressed and taking pain relievers to help. Side of face is swollen up to the size of a golf ball.

June 22: asked doctor for a referral to an ENT. They said they would send me to the public health nurse first.

June 25: appointment with nurse. She felt the lump. Said it felt firm but mobile. She estimated it to be about 1cm and oval shaped. Said she didn't think it was anything sinister but would order an ultrasound. Also mentioned that the sinus CT I had done in March scanned that area and didn't pick up anything but I did have a cyst in my one sinus.

July 5th: ultrasound

July 9: results in. Spoke to a new nurse who was not as nice. She said it was a "complex situation but could be a cancerous mass." Cue meltdown and panic. At that time I said it was about the size of a jumbo black cherry. Ultrasound said it was half an inch. A biopsy was ordered.

July 12: spoke to my doctor to have her translate the results after the very scary call from the nurse. Doctor said "results were indeterminate, which is why more testing was ordered. It says it could be a cyst, abcess, lymph node, or possibly tumor but that the emphasis should not have been placed on it being a tumor or mass.

July 27: biopsy done. Some white chunky stuff came out of the spot (gross) which help ease some of my fears.

August 9: biopsy results were in and doctor called me. Said the test did not show anything sisniter but it was still some what indeterminate. She said she was pretty certain it is just a cyst but we will do the CT to see if it is superficial or subcutaneous but that in the office it felt superficial. She repeated that it showed nothing nefarious.

Sept 9: Had CT with contrast.

Sept 14: CT results in and doctor called to book an appointment for the following week to discuss. Spot, to me, feels about 3/4 of an inch. It is firm and oval shaped but sometimes I feel like it has a small bit of squish to it (though you have to press pretty hard to feel that.) It is sometimes tender off and on. It is very easy to move around in any direction. It is not visibly swollen or protruding.

17-09-21, 21:18
Another update, more to get it out of my head than anything else.

I called the doctor's office to ask if the appointment could be made over the phone since I didn't have childcare. They said yes. So I felt some relief.

Well, they just called and the secretary said she spoke with the doctor who said that no, I do need to be seen in person and that they are going to scope me.

I asked why and the secretary said she didn't know.

So I am now, once again, left wondering until Tuesday why I need to have this done and freaking out. I don't know why they need to do a scope of my throat when the issue is a lump by my ear. I am just so tired of all of this. And so scared.

22-09-21, 17:35
Hey, did you find out anything yesterday?

22-09-21, 21:16
Well I was a nervous wreck. I drove to the appointment and was seen very quickly. The doctor asked if we had had a follow up appointment to discuss the results and I said no. She said that was an oversight on her office and they were supposed to give me a phone appointment to discuss the CT scan instead of leaving me in the dark.

The , she went over the biopsy again and examined it showed nothing bad and just cystic cells. She said the CT showed the same. A 1.6cm cystic nodule. She said I also have a cyst in my right cheek sinus and a cyst on the left side of my face, though those two are small and 0.6cm and under. So I guess I just have a face full of cysts (doesn't bear thinking about really. Blech!)

She said she had meant to do a scope at the first appointment but forgot and wanted to do it now to "close the case". That was the worst part. They use a numbing spray up your nose that is vile. I almost vomited several times and my nose and throat were numb for half an hour, which was weird. The scope itself was like getting a Covid swab done...but instead of just probing the back of your nose it goes down your nose and down your throat.

She said the scope was all clear, too. She says right now she won't recommend removal because I would be waiting an age to get an appointment anyway due to the overburdened health care system currently. So, she is referring me back to my GP with instructions to check it again in a year. If it had become several cm larger by then we can remove it.

So hopefully that's the end of that. Its funny how the irrational mind works, through, because I still find myself thinking, "well what if they missed something? What if it's not actually a cyst? What if...what if..."

But logically I am trying to remind myself that 1) I am not a doctor. I don't have any of the training they do. If they say it's fine they would know. 2) Doctors don't want to risk lawsuits by telling someone something is fine when it's not! 3) I had several tests done and none of them showed anything ultra worrying. Multiple tests can't be wrong otherwise doctors wouldn't use them 4) My anxiety does not play for the same team as my brain. Its goal is not to make me feel safe or to let me "win", its goal is to bring me down and be the *winner*.

Thank you for checking in. This entire process has been very isolating for me and made me feel very scared and alone.

