View Full Version : Anxiety and nausea getting me down

17-05-21, 19:53
I’m pretty sure my symptoms are anxiety related but I just wanted to know if anyone else can relate...

I’ve recently returned to work from maternity leave and I’m working full time. I work in the legal industry so my work is stressful and we have a lot on at the moment so in just four weeks my work load has reached a very busy level.

Anyway, today I’ve been experiencing quite bad nausea, burping, gas and increased bowel movements. I’ve struggled to concentrate on my work feeling like I’m getting sick. I also have a constant churning/butterfly feeling in my stomach. I did a covid test to make sure it’s not that because I woke up feeling groggy too and I’ve just spent the day feeling awful!

Does this sound like a particularly bad anxiety episode? Any tips on how to stop feeling like this so I can actually concentrate and get through the day??

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26-05-21, 04:43
I get very similar sensations when I am havinga very bad bout of anxiety. And coming back to work after maternity leave must be inspiring a lot of emotions that can definitely attribute. I've often heard that your emotions are tied to your gut and I think that is very true for me!

What helps me is candies! Particularly finger candies. I started them when I was pregnant but I find they help quite a bit with the nausea as well as making healthy eating choices (I tend to want to default to pizza and chocolate during these times). And then gas pills if needed.

Good luck! You aren't alone in feeling this!

26-05-21, 06:54
Does this sound like a particularly bad anxiety episode? Any tips on how to stop feeling like this so I can actually concentrate and get through the day??

Yes. At my worst with anxiety, I was constantly retching (sometimes vomiting) and feeling nauseous. Drinking ginger tea works well for nausea and while you're this anxious, try to eat little but often.

Lay of the stimulants - caffeine (inc chocolate) sugar, pop etc - try and eat healthy food.

Peppermint tea (or tabs) works well for gas.

This is about trying to lower your stress levels and treating the symptoms while your body settles back down, but don't expect it to happen overnight..