View Full Version : Coughing and wheezing - terrified

15-05-21, 18:49
I am 60 years old and have suffered from debilitating health anxiety since my 20,s. I have mild asthma which for the most part is controlled. About 3 weeks ago I developed a cough and some wheezing. I was prescribed a short course of steroids but they made no difference. I still have a really bad cough. Once it catches in my throat I can’t stop coughing. My throat feels completely full of catarrh and makes incredible wheezing noises. I havebeen back to the go today who has given me a steroid nasal pump but suggests I go and see my own go in the week and get an X-ray.
I am absolutely terrified that I have lung cancer and cannot stop crying. Once I start coughing I cannot stop and this is now 3 weeks.
Please has anyone experienced this or can offers any help?

15-05-21, 19:50
Anyone.? Please?

15-05-21, 20:05

I assume when they saw you that they listened to your chest? What did they say? What’s your diagnosis?

I’ve got asthma too and I had something similar, it turned out that my bronchial tubes were inflamed due to all those coughing, so antibiotics didn’t help. I was told to take my blue ventolin inhaler every 4 hours. Have they advised you of any similar?

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15-05-21, 20:10
Thank you so much for replying.He said my lungs were clear except for a very small wheeze on th e left hand side that he didn’t seem too bothered about. Did you have a cough that you couldn’t stop.It’s like it catches in my throat and then I can’t stop which gives me a massive headache.How long did it take for yours to resolve?

15-05-21, 20:36
I got it after a chest infection I think, and yes it was really frequent and I’d have to get up at night to sit up and drink chamomile tea. It would make me retch too, and the coughing made me breathless.
I think it lasted a few weeks, I remember going through 2 sets of antibiotics and the 2nd lot did t help at all.
I had the same slight wheeze on the left, and they also said I’d need an X-ray if it didn’t clear.

Are you on an asthma plan and have you followed it for your illness?

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15-05-21, 20:46
I had a cold a few weeks ago so don’t know if it is related to that or not.I wasn’t given any antibiotics as they were pretty sure I didn’t hav3 @ chest infection.I had a 5 day course of steroids that didn’t.t do anything%Th3 cough catches my throat at any time and I can’t stop when i5 starts%8 kno2 this i# too much information but I am bringin* nothing up at all. The coughing makes me retch.I have only been doing my blue inhaler sporadically because if feels all in m6 throa5 but I am going to take it every 4 hours%I am so scared that I am shaking. I really appreciate you replying

15-05-21, 21:11
Being sent for test are never nice and the worst things always creep into your mind. There are lots of reasons for your situation, so please don't panic. Your doctor probably wants to rule out anything nasty so that they can concentrate on getting you better.

Very very easy for me to say when I am not the one suffering, however think of all the times many of us have been on here worried. How many of us were correct in our self diagnosis? Thankfully, most of us on here are not going to win doctor of the year awards and have been wrong. Try not to worry until you know for certain there is a problem.

Makes sure you don't bottle your feelings up and talk.

I hope the tests go well and come back giving you the all clear. If you feel rotten, give us all a poke on here.