View Full Version : Blurred optic disc

16-05-21, 07:58
Hi all I have been looking on this site for several years and it has massively helped with my health anxiety. I went for a routine opticians appointment 8 weeks ago and he requested an urgent referral for blurred discs. My appointment is tomorrow and I am really worried about it having been on google searching for what it could be. He said if it was anything major I would have been leaving in an ambulance and that the hospital had looked at the images and that’s why I wasn’t seen within 2 weeks. I’m just wondering if anybody has been through anything similar as I’m really freaking out today

16-05-21, 10:22
Never use Google to diagnose yourself. It is a guaranteed road to anxiety.

You've been told not to worry by an actual professional.

16-05-21, 13:07
Thankyou for replying. I know i have but there’s just a fear that they will find something more. People keep saying I would have been in sooner if it was anything to worry about but the anxiety just takes over.