17-11-21, 22:18
Guess who's back...back again... Lol

I had a follow up call with my GP today about my last appointment with the ENT in September. In the discussion I mentioned that the cyst seemed to have gotten a little larger since I was last seen. She told me to call the ENT.

So I did and am now headed back for another biopsy next week. The doctor seemed a bit confused, to be honest. I understand she sees lots of patients and it's been two months so obviously she's not going to remember little old me. She didnt remember that I had already had a CT with contrast or a biopsy. So she rechecked those results.

She said my biopsy was indeterminate. Which I knew, she told me that the first time. She said the report said it was squamous or squamae or something like that and not atypical but that there wasn't enough of a sample to say for sure what it was. After my first biopsy she told me that but said she was confident that it was benign and nothing sinister. I don't know if her opinion on that has changed or not.

She said the CT showed that the cyst is in my auperfici parotid gland so removing it (which is what I said I would want to do) is not as easy as one, two, three CHOP. It would likely require a removal of part of my parotid gland. So that is why I think she wants to redo the biopsy, to see if removing the cyst (let's hope it's still just a cyst) is necessary.

I asked what happens if the biopsy is again indeterminate. She said that she would refer me to a head and neck surgeon for a second opinion.

So I feel a bit back to square one. I feel worried. And scared. She again mentioned that parotid tumors are benign 80% of the time. I said, well that still leaves 20% that aren't. She said you don't really get better odds when it comes to lumps and bumps.

So yeah. Feeling scared. Feeling angry and frustrated. I mean, she cleared me and said all was good, we can look at it in a year and then again the year after. Now it seems less good.

She said that the cyst growing a bit is common, especially if you have an infection or illness. Mine seemed to grow a bit after my darling children brought home he cold from hell in late September/early October. First cold in almost two years and it knocked me flat.

So trying to look on the bright side. But did I mention I am scared and anxious?

I said in a previous post around Sep. 14 that the spot is not visibly protruding. Well it is now. So that doesn't make me feel confident. Most people say they don't notice it, only from certain angles or if I point it out. I don't know if they're just being kind or not. But again, maybe it just grew after I got ill with that horrible, rotten cold in September. Fingers crossed, eh.

It still feels hard to me. But if I press I feel some give. Maybe that's just skin or something. I don't know. It is entirely mobile though. I can move it up, down, sideways. I would compare it to maybe a large green grape in terms of length and also width. Feels bloody massive to me, really.

18-11-21, 00:55
I'm sorry this cyst is making trouble for you again, Punky. Cysts do commonly come back, unless they are completely removed. They refill with whatever contents they contain (yuck). Hopefully they can get a more clear result this time and you won't have to have it removed to settle the issue.

If it makes you feel better, I have a friend who had parotid gland surgery for a similar issue, and although it wasn't fun, everything turned out fine.

19-11-21, 05:05
It’s awesome that they did a biopsy for you. When I went through this the two ENTS I saw told me they don’t perform biopsy in that gland for certain reasons and that my only two options were to have my entire gland removed and sent for pathology or wait 6 months and have another CT scan.
You have had a decent work up and everything points to a cyst, those can and do grow bigger. I have one on my back that started out tiny and grew pretty big. I have had it removed twice because it kept getting infected and it keeps coming back. Unfortunately with cyst if anything is left behind no matter how small it will likely come back.

I know it’s easier said then done but try not to worry.

21-11-21, 16:49
Thank you for the encouragement and rational words. Its hard not to spiral when it feels like the doctor wants to start all over. I am still holding out hope it's a branchial cleft cyst and will revisit that topic with the ENT on Tuesday (apparently they can be hard to diagnose). I fell into a spiral of analysing symptoms and thought, "they kept asking if I had unintentional weight loss....and I have lost a good 20-30lbs in the last almost 6 months" But then my rational husband reminds me that I have been walking 8km a day and sticking to a strict calorie defefit in that time 🤷

But still. Feeling worried but trying not to think of it too much.

23-11-21, 19:38
Quick update post biopsy #2.

So the doctor is confident, even without the results yet, that the lesion is benign. How can she be sure?? Well the entire thing deflated after she did the biopsy. There's nothing there now, just a sore spot. Tumors don't deflate, she tells me.

Have you ever seen grits? Half a syringe worths of stuff that looked like that came out of the side of my face. Excuse me while I vomit.

