View Full Version : Blood pressure readings

17-05-21, 12:43
Hi all,

Just want some advice. Ive just been put on blood pressure meds and been taking them about a week. Took a reading this morning which measured 154/117. I am unbelievably pressured at work and looking to resign and im stressed about that. Am i making the right decision? Work will be super hacked off that im going etc etc. Im a natural worrier.

My question is 154/117 is too high for me. At what point do you go to docs? Or can I just wait and see if it comes down.

17-05-21, 12:48
If you're using a BP machine at home as per your doctors orders (as I have), you need to first get comfortable. Relax at least 5 minutes or so, then take three readings spaced at least a minute apart. The lowest reading will be the most accurate.

Positive thoughts

17-05-21, 16:14
i agree with fmp, i always have been higher in the surgery so doc after putting me advised me to do at home, and they now both measure up from 170/110 down to 120/75

17-05-21, 18:35
Im doing this at home. Though now comes down to 135/105. Still high, but not dangerously high. I think I may need to up my meds though

17-05-21, 18:45
Im doing this at home. Though now comes down to 135/105. Still high, but not dangerously high. I think I may need to up my meds though

Give the meds (what med are you on and dosage?) another week or two and practice the relaxation prior to taking it. Also, it's typically best to check later in the evening after you've been home for a bit and are relaxed.