View Full Version : Is one bad sunburn very dangerous?

16-05-21, 14:52
I really feel like I've taken a big step backwards with my HA the past week or two. I'm working through some cbt but it's as if I've hit a wall with it at the moment.

I got a rush of those horrible HA panic chemicals through me this morning and I can't get past it.
This time it's my 13 yr old daughter (again, I know I've worried about both my kids several times)
I thought I saw some kind of mark on her shoulder (she was wearing a top with a strap but has since covered it up as she was too cold). I didn't get to see it for long though.
That might not sound much to anyone reading this but what's in my head is that she got very bad sunburn on her shoulders 2 years ago in Tenerife. It's often crossed my mind is she at high risk of skin cancer now because of that?
It's the only time she ever got sun burn but I don't know how much damage 1 burn can cause.
I got burnt several times myself when I was a kid, none of them were very bad though and were not in a hot country.

Please someone help me to rationalise this because I can't do it myself.

16-05-21, 14:57
To tell you you're being irrational is mute because you already know this. Your mind is creating scenarios of irrational and fantastical proportions but again, you know this. I would go back to the CBT exercises and try to reason and work this out.

Positive thoughts