So the ENT said she is confident it is a benign cyst that is located in or superficial to my parotid gland. What that means is that it won't be removed. She said if it was malignant we would remove it. But the risks your run with a partial or full parotid removal aren't worth it for a benign cyst and trying to excise around that area is difficult because of the facial nerves. But we can do regular drainage if (more like *when*) it fills back up.

So now I wait for the official results but the Dr. was pretty confident and I was pretty horrified at what came out.

Pretty weird to touch the side of my face and feel no lump there for the first time in 7.5 months (though it might have been there longer and I just never realized).

So To Be Continued but glad that the diagnosis for now is staying the same as what it was before.

But seriously...disgusting.

23-11-21, 21:33
The stuff that comes out of cysts is particularly disgusting and when they've been there a while the smell is absolutely foul! I've had a fair few in my time. Not the most pleasant things to have to deal with.

23-12-21, 14:21
Things tend to move slowly in the medical world right now. Understandably so.

I figured I would just post an update in case anyone googling ever stumbles across this thread.

So, I had the repeat FNA and got the results back from the ENT. Cystic material, no atypia (though explained in much more doctor-y words). The ENT said that based off her clinical assessment it's fine to just leave the cyst because the cure could be worse than the issue. But she said if removal is something I am still interested in she will refer me to a head and neck surgeon in a larger city.

That's the next step I've taken. The cyst is still there. It seems to have enclosed itself again and while it is smaller, I imagine it won't stay that way!

So now it's just a waiting game to hear back about the referral. I imagine that will be some time well into the new year and that's ok. I don't think much of the spot these days, unless I accidentally brush it with my fingers and then it's like "oh yeah...that thing". Makes me wonder if it was there longer than I realized since I've come to the conclusion that it's not a spot on my face I touch very often.

Either way, that's the resolution for now!

03-01-22, 12:43
Hi Punky. I had a lymph node worry about my neck and after a few weeks of panic, I settled into realising it was normal sized. An enlarged node would be very obvious and you wouldn’t have to route around for it. You’re okay :)

29-07-22, 20:55
Just popping in for an update since I hate when I stumble upon a thread with no resolution.

The one year "anniversary" of my lump has come and gone!

In my last update I said I was being referred to a head and neck surgeon. That ended up happening faster than I thought. I saw the tip H&N guy in my province in the first two weeks of January. He was very nice. Showed me the scan images of my lump. He definitely agreed that it seems benign. Then he said, "do you want it out?". I replied with, "well yes, so I don't worry about it. But the other doctor said they would leave it and something about facial paralysis and it not being really medically necessary."

He said it's not close to the main facial nerve (good!) and that it *is* medically necessary if it's affecting my mental health. So I agreed to surgery. It will be a full Parotidectomy on that side.

The appointment did yield one interesting development, though. A rather big surprise, actually.

In the pre-op form I had to sign it asked a bevy of questions about your health history. It also asked if there was a chance I was pregnant. Of course I scoffed but then when I left the appointment I started thinking, "hmm, when *was* the last time I had my period."

Several pregnancy tests later and it's a good thing the doctor said it would be a very long wait for a surgery date because I'm almost 9 months pregnant now and set to deliver some time next month!

So, no surgery date as of yet and another rather large, though explained lump that I ended up growing 🤣

27-03-23, 13:19
Hi punky,
Just wondering how you made out having your cyst removed? I’m having a similar issue, they think it’s a cyst, having ultrasound in a couple weeks but I’m terrified it’s something more, hoping it’s a cyst but also scared about the treatment if it is

04-04-23, 04:15
Hiya! So it actually hasn't been removed yet. Life and circumstances have led to me having to turn down three offered operation times so now I'm just waiting for another date. I had a repeat ultrasound done (it's been almost two years now that I've had the cyst). That scan was fine and the doctor is still confident it's just a cyst. Sorry I couldnt offer more advice or comfort! I hope you receive positive news!

05-04-23, 14:31
Thanks for responding! I hope your surgery goes well :) whatever mine is it has shrunk a lot so I’m really hope it’s a lymph node from and ear issue I was having! If not hopefully a cyst as it does move around in there…I just keep telling myself cancer doesn’t shrink

08-04-23, 03:43
I just keep telling myself cancer doesn’t shrink

That is exactly right; good for you for giving yourself that reminder! Best wishes and positive thoughts!!