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View Full Version : Anyone else have trouble sleeping?

18-05-21, 11:07
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else has trouble sleeping?
The past two weeks I’ve been really struggling. When I’m trying to drift off to sleep I feel like I’m either holding my breath or I get this dropping sensation in my chest. My stomach muscles keep tensing and sometimes my head feels weird and it stops me from going to sleep. This all started after having a huge panic attack before bed a couple of weeks a go.
I started sertraline 25mg about 12 days ago and am now on day 3 of 50mg.
I can’t stop tensing all my muscles
I also keep feeling like I need to wee constantly, even after I’ve just been.
My panic attacks are less but I have a constant level of anxiety. Even when I’m resting my stomach muscles are clenching on and off.
I feel like I can’t sit still and have to keep shaking my legs to distract myself from any feelings in my body.


18-05-21, 21:19
Yeah, I keep having cycles of this when my anxiety flares up. Ever since I had an extremely bad nocturnal panic attack in January of 2020, I go through cyclical 1 to 3 week periods where I either can't stay or fall asleep. I feel like I'm dying when I fall asleep because I can literally feel my heart rate and breathing begin to slow (which is normal), and this makes me think that my heart and/or breathing is going to stop completely. I can't get more than two hours of sleep at a time because I will either wake up in the middle of a nocturnal panic attack or wake up physically ill from anxiety (I literally will feel like I am coming down with something).

Not getting enough sleep because of this obviously doesn't help. Not getting sleep can make you feel nauseous and ill in and of itself, so that just feeds into my anxiety like a terrible positive feedback loop. Along with nausea and malaise, I also get tingling and burning limbs, cold hands and feet, and a terrible feeling of 24/7 doom during my anxiety flare-ups. It absolutely sucks, and makes me think that something is seriously wrong with me.

18-05-21, 22:44
I had the same when I started Sertraline.
Tired all the time but couldn't sleep.
Like you I started on 25 for a week then went to 50.
The no sleep part lasted 6 weeks for me.
Eventually swapped to Lexapro.

18-05-21, 23:10
At least for the last couple of years or so, that's been an issue for me. I go to bed around 9-10pm and usually wake up around 2-3am to pee. Since I have prostate issues, it takes a little bit before the juices start flowing and by the time I get back into bed, my mind is going about this or that and many times, I end up staying up an hour or so reading or watching TV.

Eh... it is what it is :shrug:

Positive thoughts

19-05-21, 08:47
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else has trouble sleeping?
The past two weeks I’ve been really struggling. When I’m trying to drift off to sleep I feel like I’m either holding my breath or I get this dropping sensation in my chest. My stomach muscles keep tensing and sometimes my head feels weird and it stops me from going to sleep. This all started after having a huge panic attack before bed a couple of weeks a go.
I started sertraline 25mg about 12 days ago and am now on day 3 of 50mg.
I can’t stop tensing all my muscles
I also keep feeling like I need to wee constantly, even after I’ve just been.
My panic attacks are less but I have a constant level of anxiety. Even when I’m resting my stomach muscles are clenching on and off.
I feel like I can’t sit still and have to keep shaking my legs to distract myself from any feelings in my body.


Can you clarify if the sleeping issues come after you've started the Sertraline or before?

Only it sounds like it's the meds to me?

19-05-21, 17:03
Can you clarify if the sleeping issues come after you've started the Sertraline or before?

Only it sounds like it's the meds to me?

It started after I begun taking the sertraline and got progressively worse over the last 10 days. Had a slightly better night last night but I think I’m going to speak to my GP about the tablets. Last time I took them I came out in hives and felt like I was going to wet myself. It all settled down so we put it down to mere side effects but this time I’ve started and having all of the above issues plus numbness that started the day after I took the first tablet. May be unrelated but it’s worth asking I guess xxx

19-05-21, 17:03
Thanks for replying everyone. It’s reassuring to know others have had similar experiences. Perhaps anxiety exacerbated by the pills? Xx

20-05-21, 15:07
Even when I'm well I'm not a great sleeper. But when, like now, I go through a blip anxiety wise sleeping is one of the first things that goes.

It could be the medication or it could be your current condition?

Check with the GP about the medication.

For me a night time routine helps, no phone/telly in the bedroom. If I wake up I don't lie there worrying about not being asleep I get up and go downstairs and read/do a guided meditation.

As I'm going through an awful patch anxiety wise I have been prescribed Promethazine (phenegren) 25mg to help me sleep. It's an antihistamine and apparently non-addictive. Also it's available over the counter in the UK.

I've been on it a week and it has really helped me.

20-05-21, 21:29
Even when I'm well I'm not a great sleeper. But when, like now, I go through a blip anxiety wise sleeping is one of the first things that goes.

It could be the medication or it could be your current condition?

Check with the GP about the medication.

For me a night time routine helps, no phone/telly in the bedroom. If I wake up I don't lie there worrying about not being asleep I get up and go downstairs and read/do a guided meditation.

As I'm going through an awful patch anxiety wise I have been prescribed Promethazine (phenegren) 25mg to help me sleep. It's an antihistamine and apparently non-addictive. Also it's available over the counter in the UK.

I've been on it a week and it has really helped me.

Thanks Catkins. I’m guessing it’s a combination. I have a review with GP tomorrow so will ask her. Might mention the promethazine too. Not too keen on taking diazepam every day

21-05-21, 07:05
It started after I begun taking the sertraline and got progressively worse over the last 10 days. Had a slightly better night last night but I think I’m going to speak to my GP about the tablets. Last time I took them I came out in hives and felt like I was going to wet myself. It all settled down so we put it down to mere side effects but this time I’ve started and having all of the above issues plus numbness that started the day after I took the first tablet. May be unrelated but it’s worth asking I guess xxx

So it's the meds which are causing the issue. It can take up to 6 weeks for side effects to settle down. I was only on these for a day before I was taken off them (chemical sensitivity) but I couldn't sleep. My eyes wouldn't close and my jaw felt rigid - amongst numerous other symptoms, so I'm not surprised that people have sleeping issues on this drug. Speak to your GP but it might just be a case of having to wait it out unless the effects are too bad?