View Full Version : Labrynthitis or something worse?

17-05-21, 12:24
For about 4 weeks now I’ve been suffering with dizziness when I move my head a certain way-mostly when I look up (opening blinds, reaching up to high cupboards, even leaning back to kiss my husband who’s taller than me). It’s also bad turning from one side to the other in bed. It’s like a sudden jolt throughout my whole body. I then feel really strange after the initial zap. It’s like my body is on a go-slow. I feel a bit detached and just like I’m not moving my body properly. I feel confused aswell.
Have spoken to a GP over the phone about this twice and I’ve had a course of antibiotics as they thought it was sinus related as I also have a lot of head pressure too-particularly in the forehead and temples. My neck muscles are extremely tight and painful too.
Last week they diagnosed labrynthitis and gave me Betahistine to help with the dizziness.
I’m just not feeling convinced, and constantly wondering if it’s more connected to my neck-artery blockage or something? Or some awful brain disease/tumour which is giving me the motor skills symptoms?
Has anyone had labrynthitis and felt the same? Really need some reassurance as I feel like the GP has missed something and I’m sat here day after day in fear.

17-05-21, 21:43
Did your gp mention benign postural vertigo?

18-05-21, 11:28
This looks more likely! Have you had this? Could you tell me more about your experience?

18-05-21, 15:51
No need to overthink it. It's muscle tension.

I get it regularly. Best thing to do is tilt your head forwards and backwards as much as your muscles allow, this will almost certainly make you feel dizzy, but that's good. You need to 'reset' your heads trigger for dizziness. You can also tilt your head side to side (as if trying to touch your ears and shoulders) at almost maximum stretch. Shaking your head side to side too (as if in disagreement). Any of the movements that trigger the dizziness, do them deliberately. You may need to do this several times a day, 2-3 minutes at a time.

Assuming some kind of absurd fatal disease because of a bit of dizziness won't help the muscle tension much! :yesyes:

19-05-21, 12:27
Thank you, I have been wondering about it being related to my neck pain. I can almost deal with the dizzy feeling-it’s the total brain fog and feeling out of it afterwards that freaks me out. Will take your advice today 😊

19-05-21, 14:03
I forgot to mention that I would often feel a 'drop' sensation with that kind of dizziness, very similar to the falling sensation you get when falling asleep sometimes.

I strongly suspect the brain fog and out of it feeling you're experiencing is just part of the anxiety reaction to the actual sensation. Not related to being dizzy, just a reaction to it.

19-05-21, 14:26
I agree with Joe..Get your neck mobilised again with the gentle exercises he describes. You will induce dizziness but just push on through and your brain will compensate.

19-05-21, 14:52
I also get dizziness, and also worry about it...... so I do relate to you. I’ve never been diagnosed with BPV, but I try to tell myself that - or just plain old anxiety- are a more likely explanations for my dizziness and zaps and brain fog than a tumour!!!

23-05-21, 03:30
I have been diagnosed with BPV, and I do suffer occasional attacks of it. Usually they resolve quickly but I have had some that happen randomly throughout several days and kind of come and go to an extent. Those attacks aren’t as bad as the full on ones where I can’t sit up or move at all…but they’re still unsettling.

I keep a prescription of Meclizine on me just in case. It’s basically a motion sickness drug, similar to Dramamine (don’t know if you guys have that one), but works well for me. Can make you sleepy though.

24-05-21, 10:37
Thank you all. I have an appointment with an Osteo on Wednesday to sort my neck. Been doing the exercises, and actually I feel it much less when leaning my head back now. However, lying down in bed and moving my head whilst lying down is dreadful. Felt quite dazed walking the dogs this morning aswell. It’s the most unsettling feeling. Without my health anxiety I’d probably be able to ride this out but I keep going to ‘maybe I have a brain tumour’....ugh!

21-07-21, 06:05
Hello Anna,

I can completely relate to all your symps. I can especially relate to when you stated that it occurs when you are looking up at a cupboard or opening blinds. In fact even to this day I find it may occur when reaching up for something, head back, thus neck is greatly involved in my opinion.

Mine started approximately 3 years ago when I had a bad panic attack triggered by some anger toward a relative. Add to this that is was a week before Christmas thus added stress due to holiday time.

I went to see an ENT who was wonderful. He tested me to assure that I did not have any loose crystals in the ear known as BPPV. I did not although I have a sister and niece that did have BPPV. He felt it was labrynthitis and cervical ( neck) radiculopathy.

He sent me to a physical therapist who had me do certain exercises. For instance, she would have me walk across the room turning my head left and then right. She would then have me walk across the room looking up at the ceiling and then down toward the ground while walking. Another exercise consisted of me looking at a card she held of a black and white checker board with an "X" in the middle of the checker board. She would tell me to move my head from left to right however never taking my eyes off the "X". A variation of this was a card she held which had numbers or words and I would stated theme out loud, reading across the page, while moving my head from left to right.

I must say it helped immensely in addition to the meclizine the ENT gave me which is basically an anti vertigo medication.

I have had neck issues for many years, tight muscles and poor posture. This can exacerbate the symps and I believe actually brings on the symps.

Being an anxiety sufferer for many moons, being light headed has always been one of my most feared symps.

If you have not been to an ear, nose, throat doctor as of yet I highly recommend it. You can also inquire as to vestibular PT- trust me it helps greatly.

Of course may I also add that the symps just add fuel to the fire of our anxiety and then we find ourselves in the symps- fear- symps cycle.

Hang in there Anna, it will abate.

You may PM me if you need more assurance

God Bless,


21-07-21, 11:47
Thanks for your message Soup! Yes, I reckon tight neck muscles definitely a factor. About 3 weeks ago I woke up and it was just…..gone! I’ve not had this at all since. I cannot pinpoint a reason, or anything that may have changed. Other than my neck muscles are not at all tight anymore. I honestly thought I’d never not be dizzy again!!!