View Full Version : Ladies only please--trying not to get scared

10-11-07, 14:34

I'm kind of in a right state at the moment and trying not to panic because I've had some spotting lately here and there and all of a sudden I've gotten really heavy spotting almost just like my period (feels like period leaks hope that's not TMI) but I had my last on the 17th of Oct and I'm not quite sure if it's actually started up again. I usually get hormonal if it's my period and crampy and I haven't felt like quite like that but I have had non-hormonal-y periods before where I just felt fine. My periods are sometimes regular and sometimes not, and I missed the month before last...I was getting nervous about that one cause it took forever to get here. I do spot between my periods sometimes. I'm wondering if to throw in the towel and label this as a period. Maybe I'm just scaring myself up and it really is my period. I'm scared it won't be and it'll last like two days and it'll prove my fears. I'm not feeling any period cramps at the moment but I have had IBS which does happen almost every single time I have my period. My periods are always quite heavy and last about 5-7 days. Oh, and I'm only 21 too and not on the pill. And I have been highly anxious lately and stressed. I almost had a PA the other day for no reason other than I was sitting at the computer and my heart rate was up a little cause I ate annnnd...I am a bit of a hypocondriac.

Anyways I'm imagining the worst as usual. This health anxiety is sooo terrible...if it's not one thing it's the other and this is a particuarly scary 'other'.

EDIT: It's gotten really heavy so it's pretty much my period. On second thought, I did have something like cramps this morning but I thought it was IBS. did feel a cramp twinge yesterday except I was out on a boat fishing so I didn't notice much. And I did read somewhere that if you miss a period the one after the one you just had will be sooner. See how much of a hypocondriac I am?

10-11-07, 16:16
Hi,I have had really bad spotting before and it has turned out to be nothing.Stress can make this happen as well, best to get it checked out anyway and have your mind at rest.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-11-07, 17:16
I can relate to being a hypochondriac. It is actually a common illness. Spotting and abnormal periods can be related to stress as well as hormonal issues and other things such as small cysts etc. The best thing to do is see your doc and have things ruled out by an exam and some bloodwork. Chances are it is nothing. This month I have having problems as well. My periods are very very regular and I am about 5 days late now. I am thinking it is stress related as well.
Just try not to think the worst(I know its hard) and see your doc. Hope things get better very soon.:hugs:

14-11-07, 15:13

This will most likely be your period just a few days early. Cycle lengths can change mine fluctuates from 24 to 29 days. You probably just ovulated a few days earlier than previously.

Spotting can happen for various reasons. I have spotting in the middle of my cycle (a little bleed at ovulation - this is quite common) and at the end of my cycle just before my period, this is due to the changing hormones.

If you are missing periods, are irregular and spotting then it is worth mentioning this to your doctor, they will no doubt do a smear test and some bloodwork to make sure your hormones are behaving normally. Try not to worry.


There are two stages in your cycle the follicular stage, where you are mainly producing eostrogen and preparing to ovulate and the luteal phase between ovulation and your period where you are producing progesterone to support a pregancy if one has occured. Your luteal phase usually remains the same (mine is 11 days) and this is not affected by stress, therefore once you have ovulated stress cannot delay your period, however stress can delay ovulation
it is likely that you have just ovulated a few days later this month and your period is on it's way - assuming you have ruled out pregnancy as the cause!

14-11-07, 19:55
Hi Gryphoenix, I think this is most probably a period....if your last one was 17th october then that must be almost 28 days. I know its difficult but try not to worry too much...but as alsion says maye be worth mentioning to your gp that things have been a bit irregular.

luv Coni XX

14-11-07, 21:52
is there any chance you could be pregnant?